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Munay-Ki: The Next Step in Evolution

Munay-Ki  The Next Step in Evolution

“The new caretakers of the Earth will come from the West, and those that have made the greatest impact on Mother Earth now have the moral responsibility to remake their relationship with Her, after remaking themselves," Don Antonio Morales

The Tradition

The Munay-Ki comes from a Quechua word that means ‘I love you.’ The Munay-Ki are the nine rites of initiation to become a person of wisdom and power who has accepted the stewardship for all creation. The nine rites are common to all shamanic traditions, even though they are expressed in different forms and styles in different cultures.

They derive from the great initiations from the Indus Valley that were brought to the Americas by the first medicine men and women who crossed the Bering Straits from Siberia during the glacial period some 30,000 years ago. These courageous travelers were the Laika, the Earthkeepers of old.


The Laika have always been ordinary men and women who live extraordinary lives. They were not born with special gifts from Spirit; they have acquired uncommon grace and power through prayer, study of the wisdom teachings or Insights, and discipline. Some grew to be renowned leaders and healers, while others lived quiet lives, raising their children and growing corn. The Laika felt that people would come to the Munay-Ki when they were ready and felt a calling to do so.

Many of you have received such a calling from Spirit, and long to make a difference in the world and in your life. When you come to the path of the Earthkeepers with sincere intention and an open heart, you’ll soon notice that you’re not alone. You’ll find yourself in the company of like-minded people who strive to live by ethics and vision. And you’ll find yourself in the company of Earthkeepers who lived on this planet many thousands of years ago, luminous beings who are now part of the great matrix of life. These Earthkeepers will add their power and vision to yours.

As you experience the Munay-Ki, you’ll feel the presence and sense the wisdom of these luminous ones who have broken out of linear time and now dwell in sacred time, in infinity, free from the grip of karma and rebirth. The Munay-Ki will clear your luminous energy field of the psychic sludge left by past traumas. As you raise your level of vibration, these luminous beings will come to you and guide you. Connect with them, and you’ll be able to recall stories that you never experienced directly, but that are now yours. You’ll remember sitting around a fire with the buffalo behind you, and meditating in a stone temple above the snow line.

Since the Earthkeepers come from the future as well, they can help us to access who we’re becoming as humans 10,000 years from now. The memories from the past are available to the Laika who taps into that vast reservoir of knowledge that exists outside of time. The visions of the future come as possibilities, because everything in the future is still in potential form. That’s why Earthkeepers from the Hopi, the Maya, the Inka, and many other nations gather regularly to pray for peace on the earth. They do so by tracking along the possible futures for the planet to find one in which the rivers and the air are clean, and people live in harmony with each other and nature. The act of finding this desirable future installs it into our collective destiny and makes it a little bit more probable than it was before, because it has acquired another quanta of energy from these Earthkeepers.

When we connect with these luminous ones, their stories become our stories: We actually “remember” making our way across the Bering Straits or crossing the Sonora Desert into Central America, or even before that, making our way over the Himalayas to the fertile green valleys on our great journey north from India. When we partner with the Earthkeepers from the future, we make available to ourselves knowledge that can upgrade the quality of our DNA. This runs contrary to scientific wisdom, which says that our genes can only be informed by the past, by the gifts and illnesses our ancestors had. The Laika understand that when you are free of the bounds of time, the future can reach backwards like a giant hand to pull you forward. You can be influenced by who you are becoming.

Receive Munay-Ki Rites

As you receive the Munay-Ki, your chakras will become clear and you’ll acquire what the Laika know as the rainbow body. This is when your chakras glow with their original radiance. Remember that each of the chakras has a color, and when they’re shining with their original light, they emit the colors of the rainbow. When they’re dulled by trauma from this and from previous lifetimes, our LEF acquires a grayish hue and our chakras become pools of psychic sewage. Once we acquire a rainbow body, the luminous Earthkeepers can reach out to us because they recognize that we share a common vision and calling. When this happens, and if you’ve developed the ability to see into the invisible world, you can discern the former physical forms of these luminous ones. Sometimes, people will perceive these ancient Earthkeepers as Native American elders, wearing robes from Asia or furs from Siberia, or even feathers from the Amazon. Sometimes you’ll be able to perceive their thoughts and feelings. And you will have access to their wisdom and their stories. Eventually, as you experience the 7th, 8th, and 9th initiation, you can download a new and better version of the software that informs the LEF, which will then inform your DNA, giving it instructions on how to create a new body that will age, heal, and die differently.

