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The Divine Connection: How Spirituality Fuels Creativity!

The Divine Connection: How Spirituality Fuels Creativity!

The Artistry of Being: The Relationship Between Spirituality and Creativity

We are creative beings that create with every breath of our existence.

Too often people tell me they aren’t creative, conflating the words creative and artistic. But spirituality and creativity are inextricably linked. Every thought, emotion, and action is imbued with creative life force. When consciously and intentionally woven together we have a profound tool (and way of being) to expand our consciousness, heal our wounds, and express the deepest part of ourselves. Because of this creativity is an integral part of our spiritual growth and development. 

The Relationship between Creativity & Spirituality

The connection between spirituality and creativity is symbiotic—a dynamic interplay between the inner and outer realms of human experience. If we define spirituality as an exploration of what is meaningful and that meaning is derived from something larger than ourselves. Then creativity is a way to explore that meaning. But not to just explore it, embody it. Play with it, express and experience it. 

 At its core, creativity is a manifestation of consciousness’ innate desire to express and know itself. Artists, writers, musicians, and creators of all types often speak of being inspired by a muse—compelling them to channel their thoughts, emotions, and inspirations into tangible forms. But this creative impulse doesn’t just beckon ‘artists’ in the traditional sense. It calls to all of us, in every moment. And in fact, we use it’s creative power in every decision and action we take.

What would happen if we harnessed it more intentionally? Or looked at creativity more as a way of being rather than just an artistic pursuit?

Creativity is the natural order of life. Life is energy: pure creative energy. ~ Julia Cameron

Transcendence, Transformation & Transmutation

The prefix ‘trans’ means to move beyond, across or go through. Creativity is the bridge that can take us from one place to another. It allows us to break free from the constraints of ordinary perception, shift our energy and awareness allowing us to explore and envision new possibilities and move through difficult emotions and challenges. 

Creativity can be seen as a way to tap into our collective consciousness, channeling ideas, and inspiration from a source beyond the individual self. In this sacred dance of creation, we discover the depths of our own beings and the boundless expanse of the universe itself. This entanglement with unity allows us to transcend the limitations of the ego and tap into a deeper, more profound understanding of reality.

Creativity as Soul Language

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a window into our soul? Or to understand what lies below the surface of our conscious mind? Too often spirituality is only an intellectual pursuit. We read and learn from ancient wisdom teachings and our current thought leaders. But a big part of our spiritual development should be experiential. 

Often we are unable to unlock and decipher what’s going on beneath our conscious awareness. Creativity gives us tools to explore and experience some deeper parts of ourselves. Speaking the language of our soul through colors, symbols and archetypes. Helping us to translate and express the abstraction, emotions, and intuitions that are often hard to verbalize.

Watch: Soul Language: How the Essence Speaks on The Golden Flower

Creativity and Healing

Healing is a multi-faceted and multi-dimensional process. Having worked with cancer survivors for over a decade, I learned that part of the process is finding meaning in your experience and finding ways to deal with difficult thoughts and emotions that arise. Creativity once again offers us the opportunity for both of these things. And not just as art therapy in the traditional sense. 

One of the most important lessons I learned from this time was to find beauty and gratitude wherever you can. The color of the flower, the sleeping cat in the stream of light on the floor, or a good hug from a close friend. To find the meaning and appreciation for these small moments is also a creative act. How we choose to engage in a moment, the way we choose to experience something or where we choose to put our attention is fundamentally creative. 

“Without the spiritual component, the artist works with a crucial disadvantage. The spiritual world provides a sense of wonder and a degree of open-mindedness not always found within the confines of science. The world of reason can be narrow and filled with dead ends, while a spiritual viewpoint is limitless and invites fantastic possibilities. The unseen world is boundless.”
― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being

Creativity as a State of Being

We have the opportunity for creative expression in what we wear, how we eat, and the words we choose. How we move, what we love, and the lens from which we see the world. Many ancient teachings talk about ‘The dream’ or ‘The story’ that we tell ourselves collectively or individually. All of these things are our creations. With every breath, there is a choice, and every choice is a creative act. Can you bring more color, sound, feel, imagination, and vision into the moment? Can you explore the world with new eyes, from new levels, without preconceived notions? Can you write a new story or dream a new dream?

The connection between creativity and spirituality offers opportunities for healing, growth, exploration, meaning, and overcoming obstacles. It allows us to cultivate a deeper sense of connection to ourselves and the world around us. In a perfect world, everyone would have one or many creative outlets in the more traditional sense. And they would also harness the power of choice as a creative act. In a world that begs us to create a new collective dream, developing our creative muscles is not only important for our own evolution but humanity’s as well. 


Join the hosts of The Golden Flower Podcast, Gemma & Angela for this free workshop
as we connect to our intuitive insights through a mini-creative journey. No artistic experience is necessary.

Sign Up for Free  (more information)

 April 14th 10am MT (~75 mins)
Online over Zoom
Register Here!

Experiencing an Abrupt Transition? Work with Angela

Reprinted exclusively on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Angela Levesque.
Images by CrystalWind.ca


© Copyright 2024 Angela Levesque

As a prolific wordsmith, transformational guide, and digital wizard, Angela Levesque spends much of her time listening to the whispers of the Universe and teaching others to do the same. Translating those whispers into stories, classes, art, insights, and meditations has been her life's work. She also co-hosts the Golden Flower, a podcast about creativity as self development. For more information visit chaosandlight.com.

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