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Ascension Lightworkers: 5D Ascension Symptoms and Energy Shifts

Ascension Lightworkers: 5D Ascension Symptoms and Energy Shifts

Individuals undergoing Ascension at this time are experiencing major conscious shifts from lower vibrational states to much higher ones across different aspects, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Ascending individuals are removing false conditioning from within and are witnessing and experiencing significant changes. in the upcoming three months many will transition into an evolved conscious existence and in Earths new 5D timelines, moving away from all previous outdated energies.

Ascension symptoms are a strong sign of significant and expansive phases during ascension. This includes heart expansions. releasing of past trauma, grief and sadness, increased empathy, inner peace, clear direction, higher guidance, integration, recalibration and a deeper connection with nature and animals.

As a result Ascending individuals may experience feelings of deeper inner peace and a stronger connection to self-healing a heightened connection with higher self and source energy, which greatly strengthens determination, faith and trust.

Ascension Energy and Symptoms Update

During these intense times of ascension into the 5th Dimension the ascending may be experiencing Pressure between the eyes. Heightened and enhanced psychic insights, Seeing colours around people and auras in nature.

Feeling an Increased sensitivity to light. Experiencing different visions when meditating, Synchronicity increase, Precognitive dreams, lucid dreaming, conscious dreaming, third eye-enhancements, third eye activations. Body aches and pain, feet issues, sore legs, sinus related issues, eye twitching. Bowel issues, nausea, itchiness especially the scalp, allergies, finding it difficult to concentrate on one thing for too long.

Feeling Encouraged one day and discouraged the next. Feeling irritable, not sure of what is needed in the moment, restlessness. Fear and anxiety may be coming and going. This is all a normal part on the Ascension experience, it is bringing to the surface and to light anything that is not in vibrational alignment.

During different stages of the Ascension journey the self at times may struggle to keep up with daily human tasks, finding it challenging to stay on schedule, and noticing tendencies to procrastinate and delay responsibilities.

A heightened need for solitude may also arise leading to a desire to disengage from others and their problems. fuzzy thinking and increased mental wandering, as well as feeling stuck in certain areas of life.

The Universe encourages the ascending to think far beyond the constraints of the linear frame work and mind, to tap into their inherent worth, consciously expanding in deservibility until it becomes a natural way of life and being Believing in the benevolent plan and necessary changes taking place.

Possibly Feeling trapped in an Ascension rut

This can sometimes create a sense of inertia and stagnation, these phases of emptiness play an important role in rewiring consciousness and creating deep learning at elevated levels of awareness. The process of emotional healing is

a multifaceted journey, as emotions have the power to significantly influence perceptions and cloud inner judgment and decision making.

Emotional entanglements with past beliefs can cloud perspectives on situations and relationships that no longer serve the higher purpose or vibrational alignment. Recognizing detaching and untangling these emotional attachments is necessary for progressing along the Ascension path and aligning with Self’s authentic journey and purpose.

A heightened need for solitude may arise during this time leading to a need to disengage from others and their problems, fuzzy thinking and increased mental wandering, as well as feeling stagnate in certain areas of life.

Skin irritations, sinus issues, fatigue, runny nose, hay fever. Stabbing pains in kidney areas, sleep disturbances, waking at odd hours and not knowing why. Peopling can feel difficult for some, especially in the festive season, large crowds can feel overwhelming to the system, needing to find safety in the shelter of a familiar environment. Appetite fluctuations. Taste in music and entertainment changes. Feeling lost, confused and bewildered. Intense brain fog.

5D Ascension symptoms : feeling euphoria, elation, positive vibrations within and around. Closer connection to Spirit, Ascension mastery, Receiving downloads, activations and consciously being in control of shifting into Higher timelines. Stronger urges to Channel, automatic writing, Seeing accelerated and repeated number sequences, Feeling like the self is in a simulator.

The ascending have made tremendous progress as individuals and as an ascending collective. They are facing adversity and internal fears with bravery and strengthened courage.

Setting healthy boundaries is wise as the ascending self is a big part of a planetary purpose. Ascending self is aspiring to create a life that aligns with the true self-expression. This is a new path on our ascending planet that assists the self in becoming a Sovereign being.

In 5D beyond dimensions and expressions the Ascending self feels every cell in the physical body infused with vibrant health and boundless energies, the mind, body, and spirit are in comfortable alignment and harmony, waking up each morning feeling rejuvenated, energized and alive, feeling divinely protected and fully supported, attracting optimum health and wellness into life effortlessly.

Some may be Receiving direct and specific information of Star origins. Tingles, kundalini activation, heightened healing abilities, feeling stronger electrical surges throughout the physical body. Awakening to who the self really is and realizing the bigger picture, finding more pieces to the puzzle, feeling scattered shakiness, nausea. Feeling the intense release of past fear and anxiety as it leaves the physical body.

Recognizing the prominent split of the 2 conscious worlds here on planet Earth. Healing inner duality. Feelings of intense unconditional Love. Feeling in Awe of the divine spirit world and realizing the self is a big part of this unity conscious purpose.

Feeling an inner calm even when things feel unsure. Increase in trust and faith, connecting to the quantum fields familiarizing the self in new conscious territory, this can at times evoke Vulnerabilities as the self is aware of starting over in new conscious territory.

Ascension Abilities such as mediumship, remote viewing, claircognizance ( inner knowing ) all senses increase greatly in 5D beyond conscious realms, it enhances creativity, inspiration, and creation. Higher self-awareness is heightened and amplified.

Expressing daily gratitude, consciously creating an abundant flow. Self-love focused, learning to accept the self as the self is, learning in truthful and in higher conscious realities.

Ascending souls are healing the internal Pain body as outdated cycles now come to an end. Fear and Anxiety are releasing from the physical. It will no longer have the same controlling effect it once had, moving into earths new timelines, entering new conscious worlds with so much more to explore.

Ascending Souls are breaking the generational curses in their lineages and clearing the path for future self-expressions and generations to come as they reseed a new conscious paradigm on our ascending planet.

The Ascending on planet Gaia have the inbuilt resiliency and courage to go all the way and are being rewarded in new earth for their past sacrifices, ongoing inner work dedication, faith, trust, patience, sovereignty, endurance and tremendous willpower.

In Loving and Devoted Ascension Service.

By Ascension LightWorkers. ©


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