There’s nothing you need to do to attract these luminous Earthkeepers. They’ll come to you when you invite them to do so and are ready to receive them. When the student is ready, the master appears. They will not disturb you in any way, but are available to support you in your efforts to bring a bit more light and healing into the world. They’re also there to protect you from the negativity and fearful energies in the world today.

The Nature of the Luminous Beings

These luminous ones are our medicine lineage. They’re humans who rose to the level of angels. Some are in bodies, some are in spirit form, but all have a mandate to protect those who are looking after the well-being of the planet. The Buddhists call them Bodhisattvas. They are the finest spiritual allies anyone can have, and they provide us with knowledge on how one becomes an angel. This is what the prophecies of the Laika mean when they tell us that we have the potential to become Homo luminous. We can develop the luminous energy fields of angels within our lifetime. The Munay-Ki offers us the energetic keys to do this.

When we evolve to Homo luminous, we no longer have to call on angels and archangels to help us find a parking spot or our fortunes, because we are becoming like them. Remember that in the Bible, God said, “Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever. ”

As we become Earthkeepers, we join the ranks of the angels, who come from many different worlds and were the original souls present after the Creation. They don’t cycle through bodies as we do, because they don’t need a corporeal form, as they don’t need to learn and grow during an existence in the material world. They have everlasting life, and are the keepers of many worlds in many galaxies.

Initiation Rites

The training of the Earthkeepers has an energetic component, a series of initiations that help us to develop a new architecture in our luminous energy field. The rites anchor each of the critical junctures in the process of becoming homo luminous.

The nine rites are the sum total of attunements that we go through as we transit from the body of a human to the body of angels.

These rites were first given to ancient teachers by angelic beings, and now are passed on from teacher to student. When an Earthkeeper gifts the Munay-Ki to a student, it is the lineage of luminous beings that transmits itself, that leaps from the head of the master to the student as they lean into each other and touch, forehead to forehead. To transfer this energetic information, the Earthkeeper simply maintains sacred space and embodies the vibration of the level she wants to transmit. While you can’t undergo these initiations on your own, once you receive them, the rites are yours to transmit to others as you wish. But there is one caveat. The rites are offered free of charge. You may charge a fee to coach a client during the changes that they will go through as they receive the rites, but not for the Munay-Ki itself.

Great Principles

Feeding the Seeds:

The Great Principles

The Great Principles are the foundational practices of the Earthkeepers; the basic fundamental code of behavior; the most elevated and sublime form of their wisdom. When you practice non-violence you create peace. When you speak truth, everything you say becomes so. When you practice integrity you repair the world and it becomes whole. When you live with moderation you preserve your life force and live a long and healthy life. When you live in generosity everything comes to you.

  1. Nonviolence
    Bring no harm to yourself or others.
  2. Truthfulness
    Be true to your word, and let your word be true.
  3. Integrity
    Do not steal, not even a glance; walk your talk.
  4. Moderation
    Use wisely the life force within you.
  5. Generosity
    Give more than you take for nothing in the world really belongs to you.

Breathing Meditation:

  1. Stand or sit
  2. Clasp your hands behind your back, fingers pointing down to earth and resting thumbs at the base of the spine
  3. Begin breath of fire, in/out of nose, directed into belly, at a comfortable but vigorous pace
  4. Breathe in the energy of tMother earth

 Pachamama Take a deep cleansing breathe

  1. Breathe in 3 breaths as one and hold while pulsing the perineum, drawing up the earth energy into your whole body
  2. Bring hands to belly to sense the energy
  3. Clasp hands above head fingers pointing to sky & Pachacuti the Divine Masculine
  4. Begin breath of fire, in/out of nose, directed into belly
  5. Breathe in the energy of the sun, moon and stars
  6. Take a deep cleansing breathe
  7. Breathe in 3 breaths as one and hold while pulsing the perineum, drawing down the energy into your whole body
  8. (Repeat entire breathing meditation 3 times)
  9. At the end of the third round bring your hands up and inside the 8th chakra above your head
  10. Bring the energy down all around you
  11. Sit and meditate in this sacred space and see who you are on an eternal scale
  12. When finished gather up the edges of the sacred space and back into your 8th chakra over your head
  13. With any residual energy left in your hands Bring a string of light from your 8th chakra down through all of your chakras

Note :The Munay-Ki rites can sometimes call up deep emotional wounds to the surface. This is part of the healing process. We do not want to engage these on an emotional or physical level. If any memories of past traumas or wounding arise immediately feed them to the fire. 

Fire Ceremony

Munay-Ki Transformational Fire Ceremony

The transformational fire ceremony is a key practice of the Munay Ki.  Bringing in the light and warmth of the fire germinates the seeds that have been received in the LEF (Luminous Energy Field).

