The God Field: The Hidden Truth You’ve Been Missing
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- Written by Owen K. Waters

The courageous Professor Peter Higgs passed away in April 2024. Starting in 1964, he had quietly but relentlessly championed the return of a universal all-pervasive field to the world of physics.
His Higgs Mechanism explains the origin of the property of mass in subatomic particles. It requires the existence of an all-pervasive field and it also predicted the existence of a previously undetected particle, now called the Higgs boson.
When the existence of this new particle was proved at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, popular literature picked up on its fundamental importance and called it the God Particle!
This corrects the wrong turn taken by science over a century ago when an erroneous experiment failed to detect the aether and, instead of admitting failure, declared that the aether did not exist. This set back the progress of energy research for many decades.
In the 1800s, the science world accepted the existence of the “luminiferous aether”, an all-pervasive field which is the medium through which light is transmitted. At the time, the electrical pioneer Michael Faraday firmly believed in the “luminiferous aether” as an all-pervasive fabric of space. He went on to discover the principles that made possible the electric generator, motor, and transformer.
In the early 1900s, Nikola Tesla, ignoring the faulty experiment, firmly believed in the aether and, among many other advances, gave the world alternating current technology, making long-distance electrical transmission possible.
Today, the all-pervasive field is back, after being lost to physics for over a century. Next, progressive science minds will sense the tide change in physics and take the next steps by unraveling the damage caused by the theoretical concept of spacetime, which was invented as a substitute for the aether.
Spacetime was embedded into the counter-intuitive theory of relativity, which tries to tell us that we will never be able to travel faster than the speed of light. I doubt that is the belief of the ET visitors who travel back and forth hundreds of light years to come and visit and see how close we are to being ready for open contact.
Relativity is one of those observer-bound ideas that thinks that the outside world is governed by the mind of the observer. In truth, the cosmos has its own rules and does not require humans to bring things into existence. For example, when you look at the Pleiades in the night sky, you’re not creating what you see. You’re seeing an image of how the stars looked 500 years ago because that is how long their light took to reach you. It’s the same thing with the question of whether a tree falling in a forest makes a sound if you’re not there to hear it. Yes, it does make a sound even if no one is there to hear it.
The following example shows why relativity is counter-intuitive. Two cars are traveling toward each other at a steady speed of 60 miles per hour each. They pass and continue their journeys in opposite directions at that speed. Then, one hour after the point where they passed each other they will be 120 miles apart, one car having traveled from the meeting point 60 miles in one direction and the other car having traveled 60 miles in the opposite direction. Their speed relative to each other added up to produce a cumulative 120 miles of separation in one hour. So far, so good. Common sense reigns.
With relativity theory, however, common sense flies out the window. It says that if two spaceships are traveling toward each other, both traveling at 0.8 times the speed of light, their relative speed cannot add up to 1.6 times the speed of light because nothing can exceed the speed of light. Make sense? No, of course not and, yet, this kind of relative spacetime nonsense has helped keep aether theory suppressed for over a century, severely hampering progress in energy research.
Today, thanks to the courageous persistence of Professor Peter Higgs, we have the aether back, albeit under a new name. But, will it be called the Higgs field in popular usage? I rather like the title of Lynne McTaggart’s book which simply called it The Field, with a capital “F”. Renaming the aether as “the Field” certainly helps avoid confusion over certain energy definitions. You see, “the aether” and “etheric energy” are two energies that sound the same but are actually as different as yin and yang.
So, let’s review those definitions as given in one of the chapters of my book, Spiritual Metaphysics: Answers to the Great Mysteries of Life.
The Field is a subtle, fluid, magnetic energy which fills all space. It is the fabric of space.
Etheric energy has been given many names, for example zero point energy, prana, chi or qi, orgone, the fifth element, tachyon energy, and vacuum energy. A more subtle cousin to electricity, etheric energy is the life force that streams towards us from the Sun, energizing and motivating all forms of life. In summary…
Etheric energy is universal life energy. Like all energies, it travels within the Field.
Courtesy of Owen Waters Source Here
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