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7-7-7 ~ Timeline Shift

7-7-7 ~ Timeline Shift

Dearest Light Tribe of Gaia, WOW, I am super-excited about the portal of the 7-7-7  coming up in 4 days! This is a TRUE date in numerology terms.

2023 = 2+0+2+3 = 7. So the 7th of July in THIS year of 2023 is a TRUE 7-7-7 Portal! In numerology, the number 7 means logic, understanding, spirituality, and intellect. This means that it is an opportunity like never before to understand and accept from a left-brain (i.e. logical, intellectual) perspective what is truly happening right now on Earth! The Time Is Now to decide for yourself what beliefs are blocking or compromising your ability to see and experience the NEW EARTH being birthed ~ and to progressively let go of them! It is time to get off the fence and choose to trust; to know; to BELIEVE that the shift is already taking place and that our success is already assured!

Why is this so important?

I remind you here that your beliefs and your emotional frequency field are in every moment creating your now-reality. Your trust and belief in your Purpose and Path of Light; your optimism and commitment to assisting your brothers and sisters transition with you into the New Earth Reality ~ all of these are creating the version of the world that you are experiencing right now. By the same token, your fears and insecurities; your choice to be spiritually disillusioned or disconnected from your Light Tribe in any now-moment ~ these are of course also influencing your frequency field, and potentially compromising the reality that you are experiencing.

Unless you are already in an ascended or permanently awakened state ~ in other words if you, like myself and 99.99999 percent of humans on Earth, are experiencing BOTH positive & negative states of being for different percentages of the time ~ your commitment must be to simply increase the percentage of time where you are holding the vision of the future Earth Reality as whole, healed, peaceful and joyful. I am describing the NEW EARTH ~ a reality on Earth where all sentient beings live in a state of loving-kindness and cooperation with each other.

Now consider the BIGGER PICTURE ...

Our individual frequency field is constantly feeding into the collective frequency (consciousness) field ~ creating the collective reality that we are experiencing on Gaia. At any one moment, the reality you are experiencing is also being experienced by others with the same or very similar frequency! The result? There are an infinite number of different parallel versions of Earth Reality being experienced by different groups of people. And it is the strongest of these potentials that is ultimately going to manifest our future on Planet Earth.

What is crucial for you to comprehend right now is that ~ although you may experience periods of time where you feel bleak and  despondent, and other times during which you feel optimistic and happy ~ you are nevertheless always contributing to a particular version of Earth Reality in which we are either SUCCEEDING in birthing the New Earth - or not! This is the same as saying ~ your overall belief that the Light is right now triumphing; that the quantum leap needed for Gaia to awaken into a new Golden Age has already taken place ~ it is this fundamental belief that needs to be underlying and over-lighting all of your life choices right now!

What does this have to do with the 7-7-7 Portal?

The Andromedan Overseers of the Ascended Gaia Project say that the 7-7-7 portal is an unprecedented opportunity to change the collective timeline (i.e. future outcome) for the planet! Not since Harmonic Convergence in 1987 has the potential for a collective upward shift in consciousness on our planet been so HUGE ~ and it is far far more powerful that that portal in 1987.

I am about to channel that message from the Andromedan Overseers in the live class I am holding tonight @ Casa Solara Algarve. From what I understand, they will gift us with a new guided meditation ~ a visualisation process which we can use ~ not only now, in the portal ~ but from now until 2035, where the NEW EARTH timeline is predicted to manifest fully.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and click the bell icon to receive notification of when this is released to the world here.

With love love love as always,

Solara An-Ra
Magic Weaver & Frequency Keeper for Gaia


Coming up in a few days! 8-9 July: Channel-Writing ~ Online ZOOM or via REPLAY Activate or Deepen your Ability to Channel in Written form


Solara An-Ra grew up in South Africa, completing a B. A. degree and Teaching Diploma at Cape Town University. After moving to the UK in 1987 she began her spiritual journey which has led her to become a spiritual teacher who brings a Pleiadian sense of joy and fun into all her work. As a member of the Order of Melchizedek, she takes groups on sacred trips to the places of power on Earth across the globe, reconnecting the Light-grid and the tribe simultaneously.
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