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08-08-08: Lion's Gate & Trade Gate Convergence

08-08-08: Lion's Gate & Trade Gate Convergence

Dear people, this year is a promising 8 years! Because the 8 stands for balance, justice, flow and receiving what we have sown over the past lives.

This is about growth, abundance and the true harvest; the triumphs of all earthly and cosmic Light forces that unite.


What is gratifying is that both the Earth and the cosmic Dragons will make themselves known frequently. I capitalize Dragons because the Dragons I mean are part of a divine order that lives from full service to humanity! For people who think they have nothing to do with Dragons: the ethereal, higher dimensional Love Field of the Earth was once maintained and protected by Dragons. They are originally very noble and honorable, colossal beings who lived on Earth for millions of years. They maintained a divine balance and justice based on Love, using only pure divine powers and powers.

They have used their golden firepower to the last for our non-dual well-being, as a purifying and transforming force. However, when consciousness on Earth plummeted to lower dimensions, they had to withdraw from the physical plane, because they could no longer exist in those heavier frequencies. Many Dragons continue their Love Work in higher dimensions (you can still perceive their presence in many high-frequency power places!). But in most people they disappeared from consciousness. For many peoples, Dragons became only mythical, fairytale or terrifying creatures; from generation to generation, fear of the ‘ devastating fire ’ of Dragons increased.


However, we also originally carry the beautiful, alchemical qualities of the Dragon within us. In Lemurian times we worked with Dragons. Many Light Bearers have been Dragon Guardians, and these guardians have been the first to observe in their present life that their connection to the Dragons has reopened. That is a great moment of awakening that can touch deeply, because a Dragon represents a gigantic, deeply transforming Love Field. Dragons provide protection, security, justice and peace.

What is very important for the purifications during the coming Lion Gate; Dragons use their firepower to light up injustice in old structures, so that it becomes visible and can be transformed or neutralized.

In miniature, the Dragon Force works in ourselves. This month's cleanups go deep and reveal old fears again. We increasingly need our own firepower to overcome those old fears.


Most highly sensitive Light carriers do know the cleansing qualities of the water. It contains a certain softness and mildness, a flow from within that is mainly switched on from the female emotional side. But this Dragon Power is about freeing and expressing the firepower in us! That is a force that has been deeply hidden by many, because of all lives in which our divine powers and wisdom were not desired. If we came up with it for the day, our head would go off or we would end up in the fire ourselves. So there is still a fear charge on our own limits indicated via FIREAR!

The other pole is also attached to the firepower: anger…. And behind the anger is our restrained power, because of all the cries for justice that have ever been smothered. We are ripe and aware enough to express and transform our anger at everything that has ever humiliated, disproved and raped us in a just way. Our justified horror at all lies, hypocrisy, at the torture and abuse of all innocent living beings is there for a reason! Behind our encapsulated firepower are also our personal frustrations and the human misunderstanding of God and the Light World, of ‘ How the hell do you have this – ??? – can make it happen ?!! ’


We will need both the royal Lion Power and the righteous Dragon Power to properly bring back the deepest anger in ourselves so that we do not destroy it, but can start creative. And the 8 8 8 Lion Gate definitely helps us with that.

What you have used to free yourself from all the predominant, loveless thoughts, beliefs and actions of your personality will be received from divine grace as your own harvest of Truth.

Anything that has ever turned against divine justice, and anything that turns against it today, will return to the causative agent faster than ever, so that awareness can occur. It is up to the perpetrator himself what choice he or she will make. It is very essential for us to stop dropping our firepower into the water, but to live them, to dare to use them to overcome all old fears ‘ ’.

It remains for us to be grateful to all the Beings of Light who support us in order to regain our firepower and sovereignty!

© Copyright 2024 Mieke Vulink

Awakening is an inner journey. As a highly sensitive child, my path embraced music, leading to a conservatory degree in 1991. A Rebirthing weekend in 1985 sparked my spiritual awakening, intertwining with my dual careers—concert pianist and transformational therapist. In 2013, my soul's call led me to a profound meditation, initiating a deep connection with my unborn son Parcival. Since then, my life is dedicated to the search for divinity, Christ Consciousness, and ascension processes. Passionate about guiding self-realization for 30 years, I collaborate with Vincent Rikkerink, expanding our fields in lightwork. My journey involves extensive education in essential healing, coaching, aura soma, and more. Let's explore the transformation and healing on the path to higher consciousness together.

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