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Cosmic Energy Update: Fully Awaken The Diamond Avatar Within!!

Cosmic Energy Update: Fully Awaken The Diamond Avatar Within!!

THE TRUTH IS SETTING US ALL FREE, but first, it will shatter all of our illusions and false sense of self, all that is not based in Truth and true Divine Love, and it will make you feel very uncomfortable and in fear of losing control, losing yourself, your mind. Which is/ was exactly the Point!

It's been A LOT OF LETTING GO & SURRENDERing all of our old remaining false illusory separate self, as well as a lot of pushing through and re-claiming our true power, which is self-knowledge and mastery! It's bothand.

For us to come to full, true Divine Love & Union within, and now the outer is about to follow and is UNITING US again AS ONE TRIBE, COSMIC FAMILY & MONAD!




This journey is about us figuring out our own unique middle way, through this whole crazy Ascension Rollercoaster, the best and easiest quickest way we can, as we cultivate our own gnosis and understanding through the experiences we make. Everything truly happens for a reason and there is great purpose in everything that unfolds. All part of the Divine interplay of Cosmic energies and forces. Ultimately all longing to come to a state of balance and harmony, as that is our natural state of beingness.

The false Matrix is being fully collapsed and dissolved in this very now as we are fully SURRENDERing our little ego minds to Source! As truly resistance is futile as the Love Tsunami is washing over us and off us any remnants of our old, false selves and realties that no longer serve! The old is no more and creating in these new energies is nothing like in the old Matrix. The old rules no longer apply, they were imaginary, just as all else. Now we fully ignite the new Blueprints and Templates we have worked so hard to build, anchor and activate on behalf of ALL willing Heart-Minds!

For all to follow their bliss and hearts calling, what makes them happy and serves the greater good too!

"The two suns will rise again and shine together as ONE!"

This was a message I received after our last April Gathering Container Group Call on Sunday, just as the first of the three M-Class flares popped off the sun, assisting our powerful Quantum Manifestations and the powerful live Activation we did together, helping us merge with, and realize, our whole multi-dimensional God Self.

Please note that I am guided to make additional spaces available for THE RETURN OF THE ESSENE GRAILLINES, THE ORIGINAL TRIBES, ANCIENT BUILDER RACES & GUARDIANS - GROUP CONTAINER & GATHERING for the month of MAY, and am sharing more details on this in my latest video update below. So, if you're interested in working with me and be part of this Consciousness expanding experience and growing group field and shield, check out the details below.

I am also shown that THIS FRIDAY'S upcoming ECLIPSE & 555 GATEWAY is going to be BEYOND MASSIVE, and will help us fully dissolve the false Collective ego self and Matrix, and I am guided to offer a MASTERCLASS, GROUP CALL & LIVE ACTIVATION for this!

The two sun's returned symbolise the Triple Solar Divine Masculine and Feminine principles and energies fully rising and returning in their Embodiment of Divine Love and Union to Earth and all realms. Because One of the sun's imploded and turned inward and created a black hole. For me, this is symbolic of the Mind becoming inverted. Now as this corrects and the Cosmic Consciousness arises within ALL, the two sun's will shine and rise again together as ONE!


The Cosmic Mother & Father have returned and are unifying ALL AS ONE, which is each One of us unifying ALL of our multi-dimensional aspects as ONE! It's us dissolving all remaining illusions of separation from within our own Consciousness and morphogenetic field. And as we come to full Divine Union within our own self, having acknowledged, gotten to know our True Authentic Eternal Self, and loved it all up, we feel whole again!

In True Divine Love with ourselves & ALL of Creation! As that's how we know ourselves as ONE with all of Creation.


DIVINE LOVE IS not just a feeling or connected to any specific person, place or thing, it's not a fleeting sensation! It's A STATE OF BEINGNESS!

Just as HEAVEN ON EARTH IS A STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS/ BEINGNESS, and as all is always projected out onto our holographic reality screen, from the inside out!

The message on the 1st of May was that the Dragon King is fully rising and has returned, which symbolizes the full rising of the sacred Divine Masculine. The Cosmic Dragons & Queen's are fully rising and our Hearts and Minds are completing their merging and Twinning process!

Trusting ourselves and the Divine Plan and our biggest dreams becoming real is the key now and all-ways!!

That's you trusting in God!

All these dark nights of the Soul are but what some would call ego death, or rather the alchemisation of the false, and inverted self, into the True Self again. To become and feel fully WHOLE again. Because when we have unacknowledged shame and guilt for example held within our Consciousness (bodies), we will never truly feel worthy of love, not allowing all of the blessings, abundance, love and miracles ready to be bestowed upon us now, to actually be received, because we are energetically blocking ourselves, unconsciously.

All toxicity is being removed fully from our realities and the One Consciousness now, and what is toxicity but toxic thought forms and beliefs that become manifest in our realities?! This may bring up detoxification symptoms and it may be a good time to do a cleanse or something to support your body through this more easily over the next few days, as we navigate through this transformation, purification, and Ascension process.

Our Eternal corrected Cosmic Spirit Body has been fully healed and is being fully IGNITED, and with it, so is New Ascension Earth!

This is fully activating our newly upgraded immune system and is rejecting all toxic materials from our bodies including artificial intelligence. This is amazing news overall but also taxing on the body, along with all the miasmic density we have been busy clearing lately. Looking after our physical vessel right now for our full shift and transformation from our carbon to Crystalline structures t take place more easily, is key.

It takes much loving self-care and introspection, and a willingness to see truth straight in the face even if it hurts yourself and/ or others. The Real & Ultimate Truth needs to be spoken, lived, seen, heard, remembered and embodied. That's what changes our realities forever, all from the inside out!

In every now moment you/ we get to choose again. Who and what you want to be! On the other hand, is there ever a real choice or who is doing the speaking, dreaming and thinking here anyway..?!

Keep accepting every Miracle Now Moment the way it is, as if you've chosen it, because you have! We have to get to a point of no resistance to what is, as it is, for all of our biggest dreams to manifest now.

BULLS EYE & complete detachment to any specific outcomes!

That's us being the Zero Point Field of Divine Neutrality, Love and ONEness, where we get to dissolve, create and change everything from!!



Eternal Love,


Ramona Lappin:
Divine Love, Explorer of Consciousness, Reprogrammer, Visionary, Guide, Energy & Sound Healer, Mummy.
All of my transmissions are encoded with Multidimensional Ascension keys and codes that are intended to assist you on your journey.

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