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Galactic Numerology Energy Map For June 2024

Galactic Numerology Energy Map For June 2024

Welcome to June 2024 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map

Galactic Numerology™ welcomes you to this Month of June 2024 and is transmitting supporting and nourishing energies for you in this transmission.  

In this transmission, you’ll learn about key dates, numbers, and cosmic energies, Galactic Numerology™ energies that are tools for manifestation that are available specifically in June 2024.  See how this energy map helps set the stage for maneuvering and creating your life in union with what your soul purpose is for this lifetime.

Galactic Numbers embody an enlightened consciousness representing the wholeness and unity within the Cosmos.  Our energies encompass the evolution of traditional numerology - which has been a most useful tool with the positive and negative aspects of it within the world of duality.  Galactic Numerology’s evolution is out of duality - and into wholeness - assists your soul’s expanding path into unity consciousness, bridging the way - with a new way to tap into the multidimensionality of what is possible to create from these high-level Source Keys and Codes.

All of this is being transmitted to support you as you navigate upon your life path, and it is our JOY and delight to assist you.

The significant and powerful astrological alignments and movements in the heavens greatly aid our momentum as we transition into the higher-dimensional Earth. We offer a broad overview, acknowledging many cosmic events and expansions. In this Energy Map, we highlight key insights drawn from our vibrational streams and the Divine Cosmic Alchemy of Galactic Numerology.  And you may feel called to further explore any additional astrological alignments beyond what we present here.

We acknowledge, with awe and gratitude, the magnificent manifestation and appearance of the Aurora Borealis across the Earth this past month of May 2024 - pouring in high vibrational frequencies of consciousness to the entire planet and all of her Beings. And you can expect more gifts of celestial significance, and more, in your future now moments! Isn’t that a joy!

The Galactic Number 6 is EXPANSION and is an over-lighting energy for this month of June 2024. The planetary movements this month, June 2024, carry a very similar energy thread of sociability, light-heartedness, passion, caring, heartfelt, romantic and magic. What a wonderful creative energy to step into, and to expand, with all that you’re choosing in your daily life.  The great brightness of the sun’s zenith in the Northern Hemisphere during this 6th month of June charges the electrons in the body and increases energy and vitality. See your energy expand and your vitality being charged in magnificent ways!

We begin this magnificently expansive month of June 2024 on June 3rd bringing a planetary alignment of (synchronistically) six planets: Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune, Saturn.  They are gathered in close proximity together near the sun, and appearing in an angled line across the sky. Looking at the representations of the energies of the planets we could interpret this alignment as (beginning from Jupiter closest to Earth and sweeping upwards):  “The potential (Jupiter) of the progress of communication (Mercury) which creates change and self-awareness (Uranus) is strengthened in action, with passion (Mars) to spark the hopes, dreams and magic (Neptune) that comes with life’s lessons and expansion (Saturn). How beautiful the depth of consciousness and how it is displayed for our awareness!

On June 6th we have the 6/6 Portal which is such an amazing, influential, impactful day of growth, movement and expansion. The portal day for this month accelerates the energies beyond any self-made boundaries that are grasping to hold back. There is so much energetic motivation on this day, you may even plan for it to be a day for taking action, doing those activities that your soul is urging you to do. And with this energy there’s an expansion of the joy of breaking out, moving beyond, moving into that which you are desiring to be and have in your life. 

You may wish to seek additional opportunities to harness the 6/6 energy on the mini-portal days: June 15th (1+5=6) and June 24th, both of which resonate with the energies of these mini-portal dates. You can reflect on the tasks, actions, and energies you initiated on June 6th, and you will feel supported and uplifted on these days as well. You’re bringing consciousness, you’re bringing awareness to all you’re up to, Dear One - this is what creates change!

On June 6, 2024, welcomes the New Moon in Gemini. This moment marks a time of new beginnings, making it an ideal opportunity to focus on a specific area of your life and expand it beyond its current state, especially within the energy of this Portal. This is the perfect time to transform something that exists in one form into something entirely new. Gemini energy enhances relationships, fostering new connections with yourself, rejuvenating existing relationships, and sparking new ones that align with your expanded way of being. This powerful and cherished Moon provides the perfect energy to embrace these changes, Dear One. Embrace the freshness and exciting, innovative energy it brings. Breathe it in, like the blossoming flowers of a new spring bud, and fully embody this energy of newness.

