November 2024 Galactic Numerology™ Monthly Energy Frequencies
- Details
- Category: Divine Cosmic Alchemy
- Written by Denise Ricard

Hello and welcome to this month's Galactic Numerology Energy Frequencies Transmission.
I'm Denise, and I'm the Galactic Numerologist and intuitive Soul Path guide, mentor, and coach. I’m here to support you on your spiritual path of awakening and to help you remember your truth as a unique spark of the Divine.
In this Galactic Numerology transmission, we'll journey through the numerology and the sacred number sequences, as well as some of the key astrological influences present this month that can assist you in expanding your consciousness. This cosmic dance of November 2024 is inviting you to tap into potential opportunities by staying aware and making heartful choices.
As we spiral through the energies of these Galactic numbers, we ask that you listen with an open heart, release your mind's need for understanding, and embrace this energetic journey. We rise into new and expanded states of consciousness, bringing your full presence and allowing yourself to fully receive the benefits of this transmission.
Take a few moments now to center yourself, maybe by taking a few deep breaths in and out. Beautiful! This is November 2024 Galactic Numerology Monthly Energy Frequencies. Galactic Numerology welcomes you to this month of November 2024, and as you navigate upon your life path, it is transmitting supporting and nourishing energies for you.
November is the 11th month of the calendar year, and 11 is a sacred Master number whose energy powerfully amplifies the infinite nature of all things in oneness, providing a deep connection to spirit and the unseen realms. November continues with Scorpio, the water element—very flowing and determined. Yet, like water going deeper into it, there are great treasures below the surface.
There is so much magic in the energy of seeing what is below the surface through the bright waters, like bright blue eyes that blaze through your soul. Intense and magnetic is this Scorpio energy. You can focus in a deeply meaningful way through communication this month. Perhaps there’s a Scorpio or a few in your life whom you can observe and appreciate for the movement they create for themselves in a very determined way in their life, how they keep things moving and shifting into the next evolution. There’s no stagnation here; there’s great depth and connection in the mystical knowing of those born under this astrological sign.
On November 1st, the Celtic celebration of harvest began at sunset on October 31st, called Samhain. In the northern hemisphere, the sun's position is bringing shorter days and longer nights. It is the season of gathering and harvest, which is about acknowledging and rejoicing in the abundance of Nature's gifts that nourish both body and soul.
As winter’s darker months approach, your inner self has the opportunity to replenish, allowing space for reflection and closure to what no longer serves you. Within the place of the night, your soul retreats in deep inner reflection. What are you grateful for? Bring your attention and awareness to all of those gifts, harvesting all of the bounty of what you have mastered thus far this year.
Appreciate yourself—not focusing on what you haven't done yet, but feeling truly fulfilled in what you have become. This gratitude is for your higher self, for the Divine in you that is bringing forward all of this expansion and evolution. Perhaps even jot down everything you appreciate about yourself and your life, everything that stands out from your personal growth in these past months of the year. Experience a sense of fulfillment from that, honing in on what has happened for you that has brought you to where you're at now. This fulfillment carries with you the sustenance to delve deeply within.
On 11:11 on this first day of November is the new moon in Scorpio. 11:11 is the day of infinite oneness, where you, as the person you are, in connection to the Divine, spirit in matter, comes together in unity. Tapping into these numerological and astrological events and positions helps you become more aware of the infinite oneness with all that is.
On this new moon, there’s new opportunity—one that has never been presented before. Yes, the moons occur every month, yet it is the spiral of evolution from where you were energetically last month, the new moon before that, and so on. This new moon is about going deeply within, seeing where you’re at so you have a clear picture of where you’re heading for the rest of the month.
A new cycle begins for even more transformation and metamorphosis. We love that word! The beauty of this moon, combined with the work that’s been completed from the previous weeks of the eclipses, opens up a lot of space for you to begin anew and start fresh paths in your life. The Scorpio energy of this new moon helps to release emotions that show up as flags and indicators that it’s time to let something go.
Your emotions are indicators that something is out of balance, and with the revitalizing energy of this new moon, you have the opportunity to redirect that energy. Try to stay objective when dealing with situations that usually make you react emotionally. Instead of jumping to conclusions, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Use your imagination to set positive intentions and allow all the abundance in your life to flow naturally.
Are you ready to explore what brings you true happiness deep down in your heart and soul? With this new moon, riding, singing, and dancing are all wonderful ways to connect with the joy inside of you and create positive energy that draws even more abundance into your life. With the new moon, all this energy you’ve been putting out there is adding up. Even if you haven't noticed it yet, soon you’ll start to see clear signs of it in your life.
Really see and harvest these meaningful changes and celebrate them as a new chapter. From 11:2 through 11:11, as we head into this month’s numerological portal, the planets Venus, Mars, and Mercury are dancing into new astrological signs, bringing their own energy influences to the Scorpio season. This movement brings unique energies, so you may choose to further explore the details of these astrological events for yourself through your favorite astrology forecast.
