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Conquer Overwhelm and Fatigue with Plasma Integration

Conquer Overwhelm and Fatigue with Plasma Integration

Blessings Beloveds ~

The acceleration may feel overwhelming, exhausting, and profoundly beautiful all at once.⁠

The presence of new plasma in our Solar neighborhood is escalating shifts in our consciousness, DNA, bodies, minds, emotions, nervous system, and lightbody.⁠
Gaia’s fields continue to build more plasma intelligence. With linear eyes it looks like radiation. From the Higher Realm perspective, we are bathed in a profound New Liquid Light of Cosmic Mother Plasma. Gaia is a Cosmic womb of Golden-Crystalline plasma, and we are birthing new consciousness and Presence in this Sacred space.

External events accelerate, providing more Planetary, Solar, Cosmic and collective shifts more often. This acceleration is reflected within; more changes in our bodies and consciousness, more often.

Keeping up can feel like a full time occupation as the presence of Love and the I AM Presence overwhelm our fields, DNA, and hearts.

Why does it feel so surreal, and why are so many challenged by the intensity?

First, embrace that it is never one cause. Don’t limit your mind or heart to duality, choosing good or bad, this or that. We embrace multidimensional, multi-realm perception as we ascend. Viewing the energies or external events as positive or negative, is the old paradigm.

Expand the Heart and mind to Oneness. Everything has multiple causes; multiple synchronizations are happening at once. This becomes very evident during the accelerated dissolvement of time, magnetic shifts, activation of plasma, and collapse of the old realms.

As always, self-evaluate for what is applicable to your personal journey. These realms are one big Mystery School in this Now. Rewards come from persistence, patience, practice, and the pursuit of Love.

These are the most prominent experiences in this Now (not a symptoms list.) Take comfort in knowing that it is collective. You are not alone.

Widespread Ascension Experiences and Practices for Relief

Cosmic Mother Plasma: Overwhelming Love

A brand-new level of LoveLight Intelligence is in the field and penetrating our consciousness as well as our bodies. Mother Plasma is the key to shifting realms. When combined with magnetic fluctuations and new harmonics emanating from Gaia and Solaris, it feels intense.

The truth of Love, as a pure expression of Source, is amplifying through this new plasma. The sensation of this Love flowing in our Crystalline DNA, Kryst Hearts, and bodies feels overwhelming.

Open conduits can be suddenly flooded with Cosmic Mother compassion, Love, Gratitude, and Grace. The presence of Divine Love, the highest truth, is gaining strength in these realms. It’s a beautiful experience, however it requires surrender, weeping, honoring, and rest. This becomes consistent for open conduits of the I AM Presence. We become One with Love as the highest Truth.

This is why the foundation of your Ascension must be built on the Divine qualities of Love, in order to provide stability through the most challenging transformation phases or Ascension.

Learn about Mother Plasma in this video.

Fluctuating Emotions and Sensitivities

When the magnetic fields are in flux, it directly affects our personal magnetic fields. Emotions and Mind are susceptible to these fluctuations, and we may feel many emotions at once. This is why the Higher Realms warned of psychological and emotional disorders during this phase. Emotional clearing was a vital early step in our process, and now we see why.

Feelings may rise and fall like the magnetic waves. We may feel confident, overwhelmed, fatigued, inspired, grateful, expanded, floaty, ready to exit, enfolded in grace, flowing with pure Love … all in one day. Often simultaneously.

Much of this is to learn multidimensional expression; the ability to be Presence in multiple realities at once – and stay aligned in the Heart Center.

Feeling the entirety in one vessel takes some practice. Release in the moment, flow the energy with movement, and embrace patience.

Most importantly, don’t embody the external. Don’t embody collective fears and anxieties. This is something to practice moment by moment. Clear and release with the Kryst Light. Practice Divine Neutrality. Witness, hold compassion, be Love, honor all expressions. Master sovereignty in Unity consciousness, as Source Presence.


Yes, you may feel profound love and Presence, and exhausted at the same time. Nearly everyone has felt this in the last year, and some are concerned that it isn’t going away. While it typically isn’t every day, every moment, it is part of our lives now.

Magnetic fluctuations, strong cosmic energies, and new plasma are constantly shifting and influencing our fields. Acceleration means just that; more changes, more waves, more often.

