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The Creators: Science and Spirituality in the Quantum Universe

The Creators: Science and Spirituality in the Quantum UniverseChanneled by Daniel Scranton

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We are here to awaken within you that which was always there, but that which has not yet been known by your physical minds. We would like to broaden your minds by helping you with your concepts of self, of world, of Source, and of others. And as you shift these concepts, you shift who you are in the world, how you act, what you think, and what you say. And that will change your lives for the better. It will also give you a truer picture of the reality that you are experiencing.

Science has been doing this for quite some time by showing you all the things that you could not possibly see with your own two eyes. Science is helping you to understand the quantum universe and how those sub-atomic particles are behaving. And you are noticing that there is a link between science and spirituality. In other words, the objective world that is measurable is coming together with the world of metaphysics – the world that seeks to understand the unseen and the unknown. And as you bridge that gap, you come to recognize that everyone is really talking about the same thing. Why do we exist? How did we get here? And how can we maximize this opportunity of being here? Now everyone goes about that in different ways, because everyone has a different path, a different plan for themselves and for that life they are living.

You all get to decide more now than you ever have before what your path is. You get to determine what your life can be about as you stretch your consciousness and your imagination to include more possibilities for you. You are awakening to the truth of your own power, and that is a very important truth for you to awaken to, because thinking of yourself as just a lowly human who is on Earth to somehow impress God, some supreme being outside of you, is not a very fun or healthy way to live your life. It diminishes you as an individual with free will.

You have this immense power to create, and you are creating because of Source, but you are also creating within Source, and you are using your consciousness to move those sub-atomic particles around in a way that is most pleasing to you. You also get to use your free will to determine how you look at each particle within this universe of ours. You get to try on different perspectives and choose the one that best suits you in the moment, and when you can see that everyone else doing that is not a threat to you, then you can truly live and let live. You can be the creator of your own reality and allow everyone else do the same, knowing that all is well and all are truly safe because all of this is happening inside of a gigantic Being of Unconditional Love.

Now, when you are awake to all of that you can get through life’s challenges in a very joyous way and in a way that also has the side effect of inspiring others, empowering others, and you can live in a universe where everyone is marching to the beat of their own drum and doing so with a skip in their step. And you can be inspired by others as well when you see them as powerful beings of Source Energy who are co-creating experiences with you to further the expansion of Source.

So if you are looking for a Theory of Everything, we think that one is pretty good, and we think you don’t have to complicate it any more than your minds are capable of doing. We want you to enjoy this life, and in order to do so, it is helpful to know who you are and how it all works. And we and others like us will continue to do our best to convince you that you are capable of so much more and that this universe responds to your every thought and every desire. 

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

Daniel has been a verbal channel since 2010. He has done dozens of live and online group events and private sessions with people all over the globe. The Creators, The Hathors, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Ophelia the Faerie, and The Unicorn Collective are entities who have contracted to work with Daniel in guiding us through the exciting and turbulent times we are experiencing at this time of The Shift. 
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Scranton on CrystalWind.ca
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Reprinted With Written Permission From Daniel Scranton. © 2024 crystalwind.ca. </span

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