Angel Alert: Your Daily Dose of Peaceful Attitude!
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- Written by Cat

Cat’s Angel Message for March 1, 2024
March Theme: Manifesting our dreams and goals requires focus and clarity. By working on self-love and self confidence we can find the inner peace needed to navigate our path like a pro.
Gather your energy, your hopes for the futures, your peaceful intentions. Send them out into the world to touch all who need them. ~Cat
Today’s Message:
31: As we start the new month we are reminded that the world needs more solution finders and peacemakers.
This message is one of love and peace and while this may sound like a throwback from the 1960’s, its energy is powerful and one that should be freely embraced as often as possible. The concept of unity and community should top the list of priorities and by allowing peace to enter our lives we can set an example for others and ourselves too. On a side note keep in mind that boundaries are an important component. promoting peace doesn’t mean we should let others walk over us. You can stand up for your beliefs and still embody a peaceful attitude.
Today’s Spirit Helpers include:
Archangel Raguel helps us when we are faced with standing our ground. He can show us the path to resolving disputes and arguments in a peaceful manner. He also acts as a motivational coach when we feel down on ourselves and he loves to help the underdog.
The Ascended Master Sanat Kumara teaches us that we have an unlimited supply of personal power and helps us find the energy we need to keep going and rise above negative experiences and thought patterns. This gives us the skills we need to strengthen our personal boundaries so that we can be and stay strong in situations where we need to be.
The Chinese Goddess Kuan Yin, who embodies compassion and mercy says, “You are a beautiful soul and have so much to offer. I can guide you on the path of self love and help you to embrace the confidence you need to free your mind, heart, and spirit. Be gentle on yourself. Joy comes from embracing the simple things which frees the energy needed to assist the creation process and help others along the way.”
Today’s Sacred Stones include:
Blue Lace Agate helps us to create and maintain balance during times of stress. It helps us to find our voice when indecision is a factor, allowing us to freely express thoughts and feelings in a peaceful manner.
Citrine. This happy and sunny crystal draws abundance and brings our self confidence forward. It promotes the optimistic mindset necessary to activate the manifestation process and nudges us into action. We can also use Citrine to help us sift through information and analyze situations so that we can move forward with positive intent. Citrine also helps us go with the flow and encourages us to explore all options so that we can make the best decisions for our journey.
Rose Quartz brings inner peace and harmony. The energy of this stone is very soothing and can help calm frazzled nerves. It helps to promote the softer, move loving view that we need to embrace gratitude, it soothes and clears the emotions and fills us with loving compassion. It works with the heart chakra to gently wash away negative feelings that we harbor against ourselves and lifts the emotions to promote joy and peace. It opens our hearts and shows us the love in relationships and situations, which helps us find a balancing point.
Bright blessings for a magickal day!
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