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Activating Your Light Body and Embracing True Ascension

Activating Your Light Body and Embracing True Ascension

Beloved Ones,

As we continue embodying a higher level of consciousness, through the Light transmissions our God Self sends to us, we may feel the impact of the many anomalies that remain in our light body, energetic and physical ones, that create distortions in our communication with our God Self and body.

This occurs due to the many manipulations, 3D distractions, and other self-created patterns we have to clear before we can integrate further transmissions.

Building our light body, healing, and activating it is not a one-day process, it is an arduous long-term one that needs devotion and daily dedication to hold more light quotient. With Leo and soon Piscean frequencies among us, this is a propitious time to work on clearing false anomalies from our bodies, allowing more light and plasma to continue building our light body, as many of you are already moving into your tenth-dimensional body, activating and reconnecting it completely.

Scanning our light body is essential to detect crystallized thoughts, forms of consciousness, debris, toxins, and other anomalies. When we have blockages, as Guides many times share, it is in truth crystalized lower thoughts or other wounds or traumas, impeding the energy to freely flow throughout the entire fascia and nervous system, this is why clearing them regularly is so important.

Many of you as I see often, have inserts or implants in your shoulder portals, fascia, hips, feet, and first chakra, impeding your life force to move flow, and therefore you too, from moving forward.

When you finally release blockages and start healing and activating your light body, the totality, so to speak, as we have an ultimate universal body, of who you are, your divine vehicle in which your Consciousness can travel through time and space, you may experience many sensations, as a confirmation that this process has begun and that if there is no medical cause behind it, signifies a sign that you have activated your light body or part of it.

Remember that we are all unique and while some may feel certain sensations, others may not at all, and all is valid for we cannot compare ourselves to others.

The more you connect to your light body, the more you will expand your Consciousness. Visualize your 12th-dimensional light body or Merkabah, as it is often called, descending from God 12th dimensional World, into all of your chakras, crown, and heart center, and then expand it into your entire body, protecting and surrounding yourself with it completely, see how the two star tetrahedrons spin in their right Divine Order, the masculine in a clockwise position, while the female in an anti-clockwise one.

Ultimately, it will spin so fast, that it will become a diamond white orb, surrounding, protecting, and descending more light to you, for it is our 12th dimensional God Light, aside from our central sun plasmatic waves, the ones that serve us to feed our light body.

Correct their symmetry, and movement if necessary, as well as form and other anomalies you may see, as a result of all the programming, self-created patterns, and inserted ones we may have.

When the light body is not activated, as well as our second DNA strand, navigating through other timelines or dimensions is not yet possible, and often what many experience as interdimensional traveling, has been happening only in the 4th astral dimension and its many illusions.

Our Light body is part of our God's vehicle, as our ultimate vehicle is more complex in structure. It is where the Light starts descending into our energetic body. If there are blockages in it, it is difficult for us to receive the full spectrum of our God Self transmissions, and also the tools we work with, especially with the Rays of Creation, as first they need to be rehabilitated in our earth's structures to be able to be descended upon us, and last our light body channels, which need to be as well in perfect flow and alignment to our soul, monad and God Self.

Ascension is not a mental concept, when we are fully immersed in this journey, working towards physical ascension or earth's graduation as often Guides call this process, we need to understand that our simple desire is not enough to be able to create the shift in our bodies necessary to shift dimensions.

Our pure intention, the love we hold within, and our benevolent acts are primordial to ascend. However, when we enter into deeper ascensional stages, we need to balance our intentional desire with exercises that will enhance our light quotient and intention to retrieve our original template.

You are all BEcoming who you truly are, in nature. The more you consciously embrace your power and use it to liberate yourself from all that is not authentic, from all that is not you, the more you will feel the shift in consciousness, and timeline that takes place when you are finally anchoring yourself into a new harmonic sphere of Creation.

May you continue being a Light Beacon for yourselves and All, beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

Natalia Alba : Is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Crystal Therapist and Reiki Master, even though, she prefers to heal in her unique and personal way guided by her Unified Self/Guides, using crystals and sound healing therapy, as she considers that studies help us to expand ourselves into our journey of self-mastery and assistance to others but nothing external can give us the wisdom that we already possess within. Her services are based on the Guidance she receives from her Unified Self and Spirit Guides, which comes from the same Fountain of Love and Light of All That Is. Giving you the messages you need to evolve and keep discovering more about your life path as well as your Soul quest/mission. She also helps you to realize where you are at the moment and what can be shifted for the betterment of you own self and human experience, so you can be able to transform your present moment to create the future you are eager to experience as well as giving you some direction to get to where you want to be by solving and transcending the troubles that are impeding your happiness and natural soul evolution.

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