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Prime Creator: Urgent Ascension Update and Truth Revealed!

Prime Creator: Urgent Ascension Update and Truth Revealed!

My Beloved Children,

I am Father, Prime Creator, here today to give an update regarding your Ascension.

Everything on what is going on right now around your world and in your daily lives, it’s pre–Ascension Process to bring out to the surface all of the impurities and negative energies inside your society. Mother Earth spins faster and faster each day to get rid off the low vibrational frequencies from the planet. In the upcoming future everyone’s negative behavior or thoughts will be revealed.

We have been saying in many messages repeatedly, that there are no short cuts in the Ascension Process. If you want to leave the 3D Matrix, you need to earn your entrance into a New 5D Earth by completing your spiritual responsibility. There are no such thing as any formulas or rituals that can speed up the process, especially the meaningless Solar Flares. How many times by now, have you heard about the numerous supposed Solar Flares hitting your planet, and yet nothing has changed or Ascension happened.

At some point you should ask yourself, on how many Solar Flares is it going to take, thousand? If Solar Flares were as powerful, as they are being described, it would have taken only one of them for the changes to take place. It’s a false narrative created by false prophets. If you follow false prophets don’t be surprised, if they lead you off the cliff and you end up another 3D planet or lower. Yes, there are 2D planets or even lower than that.

Only Divine Interference can help in this transition. Anyone, who goes against Darkness’s agenda usually gets eliminated. You elected all of them, and now is the time for you to remove them from their positions of power. One of the main topics I would like to discuss today, it’s about the inflated ego. Humans do their judgment about the reality they live in based on their emotions combined with their ego. The reason you can’t handle the truth, as the ego is controlling the narrative and not your spirit.

This is why you judge everyone and everything, ego believes in lies, it never checks for the true facts. In order for you to master your ego and put it in it’s place, it’s necessary for you to do daily silent meditations and expand yourself above the 3D Matrix. Only the advanced souls can reach enlightenment in this lifetime, young souls are going to continue their journey in lower vibrations until their spiritual work is done.

You are not ready to Ascend yet. Most of the members in the Light Community do not meditate. They are competing between each other on who is a better channeler and can‘t handle the real truth and turn their backs on genuine souls. Where is your humbleness, gratitude and appreciation of each other. Are you not ashamed that there many humans in your world, who are starving and are homeless?

Humankind always likes to blame the Dark Entities for all of the issues or problems. Don’t look for saviors outside yourself, you are the savior for yourself and others. The behaviors of Negative Entities and Yours are getting exposed, as Divine is releasing more light on Gaia and raising the vibrations of the whole planet. As of right now so far, only a small percentage of humanity is ready to ascend, and the rest still remain not fully awaken or just following empty promises by others, who themselves have no idea about, on how the whole process of transformation into higher dimensions works.

If you take a million of humans and ask them, what is Ascension, you are going to get a million different answers. No unity between the human population, and many of them are not connected to the Universal Consciousness, otherwise every answer would be same. You can’t bring all of the imperfections and personal agendas into the 5th dimension; these type of behaviors are not allowed there. The separation between humans reached the highest level, as it’s expected as a part of transition.

You can’t avoid the pressure of making a decision on what is your next step. The times are drastically changing, and humankind is going to be forced to remove their negative governments and stop their plans of harming humans. My Beloved Children, you can choose to stay in 3D or leave it. The longer your being indecisive, the longer your going stay in the illusion of the Matrix.

Divine already removed many Dark souls from their physical bodies. Your planet will continue to experience many challenges until a full Ascension occurs. Please, remember nobody knows on when exactly it’s going to happen. Focus on raising your vibrations by doing daily silent meditations. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please accept my Supreme Love.

Be Alert and Be in the Moment

Prime Creator

Channeled by Erena Velazquez

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