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Cosmic Rebirth: Eclipses Ignite New Cycle for the Ascension LightWorker Collective

Cosmic Rebirth: Eclipses Ignite New Cycle for the Ascension LightWorker Collective

Two powerful eclipses are approaching: a Lunar Eclipse on September 17th activating Feminine energies and a Solar Eclipse on October 2nd activating Masculine Energies.

This triggers an energetic reset and marks the start of a new cycle.

Eclipses activate destined changes, they act as profound catalysts for self-transformation and signify major turning points by merging timelines leading to a rebirth into New Earth Energy. Eclipses illuminates the soul path, completion of cycles, rebirth into New Earth Timelines, initiating accelerated cosmic realignment and recalibration.

Eclipses are powerful transits of the year, they serve as cosmic multidimensional events that open accelerated gateways to higher conscious dimensions. They have a divine purpose and are energetic catalysts for accelerated self-healing and collective transformation.

A fresh chapter now begins. Having faith that whatever unfolds is always for the highest good Dedicating time to essential tasks like decluttering, forgiving, releasing, repenting reorganizing, possibly bidding farewell, making necessary changes. The effort invested in raising consciousness in new earth energy is truly rewarding.

This is a powerful time of evolution, growth, and self-awareness. Expanding consciously into the new discoveries in self and progressive changes that are now coming into play . Expecting the unexpected, remaining open to soul tribe connections and the merging of the higher self-timelines. Trusting the process, following the expanding intuition, preparing for the incoming changes. Allowing the self to fully experience these higher planetary frequency energies.

When structures seem to crumble, it is because higher-frequency energies are replacing what was once there. These new frequencies activate change and transformation, this is what will pave the way for a new world on our ascending planet. As the old continues to dissolve and dissipate, energetic space is created for New earth conscious living, rebirth cycles have activated in many ascending and transcending past self-version, now vibrating in higher vibrations , flourishing and feeling divinely nurtured.

The awakening souls who embark on this journey display incredible bravery, courage shedding old skins and venturing into unexplored territories with uncertainties and unknown expectations, with increased resiliency and determination. Ascending individuals fully accept the divine guidance to leave the past behind, continue to remove fear within and without of self, developing authenticity, sovereignty, grace, empowerment, compassion, truthfulness, expanding in profound love for our beloved Earth and her people.

The endings of the old signifies the long-awaited call to awaken and seize all new opportunities. It is also a reminder that the inner death, dark night of the soul experiences result in deeper self-understanding, new life conscious awareness , attracting aligned experiences in new earth existence.

The dreams and desires that the Ascending have nurtured in the past few months have activated amplified opportunities to manifest into the new earth reality, activating an even deeper sense of inner peace , self-love and Synchronistic abundant flow.

Remaining mindful of feeling overwhelmed or confused when multiple doors open simultaneously, as it may at times feel challenging to choose the right path. All paths chosen are always perfect and right in that moment of time.

The Ascending are taking time for deeper reflection and aligning their purpose with the True self. Many are experiencing major conscious transformations, this is helping the ascending to walk more confidently on the path, one that aligns with the new version of who the self is now.

Cosmic Rebirth: Eclipses Ignite New Cycle for the Ascension LightWorker Collective

We are currently being reminded that valuable embodiments like spiritual healing, conscious growth and higher connection in self requires time, investment and effort. Many are receiving access to forgotten memories and are integrating and cognizing revelations of the self into the existing conscious awareness.

There is a great volume of integration energy occurring for many Starseeds now, including the clearing of past life and Akashic experiences. This is a time in new earth’s rapid acceleration to be patient, courageous, intelligent, discreet, discerning and preparing for divine intervention and timing.

September is a new season of conscious learning, the planetary energies are expanding the ascending collective into new insights and higher conceptual thinking, experiencing ascension and rapid evolution in self, deeper feelings of love, acceptance compassion and self-support for the chosen path.

The energy centers above the crown chakra are in activation at this time. This increases and greatly expands all psychic senses, reaching much higher intuitive levels, enhances source love connection, crown chakra activations connects us to the metaphysical awareness of true self, this activates alignment and self-love unity. Crown activations lead to the experiences of the omnipresent state of being. This is the Pineal gland enhancement, it activates the multidimensional attributes, to consciously integrate and cognize into the human form and experience.

Many ascending may be at the stages of experiencing feelings of a strong magnetic attraction towards their soul purpose and desires, some may sense that it is not yet the exact and right time to have everything perfectly figured out. This is about accepting our true feelings, remaining open, and willing to adapt to plans as we go.This present moment is urging all Ascending souls to surrender completely becoming one with the earth’s new ascending energy and universal flow.

The Ascending are expressing and expanding into their divine birthright of being. Continuing To strengthen and enhance their sovereign and Christ conscious attributes, focusing and strengthening resiliency and adaptability.

The shift into expressing the higher self-aspects has gradually been developing behind the scenes.The finer details of life are coming into a clearer focus for many, Starseeds are vibrationally aligning and refining into the original self-version.

Eclipses are powerful transits of the year, they serve as cosmic multidimensional events that open accelerated gateways to higher conscious dimensions. They have a divine purpose and are energetic catalysts for accelerated cosmic recalibration and destined transformation.

In loving and devoted Ascension service.

By Ascension LightWorkers.


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