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Galactic Numerology Energy Map April 2024

Galactic Numerology Energy Map April 2024

Welcome to April 2024 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map

Galactic Numerology™ welcomes you to this Month of April 2024 and is transmitting supporting and nourishing energies for you in this transmission.  

In this transmission, you’ll learn about key dates, numbers, and cosmic energies, Galactic Numerology™ energies that are tools for manifestation that are available, specifically in April 2024.  See how this energy map helps set the stage for maneuvering and creating your life in union with what your soul purpose is for this lifetime.

Galactic Numbers embody an enlightened consciousness representing the wholeness and unity within the Cosmos.  Our energies encompass the evolution of traditional numerology - which has been a most useful tool with the positive and negative aspects of it within the world of duality.  This evolution of numbers out of duality and into wholeness with Galactic Numerology assists your soul’s expanding path into unity consciousness, bridging the way.  Galactic Numerology has come to Earth at the energetic request of soul’s desiring a new way to tap into the multidimensionality of what is possible to create from these high-level Source Keys and Codes.

There are highly significant and powerful astrological alignments and movements in the heavens this April 2024.  This is greatly assisting the momentum as we move into the higher-dimensional Earth. Are you choosing to experience the overflow of your expansions - as so many planets are moving into different astrological alignments, which bring about these massive shifts and changes. In April 2024, Eclipse season is well under way, and there are several planetary conjunctions of note that you may desire to research beyond what we present here.

There is an infinite amount of happenings under way in the energy realms, and here we bring specific highlights and key insights that flow from our vibrational streams with the Divine Cosmic Alchemy happening from and through Galactic Numerology™. We also take a brush stroke to the surface, to acknowledge some of the many events and expansions happening within the cosmos and astrologically as well. All of this is being transmitted to support you as you navigate upon your life path, and it is our JOY and delight to assist you.

April is the 4th month of year, and begins the second quarter of 2024. The March Equinox and Full Moon Lunar Eclipse stirred up a significant flow, much like the agitation of a washing machine, purging what doesn't belong.  The massive out-shifts and transmutation of the deep-rooted dense energies has created so much more space inviting in higher frequency energies.  Those potent eclipse energies have brought in new perspectives, changes and ways of relating to your outer world, and they are for your benefit so that you’re not in the old ways and ruts any longer.  Have you taken the time to see how that is reshaping your life?  Each day as you take time in your mornings to set your day through prayer or meditation, contemplation: tap into what you’re grateful for and this shines a light on how things are shifting, changing and expanding in your world. 

The Number 4 supports the overflow of Divine bounty that is pouring into these wide-open spaces. There's ample room to embrace higher frequency energies such as love, compassion, joy, and hope. Take the time to relish and fully experience the joys in your life! This month is fostering a shift towards abundant high frequencies.

Well into Aries season,  the fiery energy of “full-speed-ahead,” “get-out-of-the-way-anything that’s-blocking-the -path” prevails, because there’s such a spark of dynamic force as more ascension energies pour onto the earth.  This is bold and powerful energy, which is always available for you to harness, Dear One!  This is also creation energy to begin anew - like nature in the spring - stepping forth as a WHOLE new you, and unapologetic for coming from the heart-truth of you.

April showers us with the energy of retrograde, eclipse and the combination of fire and earth energies imbued within the astrological energies of Aries and Taurus. In the Northern hemisphere the Earth wakes up and blossoms -and buds spring forth creating a really fresh landscape of new beginnings. And, while the southern hemisphere welcomes the crisp freshness of cooler temperatures - the air element charged with its palpable electronic nature.

April 1st begins Mercury’s second cycle of retrograde motion in 2024.  In the fiery sign of Aries, communication can be more deliberate and thought-out before spoken.  This energy offers wonderful opportunities for nurturing relationships with others. Communicate clearly and listen attentively—to both others and your own inner voice. Allow your inner Divine essence to flow freely, and observe as magic overflows into your life! And, perhaps utilizing these 3 weeks of Mercury retrograde to step out of the duality consciousness of “not doing this.. or signing that,” or dreading technology blips, or whatever is limiting, and instead tap into the infinite and eternal nature of this beautiful planets’ energy.  Hop onto the golden wings of Mercury to fly to new heights - and perhaps discover something brand new that is on the other side of where you’ve been hiding out all this time.

April 4th is the 4/4 Portal. The powerful and dynamic portal of 4/4/2024 is an energetic opening, real and powerful!  It is here to support you in being saturated with the highest vibrational energies: joy, happiness, bliss, contentment, excitement, hope, love, and compassion—all that resonates deeply with you. It's a call to open yourself to receiving all that you desire, feeling it shower upon you abundantly. Embrace it fully, allowing yourself to bask in the richness of this abundance. From this place of heightened vibrational energy, there's an overflow, a pouring forth into the world. You feel fulfilled, and the flow continues endlessly, cascading outwards into the world around you. You are being called, more and more, to contribute in this manner - for this is living in alignment with the energy of the New Earth. It requires awareness and commitment, as it all stems from within you, recognizing and embracing it with joy.

And, the mini-portal dates this month are 4/13 and 4/22, when you can ignite the amazing 4/4 Portal energies, and feel the sparks encouraging you and providing momentum to whatever you’re up to. 

April 8 is the much-awaited celestial event of the Super New Moon Eclipse that is in the sign of Aries.  It’s “eyes to the skies” as the sun is fully eclipsed by this New Moon and visible in the Americas.  So whether you’re tuning in from outside in nature or a posted video, this is a great time to observe this event, then take the time to go within and ask your Higher-self to reveal that gift which has been hidden (maybe still the seed within the soil) and wants to spring forth into bloom.  And from here, set the intention to utilize the momentum energies of Aries to ask for next steps and actions.  

