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New Chapter Starts Now

New Chapter Starts Now

Beloved Holy Ones of the Light,

A new chapter has begun in the transformation process of the Earth, and also for many individuals, groups, and nations who are collectively making important decisions and choices about how to respond to the divine evolutionary process that is unfolding.

Beloved ones, there is so much that is not possible to fully know or understand, however, the greatest knowledge that you carry is the love in your heart and the alignment of your heart with the divine.

This is a very important skill, as well as a natural attribute of all souls.

There are many at this time who have lost this connection with the heart, and as a result, are departing deeply from the vibration of Divine Love.

Divine Love is what created each being, and it is deeply important at this time, dearest beloveds, to hold within your own heart compassion for all that is not yet possible.

It is also deeply important, beloved ones, to hold compassion for those who do not know that they have departed from their divine nature.

There are those who are heavily involved in energies of separation that seek to disrupt the expansion of divine light.

Dearest beloved ones, even if you do not know what to do, or where to go, or how to proceed during these extremely turbulent times, cultivate in your heart Divine Love, Divine Trust, and Divine Peace.

Create this vibration within yourself.
You were created with this Love.

Most importantly, go deeply within your own experience, and see clearly where you may be departing from the divine nature of love within you.

Hold forgiveness when you see and feel these aspects from the past.

Compassion and forgiveness held for the self will also greatly benefit all other beings in your field and in the collective consciousness.

We ask, dearest beloveds, at this time that you gather together whenever possible with others of like mind and like heart to affirm divine love, divine peace, divine compassion, and that you hold in your heart the prayer for all healing to come to all beings on the Holy Earth, and especially those who are suffering and are passing through extreme trials.

We ask this and call you to the divine mission that brought you to the Earth, for a new chapter is beginning, and your presence is greatly needed. With all love and blessings, Amen.

Mashubi Shekiniah: World Blessings is dedicated to the unity of souls and to the creation of a sacred earth, infused by the Realms of Light. Our purpose is to offer spiritual principles and guidance for living a sacred life.

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