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Better Understanding UNITY

Better Understanding UNITY

Throughout Phase 1 of the Ascension Process so many people perceived and interpreted Unity from old pre-ascension 3D levels of consciousness which was Separation and duality to the extreme. Since 2003 I’ve witnessed many people in the Ascension Community, including many teachers/writers, apply the only level of consciousness they each had at that time (or still have today) which is old lower frequency Separation duality consciousness on to what they believe ascended 5D frequency Unity is. They’ve been wrong however.

We’ve ALL been wrong about certain aspects of the Ascension Process including myself (how many others have you ever heard or read any ascension teacher/writer admit this publicly?) because all of this is a great and grand ongoing multiple stair-step Process. We each know what we know from minute to minute, day by day until we’re again blasted with some more higher frequency Light, some more NEW codes, some more NEW DNA activation’s and then we know what we know from that level of our ongoing processes. This is why I’ve said over the years I’ve been writing online about the Ascension Process — here’s what I know today but I expect to know more tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and so on.

Ascension (lower case “e”) embodiment Process

Old pre-ascension 3D Separation duality consciousness was lowly ego-based human herd consciousness, actions, beliefs and external reality. The basic and mandatory Ascension embodiment Process is the profound inner work of going through numerous formidable steps, layers, phases and processes of what was Separated and dualized in a person and body steadily into higher and higher frequencies of individual internal Unification. So easily said, not so easily accomplished yet it’s exactly what’s been happening.

Male and female energies that were Separated in matching old 3D patriarchal Earth reality are slowly integrated and re-united in both sexes internally within each persons being, physical body, consciousness, CNS, brain, heart and all else.

Mind and heart, intellect and emotional feeling are slowly integrated and unified individually which automatically activates the NEW higher frequency HighHeart center in both sexes.

Left and right brain hemispheres are Rewired so the Separation and duality inside the human brain, head and consciousness is capable of evolving into greater and higher levels of being, consciousness, energy and external reality. All of these things and more are the mandatory basic transformations humans must embody via the current Ascension Process to gain vibratory entrance into the next higher octave of evolutionary reality and exist on and with matching frequency ascended NEW Earth.

Ascension (capital “E”) Embodiment Process

For those individuals who’ve lived the embodiment Ascension Process but desire to go even further with it, the Embodiment Process is also available for any who desire to endeavor towards it as well. The Embodiment Process has one more important ingredient however, one more very big step and layer to the overall Ascension Process. Not all Volunteers have chosen to take it during this current evolutionary Ascension Process but some have. I’m one of those who’ve been living the Embodiment Process along with the baseline mandatory embodiment Ascension Process.

Higher Self, Selves, Soul and current incarnate lower self are slowly and steadily Worked into a close enough vibrational alignment match with each other that the lower self, the incarnate you reading this, is in all ways capable of safely and directly unifying with your Higher Self, Selves, Soul and Divine Source in and through your physical body and consciousness. The greater your “light quotient” and higher and faster you and your physical body vibrate, the more aligned you become with your Higher Self, Selves, Soul to the point where that old Separation and duality layer is also integrated and Unified in and through your physical body and incarnate self. 

This, just like the Ascension embodiment Process does not happen in a weekend or a month of weekends and then ta da!, you’re all “there” and done! The mandatory basics of the Ascension embodiment Process takes time just as the Embodiment Process with one’s Higher Self does. However, now that humanity entered Phase 2 of the Ascension Process in January 2020, and those Volunteers who’ve been Working on their individual Embodiment Process over the years, both are now in very NEW and different stages and levels we’ve not experienced before.

And yes, the COVID-19 pandemic is an incredibly important part of all this. Humans are lazy, stubborn and self-absorbed and most will require repeated global COVID-19 death threat Waves to (1) knock them out of their old tenacious habits, varied addictions, ways of being, perceiving reality, recreating and traveling etc., general living and (2) eventually permanently anchor them into the NEW higher Phase 2 level and Earth world.

At lower levels this pandemic is a fast exit for those who want to exit their bodies quickly in Phase 2. For the majority of global humanity it is the January 12, 2020 Saturn Pluto Capricorn conjunction manifest freedom from the entire old disintegrating world and reality on the physical level. For some other people the pandemic is running parallel to their personal Phase 2 level Embodiment Process. What looks like one event from only one level is actually multiple things happening on multiple levels and frequencies simultaneously. And, believe it or not, it is all deeply positive.

Like most everything else about the Universal Ascension Process, most of us don’t have an accurate and complete understanding about the Embodiment (capital “E”) Process. We ascension teachers/writers think we do, I thought I did, and I did somewhat up until the most recent phase of my personal Embodiment Process started at an entirely NEW higher and much more intense level recently. And as if that weren’t enough, it coincided with the start of our hearing about COVID-19 and it rapidly becoming a global pandemic. Welcome to Phase 2 and 2020!

I would go further back into late 2019 if I could but after what I’ve been through since January 2020, I can barely remember before then. What I do remember vividly is that I felt pretty bad physically since January 2020 through the first couple weeks of April. I felt sick beyond the old typical ascension flu aches and pains, headaches, chills and all the rest of those old familiar Phase 1 ascension symptoms. And as the news about the pandemic spread, and the pandemic itself spread and more and more people were reacting, dying, getting sick, freaking out etc., I struggled with not empathically or in any other way being affected by more and more humans reacting over all this. If you’re a Sensitive you know exactly what I’m talking about. Eye of the hurricane and all that.

