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Ascension Lightworkers: December Transformations for Ascending Starseeds

Ascension Lightworkers: December Transformations for Ascending Starseeds

ASCENDING STARSEEDS: December is a significant month of transformation and transition for those ascending on our planet.

It brings the possibility of plot twists, synchronicities, destined meetings, soul evolution, heart expansion, blessings manifestations and miracles.

December energies encourage intentional and consistent gratitude for the many blessings and encourages all to share them with light minded others, spreading positivity, joy and celebrations.

This month also offers new opportunities aligned with self’s vibrational alignments for personal growth, integration, energy recalibration, and inner balance. As we Ascend we evolve in consciousness, resulting in the body experiencing ascension symptoms.

Many Starseeds, who have faced deep hurt in life due to interactions with low conscious individuals who lack their own internal Light source connection, are now witnessing the manifestation of karma in their lives. This is a natural occurrence governed by Universal laws. It can be difficult when observing individuals who persist in lower-conscious behaviours, remaining in illusions deceiving both themselves and others.

The planetary ascension energy will continue to heighten awareness in the collective of the true nature of individuals, including those who have caused deep harm and engaged in deception. As the energies shift and evolve many will witness the unfolding of karma by the end of this year.

New Earth energy will not support this lower 2-3D collective narcissistic disordered consciousness moving forward. Ascending souls acknowledge their own choices while remaining true and sovereign to their beliefs and strengthening values.

While it is true that narcissistic individuals on this planet are highly skilled at manipulation and acting, the higher energies that now rule this planet are fully exposing all those unauthentic. As consciousness evolves there will be a Collective increased desire for Truth, Transparency and Authenticity.

Many Starseeds can finally heal the internal injustice trauma as they are far more aware and discerning of deceptive behaviours and intentions in others, approaching the past Pain and suffering with self-compassion, Self forgiveness while maintaining healthier personal boundaries moving forward.

Focusing on Self Ascension development, healing, and continuing to Evolve into higher conscious frequencies, No longer getting caught up in the dysfunctional actions and intentions of others and the outer word. The Ascending are creating and shaping a world on this planet that reflects equality, justice, sentient compassion, harmony and collective collaboration.

The Universe is rewarding patience, strength, resiliency, and trust. The old energy is completely clearing out for many ascending, allowing new earth dreams to manifest, believing that hardships are now coming to an end. The focus is on restoring inner peace and harmony internally and externally.

Many are experiencing a shift in consciousness, losing linear time and focus experiencing more moments of being fully present. For those unsure about the journey of their ascension, the soul intention of being here at this time is for personal ascension, this is what contributes to transforming Earth and her people into a rightful and appropriate place of unconditional love, unity, healing, peace, and harmony.

It Is common at times for the ascending to feel anxiety, disillusionment, fear, and a sense of separation due to the contrast between the Creator love within and the energies in the outer earthly reality.

Parallel realities and the splitting of worlds: As collective consciousness evolves different timelines and realities will emerge. The multiple splitting effects will influence all ascending individuals as they experience many different realities at once based on their vibrational alignment and levels of consciousness. The ascending in conscious collaboration are creating a harmonious and aligned vibrational reality, creating "heaven on earth,".

This process will involve developing unity consciousness, where ascending individuals recognize their interconnectedness and oneness with all. It is a shift towards a collective awareness that transcends all divisions, separations, and ego-driven beliefs and perspectives.

By connecting inwardly and radiating that energy outward, the self-expands into its metaphysical power, inspiring many others to do the same. Overcoming fear and separation provides opportunities for healing, growth, and a deeper connection with Creator Light Source. Fear was consciously created to make people feel separate, alone and helpless.

Fear is the lowest conscious vibration on ascending earth, it is the lack of light, ascending souls are consciously dismantling this internal corrupted programming. This will occur gradually and in incremental stages and levels throughout.

As the self-releases ingrained patterns of fear and separation, the experience is one of soul liberation, freedom and conscious expansion.

Clarity will naturally dissolve and dissipate stagnant internal energies as well as all that conscious self-processes, all that no longer serves highest good will naturally fall out of alignment and physical reality.

December is a significant month of anchoring and emitting the internal expression of light, transcending the 3D density consciousness, collapsing the corrupted system, activating the embodiment of the Divine / Original template.

Ascending souls have unlimited potential in new earth to embody, reflect and express their true self and purpose on ascending Earth Gaia.

December 2024 is a higher frequency energy connected with hope, expansion, evolution, progress, epiphanies, joy, love, and peace. It allows for deeper reflection on this entire year, deeper appreciation for the experiences and memories created, the hope and anticipation for the upcoming year.

In loving and devoted ascension service

By Ascension LightWorkers. ©


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