On June 20, 2024, 6/20, the potent and powerful energy of the Solstice arrives as the sun moves into Cancer, marking a dance of light and darkness. In the Southern Hemisphere, this means the shorter days of winter, while in the Northern Hemisphere, it is the longest day of the year, filled with abundant light. These Solstice days are significant for raising global consciousness. Reflecting back to the Solstice in December 2023, consider your journey and evolution and expansion since then. Celebrate your progress, express gratitude for your experiences, and acknowledge the growth of yourself - and those around you. The energies on this day are especially potent, and you may feel their influence in the days before and after.

Around the world, people gather at sacred sites and places to celebrate, making it an ideal time to join in communal activities - maybe creating some of your own. Such gatherings amplify energies and intentions for manifestation. Midsummer’s Eve, celebrated shortly after the Solstice, honors the sun with festivities and bonfires, symbolizing the bringing of more light as the days begin to shorten.

Think about how you can contribute to the New Earth. How will you celebrate, and what can you bring to the communal table? This is also an excellent time for personal ceremonies and celebrations, dedicating moments to dream big for the New Earth and infusing your energies into the collective pool of Divine consciousness on this powerful day. The sun, moon, planets, and numerology all support you. Utilize crystals, meditation, divination, song, sound, and movement as elements for your ceremonies and rituals. Choose what resonates with your soul and enJOY!

On June 21st, the Full Moon in Capricorn radiates a distinctly feminine energy balanced with the drive of the masculine. This high-energy illumination acts as a catalyst, encouraging you to bring forth and utilize the gifts you’ve been keeping inside - for personal and global transformation, aiding in the creation of the New Earth. The full moon's light often illuminates aspects of our lives that need attention for soul growth, while also empowering you to shine your light more brightly, and completing projects or energies are have run their cycle.

Consider using this Full Moon as an opportunity to reflect on your current state and make necessary adjustments. This practice helps you stay aligned and avoid potential obstacles. Your crystals might also benefit from being recharged in the moonlight, absorbing its cosmic energies. Engaging in rituals and ceremonies—whether with fire, candles, crystals, or sound—can deepen your connection to these energies and enhance your awareness.

At the close of this month, Saturn’s retrograde begins on June 29th,  and it is the time for slowing down, contemplation, deeply digging into that which you are focusing upon - expanding - and where you are now from how far you’ve already come this year.  This homing in with real clarity assists you in expanding upon those areas that are nurturing and growing your soul and adding to your path the joy and bliss of your connection to the Divine. Expand your spiritual wisdom, inner-knowing, looking for the layers of multidimensionality that you are as a soul and light within this physical body. Discover yourself as more than just the physical presence and enjoy living from the higher dimensions of you. This really assists your resurrection and ascension journey, Dear One. 

Enjoy this magnificent and expansive month of June. Our blessings are with you. And our transmission is complete.

Denise Ricard

Denise Ricard:

Denise is here in service as an Ambassador of Light and Love for the evolution of consciousness, and to co-create the New Seventh Golden Age, to realize Heaven upon the New Earth.

She assists Lightworkers and Starseeds to fully activate their Ascension blueprint by providing the most advanced encoded Divine frequencies from across the multiverse. This empowers them to embody WHOLENESS – to actualize the state of Unity into their reality, therefore creating a life that reflects their truth and joy.

She is the Galactic Numerologist and transmitter of Sacred Number Energies, Divine Channel and Intuitive Soul Path Coach, a Licensed Quantum Light Practitioner, and transmitter of Sacred Codes through Light Language in all of its forms.

From her Cosmic Lineages, she works in co-creation with multi-universal Divine Beings of Light: Intergalactic Councils, Angels and Archangels, Dragons and Elementals, Ascended Masters, Crystals and Nature in all her forms. This enables her to contribute to others from the highest and most optimal evolutionary energies available for their expansion.

Source Here

This article was submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Denise Ricard on May 31 - 2024 with written permission to reblog this article exclusively on CrystalWind.ca.  Stay tuned for more enlightened articles and teachings from Denise! 

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