Sacred Space

  1. Prepare a place that is quiet and calm - open Sacred Space by calling in the four directions, the earth, and the heavens.  (see below)
  2. Prepare yourself to do sacred work - take a few deep breaths to release the everyday world and allow yourself to drop into the vibration of the sacred.
  3. Light the fire - you may choose to light a candle, group of candles, or a bonfire outdoors.

Germination of the Seeds

  1. Take a place by the fire and open Personal Sacred Space.
  2. Drop into the vibration of the rite you have received.
  3. Looking into the fire with a soft gaze, use your hands to draw the energy of the flame into your body. Draw the energy of fire into your heart, your chakras, or any area of the body that is associated with the rite you are working with.
  4. Pause for a moment and allow the light and warmth of the fire to penetrate into your being.  Invite spirit to germinate the seeds to release their power and beauty.  Spend the time that feels appropriate to you.


  1. Close personal sacred space, and the directions, earth, and sky.
  2. Put out the fire if working with a candle, or let the bonfire burn down naturally.
Creating Scared Space (Calling the Powers):

Creating Scared Space (Calling the Powers):

To the winds of the South
Great serpent,
Wrap your coils of light around us,
Teach us to shed the past the way you shed your skin,
To walk softly on the Earth. Teach us the Beauty Way.

To the winds of the West
Mother Sister jaguar,
Protect our medicine space.
Teach us the way of peace, to live impeccably
Show us the way beyond death.

To the winds of the North.
Hummingbird, Grandmothers and Grandfathers,
Ancient Ones
Come and warm your hands by our fires
Whisper to us in the wind
We honor you who have come before us,
And you who will come after us, our children’s children.

To the winds of the East.
Great eagle, condor
Come to us from the place of the rising Sun.
Keep us under your wing.
Show us the mountains we only dare to dream of.
Teach us to fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit.

Mother Earth.
We’ve gathered for the healing of all your children.
The Stone People, the Plant People.
The four-legged, the two-legged, the creepy crawlers.
The finned, the furred, and the winged ones.
All our relations.

Father Sun, Grandmother Moon, to the Star nations.
Great Spirit, you who are known by a thousand names
And you who are the unnameable One.
Thank you for bringing us together
And allowing us to sing the Song of Life.

Note: Don’t forget to close the Powers by thanking them and releasing them after the ceremony is complete.

Opening your “Viracocha” or “Personal Sacred Space”:

  1. Take a deep breath and “ground”
  2. Reach up a few inches above your head into your eighth chakra, a place of pure golden light.
  3. Extend your fingers and bring the light down and all around you, extending your arms all the way to the floor.

To close the Viracocha bring arms back up closing the light back into the 8th chakra and then bring it down your chakra line.



The archetypes are organizing principles of the Universe. They have been planted as seeds in each of your chakras. It is important to remember that you have received them as seeds, they are pure potential – it is your relationship with them that will grow them into the powerful forces that inform your chakras in new ways. That is why we do fire ceremonies, to grow these seeds with fire. As you develop your own relationship with the archetypes, your descriptions will evolve from your experience and become your own.


Each of the archetypal animals exudes a different flavor of energy. Serpent symbolizes knowledge, sexuality and healing. Perhaps the most universal archetype, serpent has always represented the healing power of nature. The staff of medicine, or Caduceus, is formed by two serpents intertwined around a rod. The serpent teaches us to shed our past the way she sheds her skin so we may walk with beauty on the belly of the Mother.


Where serpent represents the power of healing which is gradual and incremental; jaguar stands for sudden transformation. That which endures is always changing and renewing itself; that which remains unchanged perishes. We can transform our bodies so that they heal more rapidly and age more elegantly by embodying the forces represented by jaguar. Consider the metaphor that we have nine lives, like cats. When we reach the end of one of these lifetimes (others might call them stages or phases), it is important to give the old self a decent burial, and then leap like a jaguar into who we are becoming. Otherwise, we can spend years patching and fixing an old self which we have outgrown. Jaguar teaches us to step beyond fear, violence and death. She is the life force of the jungle and the steward of the life force.


Represents the courage required to embark on an epic journey, much like hummingbirds migrate over the Atlantic every year from Brazil to Canada. Once touched by the energies of this archetype, we are propelled on our own epic journey that eventually leads us back to our source, where our spirit was spawned. When you do not have enough time, money or know-how for what you are attempting, hummingbird can provide the courage and guidance necessary for success. Hummingbird drinks only from the nectar of life, seeking the flowers not the garbage, knowing stillness even in motion. Not built for flight yet undertaking and accomplishing the impossible journey.