Harnessing the energy of the New Moon in a fresh and distinctive manner, you can tap into these celestial forces to seek guidance for your next steps, and joyfully awaiting the unfolding of magic. While setting intentions during this particular New Moon, perhaps specify your desires in a general way, and remain open to the organic unfolding of events. This practice also serves as an opportunity to strengthen your intuitive abilities, continuously unveiling insights from within and observing their seamless integration into your life. So, you’re not focused on just the result - you’re allowing it to flow.

April 5th is Venus in Aries for strong and direct communication on multidimensional levels, incorporating the slower movement of Mercury retrograde to not miss a beat and savor, relish, and enjoy! 

On 4/19, and as the Sun transitions into Taurus, it encourages embracing the creations you're nurturing with grounded perspective. It invites you to embrace a slower pace, relish life's pleasures, and immerse yourself in the tangible delights of the Earth element. Be in the present moment, and savor every experience to its overflowing potential.

4/20 is an astrological planetary conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus which is of great astrological importance due to the energetic components these positioning have to further assist us in moving into the New Age. Pluto is moved in Aquarius which is ruled by Uranus, and Jupiter is expanding that energy, and there is a great bit of expansion you could incorporate into your life and you may choose to dive deeper into that.

4/20 is the numerology of Palindromes occurs this month - and only in this month of April - for the entire year of 2024.  4/20/2024:  4202024.  What’s the significance of these Palindrome Dates? Palindrome numbers are symmetrical. This is when a day’s date can be read the same way forwards or backwards in sequential order.  Utilize the power of numbers with these dates to spark symmetry, harmony, and balance in your life.  Numbers are energy and they are keys and codes, and there’s a sparking of integrating energies around wholeness, belief and overflow.

April 22nd is Earth Day.  Every single day embodies the spirit of Earth Day, yet marking it on the yearly calendar serves as a catalyst for raising awareness about environmentalism and fostering respect for the natural world. Each flower, animal, insect, tree, and rock - all sentient Beings possess consciousness, yet the dualistic world has imposed hierarchical control.  How can you help in the most powerful way?  Send love to everything you see in nature, commune with the nature spirits and offer respect, and call in the Divine Light to shower nature with her highest frequencies. Step into the fullness of action in whatever you are guided - just be open to opportunities that they present to you.  Send Love and Light, gratitude and genuine desire to connect with nature at whatever level is appropriate for them and for you.  Call in the Sacred Flames of transmutation - The Violet Flame to help clean up areas on the Earth within the waters, lands, air - send it and direct it to specific areas - do it everyday and do it often.  Saint Germain brought this for all of us to use in our own lives as well and it’s miraculous energy for the Earth and others.  There are many books written if you are feeling that call to deepen more into these Sacred Flames.

April 24 brings the Full Moon in Scorpio.  Full moons illuminate it all, and Scorpio wants to get it done, follow it through to completion.  This is momentum energy to act upon all of the intuitive hits and feeling that sprung forth during your inward contemplation in the Super New Moon Eclipse. This is the perfect time to realize the transformation through action that literally shifts your life into new directions.  With Mercury stationing direct the next day it’s all green lights and forward momentum, so nothing can stop you.  And, again as you flex this muscle, you’ll realize that nothing can ever stop you - except when you stop yourself.  So go, go, go and enjoy the ride!

April 27, as celebrated by South Africa, is World Freedom Day.  And there are different dates for World Freedom Day around the world, and yet isn't freedom really a birthright - and should be every day, so love that this “reminder” comes as a calendar date(s). And we can celebrate it in knowing our truth, and allowing that to come forward as the freedom of our own truth."

This is a powerful time of transformation on Earth, Dear One, propelling you forward as you rediscover the divine essence within yourself. As you fill yourself to capacity, you naturally overflow, radiating this divine energy, enriching all around you. Always remember, you're never alone; reach out to your Higher self and guides as you navigate the unique path of your life journey!

Enjoy all that this month of April 2024 offers, allowing the overflow of abundance in all things in your life, including your new-found joys in ways of being in the higher frequencies of your Divine inner connection - in your truth.

Our blessings are with you.  And we complete our transmission now.

Denise Ricard

Denise Ricard:

Denise is here in service as an Ambassador of Light and Love for the evolution of consciousness, and to co-create the New Seventh Golden Age, to realize Heaven upon the New Earth.

She assists Lightworkers and Starseeds to fully activate their Ascension blueprint by providing the most advanced encoded Divine frequencies from across the multiverse. This empowers them to embody WHOLENESS – to actualize the state of Unity into their reality, therefore creating a life that reflects their truth and joy.

She is the Galactic Numerologist and transmitter of Sacred Number Energies, Divine Channel and Intuitive Soul Path Coach, a Licensed Quantum Light Practitioner, and transmitter of Sacred Codes through Light Language in all of its forms.

From her Cosmic Lineages, she works in co-creation with multi-universal Divine Beings of Light: Intergalactic Councils, Angels and Archangels, Dragons and Elementals, Ascended Masters, Crystals and Nature in all her forms. This enables her to contribute to others from the highest and most optimal evolutionary energies available for their expansion.

Source Here

This article was submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Denise Ricard on March 29 - 2024 with written permission to reblog this article exclusively on CrystalWind.ca.  Stay tuned for more enlightened articles and teachings from Denise! 

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