Today's Angel Message: Sharing The Love
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- Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for October 4, 2024
October’s Theme: The Universe is sending us messages that are important for us personally, emotionally and spiritually so work on staying open to the information that you receive!
Sometimes people just need someone to listen. Showing empathy and compassion go a long way. Cat
Today’s Message:
104: Today the Universe is reminding us that we are always surrounded by divine love. This powerful energy is shared freely, and we are being asked to do the same. Empathy and compassion, for self, and for others, are gifts that we can share every day. While we may not understand or agree with a particular situation or event, we can express empathy for what others (or even yourself) are going through. If you are feeling out of sorts today take a moment to clear and center and ask the Universe to fill your being with love, peace, and gratitude. Remember, when you love yourself it’s easier to share that love with others. Love and compassion are superpowers that transform all that they touch. Who will you reach out to today?
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Chamuel helps us in creating and maintaining strong and loving relationships. While this includes the one we have with ourselves and our own spiritual nature, it helps our relationships with others as well. Ask him to help you create an atmosphere of peace, love, and togetherness. His goal is to help us to build a strong foundation from which we can create our personal evolution.
The Ascended Master Yogananda teaches us how to open the channels of divine communication and promotes feelings of divine love and teaches us about peace and how to share it. He can offer assistance in all things including your spiritual path.
The Egyptian Goddess Nuit (Nut) represents the sky and the cosmos. She is a mother goddess, a life giver. She teaches us the importance of nurturing those in our care with patience and love. As a cosmic goddess she reminds us of our divine place in the Universe and while we may feel small and insignificant the truth is far different. She says” Rejoice in your own power. It is love and patience that allow you to shape the world and make you a creator in your own right. You do not need to have born a child to be a mother this essence live within all. Embrace it and send it to those around you.”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Charoite. This multi-hued mineral is a stone of transformation. It helps to open our hearts to the concept of unconditional love and brings those energies forward. Charoite enhances our perception and helps to ground our spiritual nature into everyday reality and helps us to see ways we can be of service. This stone can be used to reduce stress and worry as it helps us to overcome fear.
Malachite. Which helps to support friendships and promotes empathy towards others. It also strengthens our ability to absorb and process information so that we can show our feelings in a positive way. Malachite helps those making aggressive personal or life changes. It brings a sense of adventure to our transformation as it shows us what is blocking our spiritual growth and the best way to move forward.
Rose Quartz. This soft pink crystal is the ultimate nurturer of compassion and loving energy. It soothes the heart, mind, and spirit. It helps us to bring out the best part of ourselves so that we can help and heal not only ourselves but others as well.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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