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Ascension Symptoms and New Earth Shift
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- Written by Ascension LightWorkers
There has been turmoil and confusion in the Mainstream collective as dense and heavy energies are breaking down, we are in a process of healing and transformation.
Patience is required as hearts are still healing and you are ascending in preparation for the accelerated New Earth Energies of 2025.
Forgiveness in self is essential for your own Ascension, healing and to fully Integrate and reclaim your Divine inner Power as a Sovereign being of the Light.
Your Ascension will always require the trusting of the divine plan and process, The trusting in source, love, light messages and signs from the Higher realms as you are guided, protected and fully supported by Ascension Light Team.
Conscious living involves aligning with the spiritual laws of the 5th dimension, strengthening internal values and authenticating inner attributes. To create a harmonious, balanced and fulfilling life. Taking time to recharge and nourish yourself, withdrawing from any dysfunction and drama, finding peace in mindfulness Gratitude and meditation.
The expansion of consciousness is a continuous process, as the Universe gathers information and continues to evolve. Collective vibrations rise gradually inner fears diminish and you experience higher highs and fewer lows. The current planetary system must go through chaos and collapse to rebuild at a higher frequency, which is in accordance to the Universal law of evolution.
Many Ascending souls are currently undergoing a mass internal awakening and cellular restructuring preparing for higher dimensional existence. Resistance to these higher frequencies can create physical pain and internal discomfort. The entire ascending process itself is inevitable for awakening individuals.
Ascension Symptoms 4D, 5D Assimilation. The process of your transformation is being accelerated at a tremendous pace to fully handle and embody the powerful incoming energies. This is to clear your bodily vehicles of the residual shadow and 3D negative energies.
The reason for this is that any and all residual imbalances will create inner discomfort. It can also compromise self In accomplishing a complete transformation and transmutation process.
When residing in 4-5D Your physical being is operating in the world of the 3D -4D dimensions. Your emotional and mental bodies are trying to adjust to the 4th 5th dimensional experiences here on ascending Earth and your consciousness and higher self are reaching for the 5th beyond dimensional frequencies.
Some common ascension symptoms include fatigue, headaches, body aches, flu-like symptoms, changes in sleep patterns, vivid dreaming, dietary changes, anxiety, apathy, heightened sensitivity, emotional ups and downs, increased intuition, and spiritual awakening experiences.
Ascending light beings when you engage with lower energies negative absorption takes place and this creates contamination in self’s auric fields and crystalline properties, stabilizing and clearing your fields is important, to re-centre and return to your natural state of being and light energy source.
Now is the time to tune out external distractions and delve deeper into the inner self. Amidst the chaos, we remind ourselves that we belong to a higher truth beyond worldly dysfunction. The true source of light and love resides within not in the outer world. Practicing sending compassion and love to those facing challenges due to disruptions. We can do this from home at any time, by radiating positive vibrations to our planet and humanity. Our world craves love and healing by shifting the focus inward, we can be more effective in spreading love, healing and positivity.
Recognizing that you are in a higher vibration and your past self-energies are no longer in vibrational alignment. You are lovingly being urged to move forward to BE and create in the New and the Now energy.
Starseeds play an important role in creating a ripple effect of positive changes. We are in the final cleansing stages of the New Earth, shedding the 2-3D paradigm, programming and transitioning to higher consciousness. Avoiding lower dimensional structures and beings is most important for ascension in self to genuinely take place.
We are receiving higher information and Light codes in the form of inspiration, inner wisdom, and intuition. Paying attention to the signs and synchronicities as your soul / higher self is constantly guiding you.
Starseeds you are a multi-dimensional being. This means you can expect your ascension desires to become a reality here on earth. As you make your ascension out of the old version of self you operate at a completely different level of consciousness. You are the new earth and deliberate Creators on this planet, creating and manifesting in the new earth energy.
Our planet is ascending and accelerating at a much faster pace, presenting excellent opportunities for you to shift into your new and higher conscious timelines. Creating your preferred reality here on earth. Connecting to your higher purpose with greater clarity. There is extraordinary potential in all areas of life during this time.
In loving and dedicated ascension service
Source Inspiration: By Ascension Lightworkers
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