Simultaneously to my feeling like physical death warmed over since January 2020, and even wondering a few times if I had “caught it” myself, my Embodiment Process very much went next level on me. I feel these things are directly connected. As I said earlier, many of us thought we knew about the Embodiment Process and how it would feel to us here in physicality the closer we got to full-tilt constant IT.  We thought we knew, I thought I knew, I suspected but I’m here to freely, openly and happily inform you that I was wrong. So is most everyone else too and that’s perfectly okay.

One of the biggest and most unrelenting distortions, misunderstandings or outright bullshit about gaining greater and higher awareness, Higher Self and incarnate self Embodiment connection is that it’s all so beautiful, peaceful, blissful, loving, fluffy, gentle and Piscean Age floaty-blissy wonderful. Based on the majority of what I personally have experienced to date it is nothing like that at all and actually pretty much just the opposite. At least in the beginning stages it is. It does mellow out as I acclimate to the latest NEW me/Me/ME/US.

We’ve been taught for thousands of years about how very spiritual states are blissy, loving, Nirvana-esk wonderfulness. And it may have been for a few hundreds and thousands of years before the current Universal Ascension Process started for a few. The reality now is very different because what we’re going through is far more complex, elevated and evolved. And I don’t have anything against things being occasionally messy, difficult, stupendous, blissy, Divinely blissful or Divinely difficult. It’s all the same thing to me because it’s all spiritual, Divine and evolutionary. Since the mid 1980s I’ve had conscious memory of raising my hand and Volunteering when the great call went out for help with the Universal Ascension Process. I said and I quote, “We’ll go,” as I instantly volunteered multiple aspects of myself that existed in a Light dimension. It’s all the same thing to me — freedom for not only humanity but others elsewhere and much more too.

Nearly every time I personally experience another big stair-step up in my Embodiment Process it is intense, usually causes some anger in me, causes some old lowly remaining tidbits in me to surface immediately and instantly be transmuted on the spot because that is mandatory in the eternally potent presence of your Higher Self, Selves, Soul and Divine Source and incarnate Embodying you getting even closer to full, constant and conscious re-Unification within you on the physical level.

There’s been nothing blissy or gentle about this for me when these larger Embodiment stages happen. Initially it’s intense, severe and most of the time not what I expected. It has plenty of absolute intolerance for anything and anyone that’s lying, bullshitting or misrepresenting anything to other people intentionally or unintentionally. Every time Higher and incarnate lower align and Unify through the dimensions and time space layer upon layers a little more it is intense and entirely intolerant of everything and everyone including any lower aspects of myself that are still carrying even a speck of density, distortion, ego, bullshit or misrepresentation etc. It gets easier after these first initial alignment contacts happen in me but at first is like a mad scientist throwing different volatile chemicals on each other which causes a flash explosion at first! That line about “higher and lower cannot co-exist in the same place” is 1000% true and not just a clever “new age” saying. It is literal, genuine and undeniable. You too will know this when more of your personal Embodiment takes place in physical incarnate you. And then you’ll do it again at higher, closer, ever more direct alignment levels and stages and then you too will know more about IT and how that feels in your physical body, self and psyche at those levels. You will know more and then even more than that and so it and IT goes for us all.

I AM A Sacred Site! I AM A Crystal City! I AM

The whole point of the Ascension Process, and certainly the Embodiment Process, is to become much more within yourself and your physical body, heart, consciousness and Soul. Instead of needing to physically go to physical sacred sites in this country and/or others to live, create, play or parasite off of, why not focus entirely on you becoming a living, breathing, walking, talking “Sacred Site” yourself?

Just like Higher and lower cannot co-exist in the same space within me and my physical body due to the Embodiment Process, so too with all things, people, beliefs, actions and systems etc. in Phase 2 of the ascending Earth world. The more each of us live our individual Embodiment (capital “E”) Process in Phase 2 in 2020, the faster all the old lower stuff has to exit one way or another. Higher and lower truly cannot co-exist in the same space. Who would want it to do so? Embodiment in, all old lower out.

As the Embodiers go through deeper Embodiment stages this year, so too will the world go through more COVID-19 Waves if necessary to help remove those who desire to be released now, to redirect, isolate and hold in higher frequency place the rest of humanity who’ve just begun the Ascension Process. They are like children that need adults to give them, to force on them NEW rules, regulations and guidelines to assist them in releasing their old habits and energy patterns and embody the NEW codes, the NEW patterns, the NEW freedoms that they don’t even realize are freedoms yet. 

These processes will continue all of 2020 and beyond based on what I’m aware of at this point. It will be both easy and timeless and at times not so easy and lengthy and drawn out but compressed evolution is all that and so much more and everyone wanted to be here on planet Earth “ground zero” in the worst of ways to experience all this. Deep breath, steady HighHeart and know that so much more is actually taking place than what it looks like on the chaotic and deadly surface level.


April 28, 2020

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