Condor or Eagle:

Eagle perceives the entire panorama of life without becoming bogged down in its details. The energies of eagle assist us in finding the guiding vision of our lives. The eyes of the condor see into the past and the future, helping to know where we come from, and who we are becoming. Eagle allows us to rise above the mundane battles that occupy our lives and consume our energy and attention. Eagle gives us wings to soar above trivial day-to-day struggles, into the high peaks close to Heaven. Eagle and condor represent the self-transcending principle in nature. Eagle pushes us out of the nest to spread our own wings so that we may always fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit.


Lord of life, Lord of death -the harmonizing principle of the Lower World, our inner world. He/she is the renewer of the Earth and our own personal need of renewing those fields that are fallow, those places that need aerating. The gift of Huascar is a harmonic relationship with our inner shadow and hidden places.


Lord of the dawn, Day Bringer, Morning Star. Quetzal is a beautiful jungle bird and coatl is the feathered serpent represented by the Caduceus of Western Medicine. As the organizer of the middle world, when you come into relationship with Quetzlcoatl you don’t have to micromanage your life.


Keeper of the possibilities and the organizing principle of the heavenly Upper World, Pachakuti embodies the concept of circular time, stepping outside of linear time to make time stand still and bring heavenly order.


Life is a delicate balance between the changing and the unchanging. The Earthkeepers believe the LEF has three parts. When people die, one part of their essence (the changing) returns to the Earth, to be reabsorbed into nature and become one with all life. Another part (power and wisdom) returns to the sacred mountains, and a third part (the unchanging) returns to the Sun.

Earth is the receptive and nurturing principle with power to mulch and renew. When saluting the Earth we acknowledge our relationship with all life forms, from the trees to the fishes, the birds, and the stones, the four legged and the two legged. When saluting the Heavens we acknowledge our star brother and sisters, and we dedicate our healing effort to the Great Spirit, the Creator of all.

Munay-Ki Rites


Rite One: Healer’s Rite

Connects you to a lineage of luminous healers from the past to assist you in your personal transformation, awakening the healing power so that everyone you touch is blessed. We access tremendous spiritual assistance; ancient healers who help heal the wounds of the past and of our ancestors.

Rite Two: Bands of Power

Five energy belts are woven into your luminous energy field (LEF) for protection. They act as filters, breaking down any negative energies that come toward you into one of the five elements, earth, air, fire, water and light, feeding your LEF instead of allowing those energies to make you sick.

Rite Three: Harmony Rite

A transmission of the 7 Archetypes into the Chakras. First you receive the archetypes of serpent, jaguar, hummingbird and eagle; next you receive three archangels: the Keeper of the Lower World (our unconscious), the Keeper of the Middle World (our waking world), and the Protector of the Upper World (our super-conscious).

Rite Four: Seer’s Rite

Pathways of light connect the visual cortex with the third eye and heart chakra. This awakens the inner seer and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and Spirit.

Rite Five: Daykeeper’s Rite

You connect to a lineage of master healers from ancient times. Daykeepers can call on ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the earth, and on the sun to rise each day, bringing us into harmony with mother Earth. This rite helps you begin to heal your inner feminine, step beyond fear, and practice peace.

Rite Six: Wisdomkeeper’s Rite

You connect to a lineage of luminous beings from the past and the future. This rite helps you to begin to heal your inner masculine, step outside of time, and taste infinity.

Rite Seven: Earthkeeper’s Rite

This rite connects you to the archangels that are guardians of our solar system, stewards of all life on Earth. It lifts you from your earth-bound existence and sets your spirit free to begin your journey to the stars -beginning with the sun, our local star- so you may dream your world into being.

Rite Eight: Starkeeper’s Rite

This rite helps your physical body to evolve into Homo Luminous; the aging process is slowed down, your DNA is re-informed, and you become more resistant to disease. You accept the seat around a holy fire at the center of the Sun, a place that has been held for you since the beginning of time.

Rite Nine: Creator Rite

As it awakens the Creator-light within, this rite brings stewardship for all creation -from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies. Once you discover that Spirit not only works through you but AS YOU, and all of creation is happening inside you, the stewardship then becomes natural.

As you work with the germination of these rites you’ll be touched and blessed by angels. You simply need to open yourself to the wisdom of the Earthkeepers, and all will be bestowed upon you.


  • Munay-Ki website – munay-ki.org
    The Four Winds Society website – www.thefourwinds.com
  • All books by Alberto Villoldo
  • Munay-Ki DVD & Morning Meditation and Breathing exercise (both available through the Four Winds Society)



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