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Are You a Quariniculoid Starseed of Magnetism

Are You a Quariniculoid Starseed of Magnetism

Meet the Quariniculoids of Magnetism: Are You a Quariniculoid Starseed?

I Connected to the Quariniculoids of Magnetism: An 11th-Dimensional Race from Camelopardalis Constellation, also known as the Giraffe Constellation.

Meeting the Quarinoculoids of Magnetism

Greetings my beloved Masters of the Universe! Today, I want to introduce you to a fascinating race of beings that reside within the Camelopardalis Constellation. Recently, during a powerful vision, I found myself pulled into a breathtaking world, unlike anything I have ever seen before.

As I marveled at the beauty surrounding me, I noticed extraordinary beings watching me with a childlike curiosity. We exchanged glances, studying each other’s vibrations from a distance. Then, one of them swam forward and made contact with me. It was then that I began to hear their story—a story I am excited to share with you here today.

In a constellation of the Giraffe there lives a highly advanced alien race, known as the Quariniculoids of Magnetism.

These luminous beings, residing on the 11th-dimensional plane, have chosen to reveal themselves to humanity, bringing messages of love, light, and healing.

With a jellyfish-like appearance and translucent, fluid stature, they are amphibious, swimming in oceans of crystalline energy. In this article, I share the insights they imparted and explore their habitat, family structure, and connection to Earth’s Starseeds.

Who Are the Quariniculoids of Magnetism?

During my connection with this extraordinary race, I was shown that the Quariniculoids of Magnetism live in the 11th dimension.

These beings are humanoid in form but possess a jellyfish-like, translucent appearance, radiating a luminous energy that can only be described as otherworldly.

They swim through the oceans of Aquagracilius, a realm made of crystalline energy, far removed from the water we know on Earth. The Quariniculoids’ advanced state allows them to influence cosmic energies while remaining deeply connected to love and light.

The Habitat: Aquagracilius Oceans

The Quariniculoids revealed to me that their oceans, called Aquagracilius, are not composed of water but are vibrant, crystalline energy fields.

These oceans are home to countless forms of non-physical aquatic life, leaving profound energetic imprints in their wake.

The Aquagracilius habitat can endure immense variations in depth and energy flow, creating a fluid, ever-changing environment. This non-linear, energetic ecosystem supports life forms that thrive in higher-dimensional frequencies.

Society and Family Structure

One of the most awe-inspiring revelations I received was the insight into the unique and harmonious societal structure of the Quariniculoids.

At the heart of their existence are family clusters, which are not just groups bound by blood but by a profound spiritual and energetic connection. These family units are the foundation upon which their entire society is built, reflecting the deep sense of unity and interdependence that flows through their world.

What struck me as particularly fascinating is the role of the males within these family clusters. Contrary to what we might expect in other societies, the males are deeply involved in nurturing and guiding the young. Their primary role is to rear the children, helping them shape not only their identities but their soul’s journey.

The Quariniculoid males are the architects of character, carefully guiding the young through the early stages of their spiritual and emotional development. They are compassionate, wise, and deeply attuned to the needs of their young, instilling within them the strength and wisdom required to navigate the vast cosmic energies that surround them. In many ways, they are the protectors of the heart and spirit, helping to form the future generations with great care and love.

The females, however, hold a role that is both mysterious and immeasurably powerful. They are the cosmic gatekeepers, their very being intertwined with the flow of universal energy. Their work with love, light, and magnetism goes far beyond the physical realm. It is through their mastery of these sacred forces that they maintain balance, not only within their own star system but across dimensions and realms.

The Role of Females: Cosmic Gatekeepers

Through my connection, I was shown that the female Quariniculoids are the sacred vessels of divine energy, channeling the life-giving force that not only sustains their star system but also ripples through other realms within the vast cosmic structure.

These magnificent beings are the weavers of light and love, guiding this divine energy with grace and purpose. Their mastery of healing and cosmic illumination is not just vital to the Camelopardalis system; it is essential to the very balance of the universe itself.

They stand as radiant guardians of light, their presence infused with the power of the cosmos. Working within the intricate cosmic gateways, they channel the purest forms of love, light, and magnetism, sending waves of healing and harmony throughout the universe.

Their purpose is far greater than we can imagine—through their sacred connection to the divine, they influence the flow of energy that touches every corner of existence. The Quariniculoids are not only protectors of their own star system but luminous beacons for all realms, ensuring the cosmic balance is upheld through their profound wisdom and unconditional love..