Just as the thinning magnetic field makes the planet more vulnerable, the same thing is happening to our own bodies and consciousness. We become more vulnerable and more sensitive to the field and new light dynamics, cosmic forces, and Ascension itself. And we need more rest, real rest, for those deep changes to occur.

Remember we have not experienced planetary, physical, and spiritual Ascension as a collective before. Creating a new path is an experiment, as well as an experience.

This is where your wisdom and patience step forth. This is teaching us how to be responsible creators in the moment, and hold our hearts and journey in Source Love, as Source Love.

Respecting life force and your unique journey is a key to Ascension. When the exhaustion, fatigue, or expansion makes you want to threaten the Universe to dis-incarnate if it doesn’t improve soon, take a breath. Lay outside. Feel your true heart. Remember who you are, and shift to gratitude for the experience.

While there is no date when everyone will miraculously feel better, the exhaustion is not forever. Huge changes are happening in the field right Now to support our process. Manage your moments with Grace.

Cosmic Pressure

Magnetic field collapse creates waves of pressure. Proton elevation can also make us feel pressurized, exhausted, and emotional. We’re still studying the effects of these random proton storms. Pay attention to this chart.

Remedies and Support

This passage forces us to be present, to be Love, to access stillness, and witness our own transformation. As we get used to the surreal out-of-realm flow of pure Love and Unity Consciousness, we support our bodies as best we can. Symptom relief basics still apply; here are some suggestions for the Now.

Create genuine rest: Turn everything off and rest. Limit EMF exposure. We become more sensitive in this process. If you hold your phone often, it is literally fraying your DNA and depleting your energy fields. Computer radiation and wifi are also draining. If this is a necessary part of your life, clear your fields and recover often. Unplug and rest in nature. Earthing helps. Screen fasting is restorative.

Hydration: Plasma integration requires more water in the body. Solar activity and magnetic shifts cause dehydration. It can make you feel more tired, and decay your lightbody. Drink pure water, charged however you prefer, with the purest Sea/Ocean Salt you can find.

SUN gazing and bathing: Solaris is providing nutrients, activation of new glands, and lightbody upgrades to support these influxes. Lessen exposure when the SUN feels too intense. Weather, schedule, or mobility are not obstacles. Cosmic rays penetrate homes, walls … everything, all the time. You cannot hide from it, best to use what is available to keep up.

Shed old Coping Habits: Don’t make it worse by repeating coping mechanisms from the old self, or habits that do not provide more energy, joy, or stability. You’ll feel lost, frustrated or listless if you loop in what no longer serves.

Fasting: Classic water fasting (just water) for a day or three helps the body and DNA catch up to the energies. Screen/Tech/Social Media fasting and silence restore the Heart. Adjust for your journey and health.

Learn something new: Creativity is soul helpful. Play to encourage the brain to be more pliable. Be of service.

Access Zero Point: Meditation is a primary tool for healing and supporting the entire body-mind-emotion-spirit complex. Meditation recalibrates us to our natural state, and creates unwavering inner peace, with practice. Brief visits to Zero Point rejuvenate us. Even a few heart-centered breaths may calm overstimulated nervous systems.

Keep your sense of humor and lightness as these moments unfold. Simplicity and Unity are treasures in this Now. We are capable, adaptable BEings of LoveLight Intelligence.

SUNday Unity Meditation time shift!
CLOCKS GO BACK this weekend

Our SUNday Unity Meditations are anchored in Mount Shasta, in the Pacific Time zone, which shifts to Pacific Standard Time this weekend.

Check the time converter (enter SUNday’s date) on this page to stay synchronized with the Global collective at 5AM, 8AM and 11AM PST.

Sending everyone Infinite LoveLight for highest outcomes of peace, unity, and freedom. See you in the field ~ Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

Presence Masterclass
Zero Point & New Creation
Saturday, November 9th
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Our next Presence Masterclass is a Sacred exploration of Zero Point, creating with the New Light, and accessing pure LoveLight Intelligence. Registration is open to all HERE.

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Sandra Walter is a Wayshower and Ascension Guide who serves the Truth of Love, Source and Light Intelligence.
As a Clairaudient, Claircognizant and Dimensional Liaison, Sandra assists awakened HUmans through private sessions, The Ascension eCourse, the Ascension Integration YouTube channel, articles focused on the Shift in Consciousness and a poetic and conscious Twitter stream.
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