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Break Free From Your 3D Identity Now

Break Free From Your 3D Identity Now

If you’re like most people on the fast track into 5D at this point, you’re probably feeling major unsettling shifts and losses occurring within you and your life.

And you’re maybe experiencing a great deal of discomfort, disorientation and fear with them – feeling lost, not sure what’s happening to you.

Perhaps you’ve experienced this sensation at other times in your life when change has happened.  But now if feels different. Change is happening much more quickly, and much more dramatically.

There’s a whole lot more unknown involved, and the demand to simply trust the process can be overwhelming.

It can be helpful to remember that these are times now in which profound changes need to be occurring in your ascension process, because you are in the process of literally losing an identity you’ve lived with all your life.

You’re not just experiencing certain shifts and losses like before — you’re in the process of losing your whole sense of “self”, that experience of “me-ness” that you’ve always lived with.

And you are rebirthing into another sense of self that is going to prove to be so different, so expanded, and so unlike what you’ve ever been imagining — it’s no surprise if you are feeling disoriented, fearful or vulnerable.

Not Everyone is Going through these Same Changes

It can be all the more confusing if you’re noticing that there are people around you who don’t seem to be going through the same kind of changes you are.

If so, these people are probably not on the same timeline with you.

They are likely not able, like you, to access and be affected by the same high frequency waves hitting the planet at this time that are here to assist those who are ready to make the transition into 5D.

It can be difficult to go through this transformational process alone. But what you’re now being called do is to just allow it all to happen in whatever way it is. All that is falling away at this point is what you can’t take with you where you’re going. You need to trust that whatever is essential for you will still be with you.

Shifting into your New Identity in the Smoothest Way

One way to assist you through this rapid transformative process is to become very aware of the identity you’ve had most of your life – essentially as a body with a mind and emotions.

And then, once you began your conscious spiritual journey, you’ve also known yourself to be someone with a spiritual aspect, as well.

This has likely felt like a very full and complex sense of identity, especially when adding in the auric field around you and the “Higher Self” you maybe experience with you.

And then, on top of that, you’ve also had a number of shifting, temporary identities that have also occurred within this general sense of “you”, as you’ve lived your life since childhood.

This is especially so when you consider your relationships. Maybe you’ve had an identity as a parent, child or partner, or as a work colleague or a sibling. You’ve probably had several different identities as a friend, depending on who the friend has been.

In addition, maybe you’ve also developed a strong identity around what you DO.

You’ve put a lot of effort into creating, developing, refining, and expanding your identity with your work or your spiritual mission, whatever you see this as.

There is nothing wrong with creating all these identities – or in continuing to see yourself as one major identity who shifts in and out of these temporary ones. This is all part of the journey we make on this planet.

And, if you’ve managed to create a comfortable identity as someone with a spiritual mission, that’s likely given you a sense of purpose and meaning. It’s probably helped you through rough patches of challenge in other parts of your life.

Next Step in the Ascension Journey

However, what needs to happen now is the next step in your spiritual journey.

This is realizing that this identity you have created – as complex and spiritually-oriented as it may be – is still not actually who you are in the deepest sense. Or, at most, it’s a very small part of who you are.

And it’s also been an identity that has been conditioned by frequencies created by hijacking, controlling forces that have operated on a hostile alien frequency for thousands of years that have distorted and hindered your knowing of who you really are.

The Larger Identity You’ve Been Locked out of

So what is this larger identity you’ve been locked out of all these years?

In actuality, as a human Soul, you are an expansive field of pure Consciousness, pure Light, pure Love – that extends throughout the universe. As an expansive breathing Presence, you are connected to everything that exists, all of creation.

Your current sense of self – your 3D identity – can be compared to something that has been locked away within this expansive identity – as if inside of a container constructed around you. This container has been called “slave self-technology” or ancient alien technology run by “AI implants”.

And it has been reinforced by frequencies streaming toward you from the Earth’s grid that’s been hijacked to keep you weak and disconnected from the enormous power you actually have.

As you have struggled to live within this tiny container, you have been made to believe through infiltrated religious and new age spiritual teachings that, in order to gain your freedom and full awakening, you have to keep healing yourself, grow, perfect yourself, and evolve into something greater.

And – you have also had to keep coming back, lifetime after lifetime – suffering over and over again, forgetting what you’ve already learned – and continue on again each time on your painful, slow “journey toward wholeness” . . . when, in actuality, all you need do is break out of this illusion and realize that you’re already whole. You’ve just been made to forget that.

You need to realize that you are already a momentous, evolved consciousness that long ago was convinced by the unfriendly forces that had invaded the earth that you’re not.

Your 3D Identity is Dissolving

The good news is that your false and limited identity is already beginning to dissolve. During these times, it’s beginning to disappear into the larger field around you that is YOU.

The confining and constricting borders of this false identity are disappearing into the greater Consciousness that you are – the Consciousness that stretches everywhere in this universe, that is already part of all creation.

See if you can feel this – experience the expansion, the freedom, the sheer joy of Being that you already ARE.

And realize that this 3D identity you’ve put so much attention and effort into – in creating it, developing it, and constantly improving it – but which has also given you so much suffering – is disappearing.

It’s too small, too weak and insubstantial, too filled with suffering and strife, to survive. It’s been too infiltrated with frequencies that have been filled with lies, oppression, rules and laws not created to truly assist humanity.

If you can step back and watch, you will see that what ends up remaining with you, once this old identity fades, is what is in alignment with the new 5D Earth frequencies you are now shifting into.

Trusting the Process

This isn’t, of course, an easy process. It’s filled with uncertainty, doubt, pain and on-going challenges. It’s a gigantic shift, so there’s no way around it.

But if you can learn to trust the process, and simply keep going each day, feeling into the new frequencies flooding you, you will begin to embrace and fully embody this new YOU that is coming onboard.

Naturally, your body will still be present with you, along with your mind and emotions — and all the rest of the non-physical aspects of you. Your body will still experience aging and aches and pains; you will still have thoughts and emotions.

But you will no longer get caught in the illusion that this is all you are. You will experience these phenomena as ephemeral, temporary aspects of your reality, floating within the expansive sensation of yourself as the field of translucent Light of Being you now know yourself to be.

And you will be delighted at the new flux of synchronicities that flood your life, the magic that seems to occur.

You will be thrilled at the new sense of excitement that occasionally floods your being, as new and deeper experiences of who you really are seem to appear out of nowhere.

You will be overcome with the experience of yourself as an expansive Being that extends throughout the universe, connected to everything in creation.

And, as you watch the small, carefully constructed 3D identity you’ve been clinging to slowly disappearing into this larger YOU, you will see just how unimportant, how flimsy, how weak – and ultimately, how unreal – it has always been.

With all this, you will be able to relax into the new sense of profound well-being and inner peace you are now floating around in, as you are born again into your true identity.

It will take some time — but the path into this new Reality, although filled with challenges, is also filled with sparkling surprises and stunning realizations about yourself that will leave you laughing with abandon.


About Vidya
As an author, energy healer, and licensed transpersonal psychotherapist, Vidya has had a passion for exploring the phenomenon called the spiritual journey for over forty-five years.  Along with experiencing her own journey, she has also closely studied it, as well as those of her friends, colleagues, clients, and students. Serving as a unique bridge between the worlds of psychology and spiritual awakening, Vidya acts as a “wayshower” to a wide spectrum of people internationally: from those who are just beginning their spiritual search to those who have experienced profound awakening.
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