Communicating with the Quariniculoids

Although these beings do not directly interfere with Earth’s affairs, they communicated to me that they do respond to those who sincerely seek their guidance.

The Quariniculoids of Magnetism advised that to connect with them, one must vibrate at a high frequency of love and remain open in meditation.

Their energy is so subtle that you might not notice their presence at first, but through deep contemplation, you can feel their loving, healing frequencies. They offer wisdom on cosmic love and the nature of eternal creation but primarily communicate on an as-needed basis.

The Starseeds of Camelopardalis

The Quariniculoids also shared that many starseeds on Earth originate from their star system. These starseeds, who incarnate in human form, are gentle, peaceful souls who carry the high-frequency energies of Camelopardalis.

Many souls from Camelopardalis have incarnated as starseeds on Earth, their energies subtle and often barely noticeable to the untrained eye. Yet, in their presence, a sense of peace and calm can be felt, as if the very air around them softens.

These incarnates are gentle, introspective souls who often seek solitude, spending time gazing at the stars, lost in quiet contemplation. Their loving, high-frequency energies ripple through the spaces they inhabit, bringing harmony without drawing attention to themselves. They are not here for recognition, but to quietly uplift those around them.

These starseeds are deeply drawn to etheric studies, particularly those involving magnetism and the energies of ancient Lemuria. Many of these souls walked the Earth during the time of Lemuria, and they still carry within them the frequencies of that ancient civilization, resonating with its deep wisdom and connection to the natural world. Their bond with these energies is not just a memory—it is a living part of their soul, guiding them in this lifetime to explore the unseen forces that shape our reality.

What keeps them grounded and separated from the chaos of everyday human experience is the intricate weave of love energies from the 11th dimension. These energies act as a stabilizing force, allowing them to remain centered in a world that often feels out of balance. It is this connection to the higher dimensions that allows them to radiate peace, even amidst the turbulence of life on Earth. The love they carry is not just for their personal journey—it is a gift they offer to the planet, a quiet but powerful force for transformation.

Though they are few in number, as compared to other star systems, the impact they have on this world is immense. The work of these starseeds is subtle but transformative, their energies acting as a bridge between the physical and the etheric realms.

You can find these souls in many fields, often drawn to areas where magnetism and energy play a crucial role. Many work in the sciences, studying mathematics, computers, geology, and space, fields that resonate with the natural order and the invisible forces that govern the universe.

Their contributions are often overlooked, but their presence is felt in the way they effortlessly shift the energies around them. They are not here to change the world in grand gestures, but through their quiet, steady presence, they create ripples of transformation.

These souls, though few, are powerful beacons of light, carrying the ancient wisdom of Lemuria and the stabilizing energies of the 11th dimension, quietly shaping a brighter future for humanity.

Physical and Energetic Characteristics of Quariniculoid Starseed Incarnates

I was shown that Quariniculoid starseeds possess distinct physical and energetic characteristics that set them apart, even if their presence on Earth is subtle and often unnoticed.

One of their most striking features is their large, inviting blue-green eyes, which seem to radiate a deep sense of calm and tranquility. These eyes carry the energy of their cosmic origins and are often described as windows into their serene souls. Some Quariniculoid Starseeds are born with darker eyes, yet they feel a natural draw to wear lenses that shift their eye color to blue or green, reflecting the oceanic hues to which they are so deeply connected.

Physically, Quariniculoid Starseed incarnates often have pale, delicate skin, and their bodies are usually slim and graceful. Their faces have a childlike, almost ethereal quality, with gentle, fairy-like features.

Females tend to be smaller in stature, while the males are typically taller, though both carry an undeniable softness and gentleness in their appearance.

Regardless of where they choose to incarnate on earth, which body they choose to experience this journey in—there’s an unmistakable vibration about them. Their energy is calm, grounding, and eternally serene, radiating a sense of peace that can be felt by those around them.

The Quariniculoid Starseed connection to water is profound. They are irresistibly drawn to large bodies of water—oceans, seas, and lakes—and being near these watery expanses brings them the deepest sense of tranquility.

Many of them live near the coast or seek out oceanic environments whenever possible. If they cannot live near water, they often create oceanic sanctuaries within their homes. You’ll find paintings of the sea, fish tanks brimming with colorful marine life, or even small ponds in their gardens.

For them, the water is not just a source of peace but a conduit to the cosmic energies that sustain them. It is in the water where they feel most at home, where they can recharge and reconnect with their star origins. Swimming and exploring ocean life is more than a hobby; it’s a sacred act of communion with the cosmos.

