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Ascension LightWorker Collective: Dark Era Ends, New Earth Rises!

Ascension LightWorker Collective: Dark Era Ends, New Earth Rises!

The End of A Dark Era / A New Earth Timeline, Grounding in Earths frequencies / New Beginnings:

Those who are awake and on the ascension path, the awakened Starseeds, have been aware of and feel the profound paradigm shift and planetary reset happening now on the ascending earth plane, as well as feeling it strongly in the collective consciousness, Gaia is awakening from the dark night of her soul’s planetary phase. This has a profound effect for all of us individually and as a whole.

It is now time to acknowledge and honour the natural conclusion of past cycles, relationships, and beliefs that no longer resonate with the true self. Naturally allowing higher self-guidance to connect and come through, new earth energies are leading the ascending towards planetary changes and higher frequency light expansion.

Trusting in the timing of these transformations, even if they seem overwhelming or unfamiliar. Our emotional being is undergoing profound clearings and recalibrations to create energetic space for the activation and expression of ascending individual soul gifts. Stepping into this fresh new earth energetic phase, many ascending will gravitate towards genuine soul connections relationships and opportunities that are in attunement and in alignment with the inner core’s essence.

The ascending prior to this soul expression, this particular incarnation. Were fully conscious in supporting and being a part of the new timeline split on earth and the ascension shift in collective consciousness for a new world. Because of this conscious desire the ascending needed to experience intense and rapid shifts within accompanied by powerful metaphysical ascension symptoms.

The collective purpose in those ascending and consciously uniting, they have successfully broken free from the old world's fear agenda, released past karma, including the karmic Akashic inheritance, they cleared unhealthy attachments, beliefs, and false programs, while also experiencing the effects of the highest Schumann resonance on our planet to date that continues to include intense solar flare emittance, this resulted in the complete reset of the entire being.

Over the course of intense inner transformation spanning over many years, months, weeks and days, the Ascending on our planet faced incredible challenges while experiencing powerful and impactful ascension symptoms. The Ascending are actively and consistently collapsing the old 3D structures and overcoming resistance from dark forces, entities and unethical agendas. The expansion in light within ultimately eradicates all darkness, inside and outside of self.

Those awakened and in service to the world and to others have the responsibility to clear the path, holding a higher frequency of light and love to uplift and awaken others. This journey has not been easy, as many beliefs within self-have been challenged, and many have often found themselves fighting countless battles against dark forces, negative energies etc., many were feeling alone as others around them may not have fully understood the situation in the same way.

Akashic Readers have the ability to perceive the Akashic record but unlike a linear file cabinet, they don't read your lifetime in a linear way. Instead, they focus on the energetic lives that hold most significance for Self whether it's due to accomplishments or missed opportunities etc..

These lives may involve dramatic events like early death, loss, or battlefield experiences. It's important to understand that Akashic readings are based on energy and potentials and is influenced by self’s past experiences and the imprint of the self-identity.

As the Ascending prepare to return to Earth, they embody all the potentials and possibilities within, guided by their spiritual Soul family and influenced by many ascending others in the spirit realms, The planning in this purpose is never linear or logical, it is not like a spreadsheet, it is all quantum energy-based and soul tribe family-oriented. All decisions are made as a team. Collaboration is a natural frequency and rhythm in all higher realms.

Our Astrology and numerology is the same it is our potential in our existing incarnation here on Earth, if awakening and inner activations do not occur the astrological and numerical blueprints remain dormant and un actualized, it is common in collective earth consciousness that most residing in lower conscious levels of awareness remain in their dormant potential.

This is why many in lower levels of knowing are in a repeated loop and cycle, that resemble purgatory structures, the repeating of the same behaviours and patterns, never truly awakening to their higher potential. The blueprints we are born with fully activate in higher 4D levels

5D beyond conscious existence, perceiving everything in a higher intelligence and truthful understanding awareness.

Within the quantum realms of possibilities and probabilities, everything we have brought into existence on Earth awaits our discovery. It is the truth seeker who with determination and willingness activates their blueprint and operates on a higher conscious level, unlocking its highest potentials.

The Ascending play a significant role in their bloodline as an ancestor who brings about deliberate and transformative change. The self-embodies a divine purpose and radiates golden light throughout this planet and Into the cosmos, in human form. Starseeds give birth to Starseed beings, the blue-rays have brought forth in their bloodlines the indigos, crystals, and rainbow starseeds here on Earth.

Ascendant Starseeds, The Blu-rays and indigos, are undertaking inner work to create a smoother path for future generations and lessen conscious amnesia. They are consciously lifting the veil of illusions and separation to reduce challenges for new Starseed arrivals.

Blu-rays and indigos have bravely endured hardships to pave the way for those to come. All efforts are part of a collective purpose far beyond the individual interests. Many starseeds eagerly returned for our Aquarius Age, knowing the sacrifices and struggles required to make the journey easier for future generations.

The work of the Awakened Starseeds ensures their offspring, grandchildren, and beyond will not have to endure the same karmic challenges. This selfless act demonstrates profound love for the planet and her people.

Starseeds persistently return to awaken and liberate the Earth, embodying selflessness and deep love for the planet. Each generation strives to make the path smoother for those to come, promoting unity consciousness and dispelling illusions of separation.

The Awakened Starseeds children are born from their unique seeded bloodline and quantum genetics, they hold the keys to birthing the future generations that our planets humans consciousness desperately needs. They are the quantum seeds of divine creation, carrying within the conscious intelligence and solutions necessary for a more humanly balanced integration, for a loving and peaceful humanity.

Gaia, our planet also possesses her own astrology and numerical blueprint, remaining in her dormant conscious potential for too long, our planets consciousness has begun to shift, awaken, heal and ascend alongside us. In Unity consciousness. Earth has her own unique blueprints, the ascending collective hold the potential for personal ascension, Gaia Earth holds the potential for planetary ascension. We are all synchronistically playing a part in the Whole. Merging our ascending consciousness into planetary action.

Gaia earth is now consciously seeking the Higher ascension path, rejecting past harm inflicted upon her earth and humanity, actively working with Ascending beings to make this possibility a reality. Earth has reached a major turning point, refusing to allow the collective lower consciousness to continue repeating patterns to persist in global control and slavery.

Like ascending souls, our planet is seeking truth and authenticity. The ascending are a reflection of the ascending Earth, as she absorbs the consciousness of strong and healed ascending souls, utilizing this energy to bring about the necessary changes.

She warmly welcomes all future Starseed bloodlines. The new generations are the ones to fully liberate this planet. They incarnate with higher conscious knowing, throughout life, they will naturally gravitate to their purpose here.

In this next Ascension chapter the planetary energy is rapidly shifting, timelines are merging, and the ascending are being called to express the embodiment of the higher self. Holding the light, staying grounded, and trusting in the divine unfolding.

With infinite Love and devoted Ascension service.

By Ascension LightWorkers. ©


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