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From Chaos to Calm: Understanding Spiritual Health in Uncertain Times

From Chaos to Calm: Understanding Spiritual Health in Uncertain Times

Spiritual health is a vital aspect of our overall health and well-being.

And it has become increasingly important in these chaotic times. Some describe this moment as the post-truth era. Where everything we see, read, or search on the internet is up for debate. Is that image fake? Have you been embroiled in an internet fight with a bot unwittingly? It is getting difficult to know what is truth and what is illusion. In such a destabilizing time, spiritual health assists us in honing our discernment skills, gives us tools for inner peace, and helps us to focus on what is meaningful.

What is Spiritual Health?

Similarly to physical and mental health, spiritual health is key to our overall sense of fulfillment, happiness, and well-being. And just like someone would focus on diet and exercise to improve physical health. There are characteristics and aspects that one should focus on to improve their spiritual health. Although the expression is highly individualized and subjective, there are commonalities within this dimension of wellness.

Characteristics of Spiritual Health

Seeking Meaning and Purpose: Individuals with positive spiritual health are seekers of meaning and purpose. They want to contemplate the deeper questions about existence and their role in the world. And they value living a purposeful life.

Clarifying Values and Beliefs: Whether they are rooted in religion, philosophy, or a sense of interconnectedness with the universe. A person with a strong sense of spiritual health will have spent time exploring what it is that they care about. And they will understand their beliefs and how they were formed. Being willing to re-evaluate and release any that no longer serve them.

Valuing Relationships: Understanding the interconnectedness of all things is a fundamental aspect of spiritual health. Whether it is your connection to the natural world, the people in your life, or your relationship with your inner self. They value nurturing these connections and practice love, forgiveness, gratitude, and seeing from each other’s perspectives.

Learning About Spiritual Concepts: It doesn’t matter if your spirituality is seated in religion, New Age philosophy, or Paganism. What’s important is to dive deep into teachings and learn the foundational concepts. This provides a more meaningful connection and gives the person spiritual tools and techniques in alignment with their belief system.

Self-awareness: Spiritual health often involves frequent and deep introspection. It requires the seeker to understand who they are and how they show up in the world. Paying attention to their thoughts, emotions, and actions and how they are all interconnected.

A Perspective of Interconnectedness: Understanding the interconnectedness of all things and being able to toggle between the perspectives of the individual and of the All. This means that a person can have a healthy ego AND understand that we are all one. And knows when to operate from those different perspectives.

Transcendence and Awe: Spiritual health may involve experiences that go beyond the ordinary, such as a sense of awe, wonder, or moments of transcendence that move people out of separation into a larger field of meaning and connectedness.

Seeing the Beauty: Recognizing and appreciating the beauty in the world, whether in nature, art, or human experiences, contributes to a sense of the divine. Appreciating beauty is one of the easiest routes to exploring the world energetically.

Being in Integrity: Having a healthy spiritual life asks the seeker to be authentic in their actions and words. It also means being accountable for your actions and honoring your commitments to yourself and others.

Acts of Service: Contributing positively to the well-being of others and the broader community is an important part of being a spiritually healthy person. And promotes a sense of compassion, generosity, and interconnectedness.

Engaging in Spiritual Practices: Techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, prayer, yoga, ritual, and ceremony are just a few examples of practices that connect people to Spirit and often enhance their sense of peace and self-awareness.

Cultivating Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful tool for enhancing spiritual health. Take time each day to reflect on the things you are thankful for, whether big or small. Gratitude not only shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have but also fosters a sense of contentment and connection to the greater good.

Taking care of your spiritual health involves connecting with your inner self, finding purpose, and fostering a sense of peace. Feeling connected to something larger than ourselves assists us in leading more meaningful lives. And allows us to explore the world from multiple perspectives. Developing these aspects of ourselves will play an important role in the future of humanity. And help us to mitigate so much of the stress and uncertainty in these tumultuous times.

Reprinted exclusively on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Angela Levesque.
Images by CrystalWind.ca

© Copyright 2024 Angela Levesque

As a prolific wordsmith, transformational guide, and digital wizard, Angela Levesque spends much of her time listening to the whispers of the Universe and teaching others to do the same. Translating those whispers into stories, classes, art, insights, and meditations has been her life's work. She also co-hosts the Golden Flower, a podcast about creativity as self development. For more information visit chaosandlight.com.

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