On November 11th, 2024, 11:11, the powerful divine energetic portal opens with an opportunity to connect deeply with the higher realms and your higher self. It’s a gateway of consciousness opening, saturating the Earth and all sentient beings with transforming energies and frequencies that support the regeneration of both physical and energetic body systems. This energy is helping you to release separation patterns and beliefs, reconnecting you to the momentum of oneness energies.
How divinely magical is the energy of this unification portal? It is beyond the beyond! You may find yourself drawn to the number 11 when it appears repeatedly throughout the year, such as at the time 11:11 or the date 11:1, because the number 11 is the universal code. It is the bridge between spirit and matter, a reminder of the interconnectedness to something greater. There’s more to reality than what meets the eye.
As a result, what’s happening in the outer world, seen through the physical eyes, gets shifted to looking more deeply within. There is soul knowing, and a connection is made. The soul knows its infinite nature and oneness with all there is, continually sending reminders and nudges—sparks of higher consciousness to assist in that awakening and remembering, like breadcrumbs spread along your path to find and follow. The 11:11 portal is a perfect example of this.
All of this helps in manifesting inner wisdom outwardly into your external world, bringing both the internal and external into harmony and unity. On 11:11, perhaps set your alarm for 11:11 and see where you're at or actually schedule something fabulous for this time. We will talk more about this in our transmission for 11:11, providing more depth and expression of the 11:11 portal on that day.
We also love to refer to the mini portal dates for each month, as they provide an additional chance to revisit and expand upon any themes and energies that come forth during the main portal date. In November, one such mini portal date falls on 11:29, where the numerological sum of 2 + 9 = 11, making it a significant day within the scope of 11:29, 2024.
In the astrology from mid to end November, we have Saturn retrograde completing, then Mercury retrograde beginning. Also quite significant to the movement into a new golden age is Pluto re-entering Aquarius on 11:19. The alchemy created is stirring the pot. That’s all we will contribute to that for now.
On 11:15, perfectly balanced in the middle of the month, is the full moon in Taurus. This full moon shines its spotlight so you can see what is in front of you and what’s ahead. It’s urging you to really tap into your soul's purpose. Anything that is not aligned to it gets highly illuminated, as your life is no longer about sleepwalking through it—you are awake!
Look at what’s obvious that needs to be completed and finish it. It’s finally time to step out of a relationship that hasn’t been serving you or the other. What is it that you’re ready to complete? You have the support here; allow the full moon illumination to make your choices clear from your soul perspective through the portal of your heart. Gather those inner resources to make changes from the heart, not from the human mind.
On this 11:15 day, look for synchronicities that will assist you in returning to oneness with yourself and the Divine that resides within you. On 11:21, November 21st, 2024, the sun transitions from the watery sign of Scorpio to the fiery and very adventurous sign of Sagittarius. This encourages a movement from the more mental mindset into a heart-centered one, allowing a renewed sense of happiness, joy, and hope.
What can you do to bring the celebratory you forth? Come to the party ready to rock! Explore your passions and dive into your creativity. Allow yourself to play and express. Connect with your inner child and have some fun!
With this energy shifting from water to fire, the element of spirit ignites your unique gifts, prompting you to communicate openly and freely as this energy is bold and expansive. Listen for any messages that come forth and integrate them into your experience.
Lastly, this is your November 2024 Galactic Numerology Energy Frequencies Transmission. We wish to invite you to deepen your connection with this month’s energies through reflection, meditation, and journaling.
You can support your journey this month by choosing crystals such as black tourmaline for grounding and stability, lapis lazuli for communication with the higher realms, and citrine for joy and abundance. Let the energy of this month and the universal energies of oneness and connection wash over you, nourished through love and light.
With this month’s energies and messages, we are deeply grateful to share this cosmic journey with you. Be sure to return for the 11:11 portal transmission, and as always, keep shining your light!
Have a beautiful month!
Denise Ricard:
Denise is here in service as an Ambassador of Light and Love for the evolution of consciousness, and to co-create the New Seventh Golden Age, to realize Heaven upon the New Earth.
She assists Lightworkers and Starseeds to fully activate their Ascension blueprint by providing the most advanced encoded Divine frequencies from across the multiverse. This empowers them to embody WHOLENESS – to actualize the state of Unity into their reality, therefore creating a life that reflects their truth and joy.
She is the Galactic Numerologist and transmitter of Sacred Number Energies, Divine Channel and Intuitive Soul Path Coach, a Licensed Quantum Light Practitioner, and transmitter of Sacred Codes through Light Language in all of its forms.
From her Cosmic Lineages, she works in co-creation with multi-universal Divine Beings of Light: Intergalactic Councils, Angels and Archangels, Dragons and Elementals, Ascended Masters, Crystals and Nature in all her forms. This enables her to contribute to others from the highest and most optimal evolutionary energies available for their expansion.
Source Here
This video/article by Denise Ricard was released on November 1, 2024, and is shared on with written permission. Stay tuned for more enlightening articles and teachings from Denise!
The original article is copyrighted by the author listed above. Posted on ©2024. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this content is prohibited without written permission. </
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