Quariniculoid Starseeds are also deeply connected to the crystalline realms. They hold crystals in high reverence, not seeing them as inanimate objects but as living beings imbued with powerful energy. Their homes are filled with crystals, often arranged with care and intention.

They are particularly drawn to visit crystal caves, where they can communicate with the crystals on an energetic level, understanding their vibrational essence. This connection to the crystalline world is not just decorative; it reflects their ability to work with high-frequency energies, channeling love, light, and healing into their environment.

In their homes, you will also find bookshelves filled with both etheric and scientific studies. Quariniculoid Starseeds have a natural thirst for knowledge, particularly in areas related to the unseen forces of the universe, such as magnetism, energy work, and cosmic understanding. They are both seekers and scholars, forever expanding their awareness of the energies that surround them.

The females, much like in their home star system, need significant alone time to “unwind” from the hectic energy of the human experience. What they may not always realize, however, is that this alone time allows them to enter deep meditative states, reaching into the 11th dimension.

During these moments, they continue the work they have always done—purifying and balancing the energies of the universe. Their connection to higher realms remains intact even in human form, allowing them to project peace, harmony, and love wherever they go. Their alone time is not isolation but a vital practice for maintaining their cosmic duties, even in this earthly incarnation.

The males, in contrast, tend to be more outwardly involved in the community. While they do not require as much solitude as the females, they bring balance through their nurturing and social roles. They often feel drawn to building large families and thrive in the role of fatherhood.

As fathers and husbands, they are deeply caring, attentive, and patient, making phenomenal caregivers. They naturally gravitate toward children, finding immense joy in rearing the young and shaping their identities, much like they do in their home star system.

Beyond family, Quariniculoid Starseed males are known for their strong sense of community. They are the ones checking on their neighbors, offering a helping hand, and ensuring that everyone around them is well cared for.

The energy these starseeds bring to Earth is subtle but immensely powerful. Their connection to the 11th dimension allows them to remain grounded in love, even amidst the chaos of the human experience.

Their presence, though often quiet, radiates a calm and eternal serenity that can shift the energies around them. These souls, with their cosmic blueprint and profound connection to the universe, play a vital role in anchoring peace, harmony, and balance in a world that often feels out of alignment.

The Starseeds of Quariniculoids of Magnetism are not just incarnates—they are beacons of light, quietly shaping the world with their gentle, transformative presence.

Are You a Quariniculoid Starseed? (Questionnaire)

This questionnaire is designed to help you explore whether you resonate with the characteristics of a Quariniculoid starseed. As you go through each question, reflect on how much you connect with the descriptions provided. Starseeds often carry subtle traits and energetic qualities that connect them to their cosmic origins. Answering these questions might help you uncover a deeper connection to the Quariniculoids and their mission on Earth.

  1. Physical Traits
  • Do you have large, inviting blue or green eyes, or feel a strong draw to wearing lenses that make your eyes appear blue or green?
  • Is your skin naturally pale or fair?
  • Is your body type slim or delicate, with gentle, childlike, or ethereal features?
  • If you are male, are you taller but with a slim build? If female, do you tend to be shorter in stature?
  1. Connection to Water
  • Do you feel a deep, unexplainable connection to large bodies of water, such as oceans or seas?
  • Do you prefer to live near the ocean or make efforts to bring oceanic elements into your home (e.g., fish tanks, water features, paintings of the sea)?
  • Is being near or in the water, such as swimming or exploring marine life, one of the most tranquil and rejuvenating experiences for you?
  • Do you find that being at the sea or near water helps you feel reconnected to yourself and at peace?
  1. Crystals and Energy Work
  • Do you feel a strong attraction to crystals and often accumulate them in your surroundings?
  • Do you view crystals as living, energetic beings rather than inanimate objects, and do you communicate with them or feel a connection to their energy?
  • Are you drawn to visiting crystal caves or places where you can connect with crystals on an energetic level?
  • Do you use crystals to help ground, balance, or heal your energy or the energy of your space?
  1. Emotional and Energetic Sensitivity
  • Do you radiate a calm, serene energy that others notice, even if you don’t seek attention?
  • Do people often comment on your peaceful presence or feel a sense of calm when they are around you?
  • Do you find yourself needing regular periods of solitude to “unwind” and recharge from the busy, chaotic energy of everyday life?
  • In moments of solitude, do you feel as though you are entering deep meditative or contemplative states, even if you’re not actively meditating?
  1. Etheric Studies and Spirituality
  • Are you drawn to subjects related to energy, magnetism, or etheric studies?
  • Do you feel a natural affinity with ancient Lemurian energies and often seek knowledge or practices that resonate with these frequencies?
  • Is your bookshelf filled with a mix of etheric, spiritual, and scientific studies?
  • Do you often contemplate the deeper meanings of life, love, and cosmic harmony?
  1. Family and Community
  • If male, do you feel a strong desire to raise children and have a large family, enjoying spending time nurturing and guiding them?
  • Are you known for being a supportive figure in your community, checking on your neighbors, or offering help when needed?
  • If female, do you require a lot of alone time to recharge and enter meditative or reflective states?
  • Do you, as a male or female, often feel like you are “projecting” peace and love into your surroundings without even trying?
  1. Connection to Higher Dimensions
  • Do you feel a constant connection to higher-dimensional energies, especially during moments of deep reflection or solitude?
  • Do you have an innate sense that you are still performing cosmic work, such as purifying energies, even while living your daily life on Earth?
  • Is your emotional resilience notable, allowing you to remain grounded in love and serenity even during chaotic or challenging situations?
  • Do you experience a subtle but undeniable sense of purpose, as though you are here on Earth to bring peace, harmony, and balance?
  1. General Traits and Preferences
  • Are you deeply drawn to the night sky and find yourself gazing at the stars in quiet contemplation?
  • Do you prefer peaceful, calm environments, both at home and in nature?
  • Do you feel more comfortable in serene, non-chaotic settings and prefer to avoid high-energy, loud places?
  • Do you often sense that your soul’s blueprint is aligned with the cosmos, and that your presence here has a larger purpose in balancing the energies of the Earth?

Scoring and Reflection:
If you resonate with many of these questions, there’s a strong possibility that you are a Quariniculoid starseed. These souls carry unique energetic imprints that connect them to their cosmic origins and mission on Earth. Reflect on your answers and consider how these traits align with your sense of identity and purpose. Even if you don’t match every characteristic, your unique journey may still reveal a deep connection to the Quariniculoids and their influence on this planet.

What is the 11th Dimension?

The 11th dimension holds profound significance both in spiritual and scientific contexts. While scientific frameworks like M-theory refer to it as a dimension that unifies different string theories into a broader framework, in spiritual and metaphysical teachings, the 11th dimension is seen as a realm of pure onenessdivine unity, and the ultimate connection with Source energy. Let’s delve deeper into the spiritual understanding of the 11th dimension.

11th Dimension: Unity with Source and Infinite Creation

  • Description: The 11th dimension is often referred to as the realm of pure unity with the divine, where all individual aspects of existence dissolve into oneness. In this dimension, separation and duality no longer exist, and everything merges into the universal consciousness. It is where all the previous dimensions—each representing layers of awareness, creation, and manifestation—are absorbed into a single field of infinite possibilities.

In this state, there is no longer any experience of time, space, or form as we know them. The 11th dimension is the threshold to Source energy—the highest realm before complete immersion into the Source itself. This dimension represents the ultimate balance and harmony, where beings experience a direct connection to the creative forces of the universe and participate in shaping reality from a state of total unity with the divine.

Characteristics of the 11th Dimension

  • Pure Oneness:
  • In the 11th dimension, the experience of oneness is absolute. All individuality and ego are dissolved, leaving only a state of complete unity with Source or God consciousness. Everything in existence—whether physical, mental, or spiritual—is understood to be part of a singular, interconnected whole.
  • There is no distinction between the self and others; everything is seen as a reflection of the divine. Beings in this dimension experience total compassionunconditional love, and peace, as there is no longer any concept of separation.
  • Infinite Creation:
  • The 11th dimension is also a plane of infinite creation. This means that from this level, all realities, timelines, and dimensions below it can be created or altered. Beings in the 11th dimension exist as co-creators with the Source, participating in the divine orchestration of the universe.
  • Manifestation here is instant because there is a deep understanding of the laws of creation and how to work with them harmoniously. In this dimension, everything flows effortlessly, and creation is aligned with divine will.
  • Timelessness and Beyond Form:
  • Time and space as we understand them in lower dimensions do not exist in the 11th dimension. Instead, there is a state of timelessness and infinite presence. Past, present, and future merge into the eternal now.
  • This dimension exists beyond form, meaning that all previous dimensions with different forms of manifestation—whether physical or energetic—collapse into pure energy and consciousness.
  • Gateway to Source:
  • The 11th dimension is seen as the last veil before merging completely with Source. While beings in this dimension still retain some connection to creation and the ability to influence reality, they are on the verge of being fully absorbed into divine consciousness.
  • It represents a gateway or threshold that leads to the ultimate state of Source energy, where everything dissolves into pure potential and formlessness.

Application in Life: How the 11th Dimension Influences Us

Even though most of us are not consciously aware of the 11th dimension in our daily lives, it influences us on a subtle, energetic level. Here’s how the 11th-dimensional consciousness can manifest in everyday life:

  • Deep Spiritual Connection:
  • Those who tap into 11th-dimensional energy often experience moments of profound oneness with everything around them. They might feel deeply connected to nature, the universe, or other beings, sensing that all is part of a greater whole.
  • These moments might come during deep meditationspiritual practices, or even spontaneously, when someone feels entirely at peace and aligned with the flow of the universe.
  • Unconditional Love and Compassion:
  • In alignment with 11th-dimensional awareness, individuals are capable of expressing unconditional love and compassion without judgment. They understand that every soul, every situation, is a reflection of divine consciousness and that there is no need for separation or division.
  • In practical terms, this can lead to profound acts of kindness, forgiveness, and a deep desire to help others awaken to their spiritual truth.
  • Effortless Manifestation:
  • When you are attuned to the energy of the 11th dimension, manifestation becomes almost effortless because you are in complete alignment with the flow of creation. You are no longer trying to force outcomes but instead co-create with the universe in harmony.
  • In life, this means things start falling into place naturally. Opportunities, relationships, and experiences align with your highest good, and you begin to experience a flow state, where everything feels interconnected and purposeful.
  • Transcendence of Duality:
  • Dualistic thinking (right/wrong, good/evil, etc.) dissolves when one experiences the consciousness of the 11th dimension. From this perspective, all experiences and all beings are part of a single divine tapestry.
  • This awareness can transform how we handle conflict or challenges in life. Instead of seeing them as obstacles, we begin to perceive them as opportunities for growth and deeper understanding of the divine nature of existence.
  • Higher Vision of Reality:
  • People who are aligned with the 11th dimension may also have a heightened sense of visionary insight. They might receive spiritual downloads, prophetic visions, or sudden bursts of creativity and understanding about how reality works.
  • In practice, this could lead to innovations in the spiritual, artistic, or scientific fields, as those aligned with this dimension bring through higher knowledge from Source.

Examples of Connection to the 11th Dimension

  • Deep Meditation and Surrender: Individuals might access 11th-dimensional awareness during deep meditation, where they feel a loss of self and become one with the divine. In this state, there is no time, no body, no thoughts—just pure being in the flow of divine energy.
  • Spiritual Leaders and Masters: Many enlightened beings, saints, or spiritual masters are believed to operate from 11th-dimensional consciousness. They display qualities of unconditional loveoneness with creation, and an understanding of divine order in all things. Their words and actions inspire others to awaken to their own divine nature.
  • Miraculous Manifestations: Sometimes, people who are deeply connected to the 11th dimension experience spontaneous miracles or shifts in reality. This could include sudden healing, life-changing synchronicities, or the resolution of long-standing issues through seemingly effortless means.

Final thoughts:

The Quariniculoids of Magnetism have chosen to become known to humanity, offering their wisdom on love, light, and the cosmic balance of energies. Though subtle and gentle in their communication, their presence is transformative, both for those who connect with them and for the starseeds that carry their energies on Earth. As we continue to evolve spiritually, the wisdom of these multidimensional beings will guide us toward a deeper understanding of the universe and our place within it.

I love you all and am sending you a tsunami of love, peace, harmony and love!

Anna Merkaba-Credit

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL.

P.S. To help you on your journey I have written and published a book. It is now available for all of you in both hard copy and digital form. It is called “Mission To Earth – A Light workers guide to self mastery.” In it I explore topics such as: Why you are here and what you are doing on earth. How Starseeds get to earth to begin with. Why you feel the way you do. How to communicate with your guides. How to discover your life purpose. How to release everything and let it go. How to reprogram yourself in order to fully connect with your true essence. How to release old thinking patterns and institute a new reality into your life. How to change your life and make it what you want it to be, and most importantly how to find a link back HOME! There’s a lot more that I discuss in this book. I invite you to join me on this journey of self discovery as we explore together the “HOW,” the “WHY” and the “WHEN.” 

~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing Session with Anna
and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL.

Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

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