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Escape The Conscious Matrix Now

Escape The Conscious Matrix Now

The 1999 movie The Matrix presented some thought-provoking concepts to an audience ready for deeper awareness.

In the movie, humans existed in liquid-filled pods while experiencing a simulated version of reality. Their illusion of life was fed to them by a massive computer which was plugged into their brains, replacing the feed of information which would have normally come from their five senses. The computer made them think that they were acting out their lives in an exterior physical world when it was all just happening inside their brains.

This movie subjected the audience to the shocking idea that life could be simulated – faked up – by a massive computer. Bear in mind, however, that the details of many movie plots do not stand up to close examination. This one, too, fails to explain how an electronic computer could create any of the emotional aspects of human life. Nor could it create the higher, above-sensory facets of human consciousness. For example, imagination, curiosity, creativity, and the drive to evolve back to Source would not be products of an electronic computer simulation.

However, the concept hit a resonant nerve with the viewing public because, unconsciously, they know that it has parallels in the truth about life. The physical world really is a simulation, a stage upon which we gain experience and grow. It appears solid but, really, it consists of nothing more than 100%, non-solid consciousness.

We know that the atoms which comprise “solid” matter consist of various forms of energy. The different types of energy in this universe are different types of compressed Creator consciousness.

Each object in the universe is a field of consciousness with a set of properties which describe its nature, its location, and its position on a timeline. If you move a chair from one side of a room to the other, its location property will change. If someone else then walks into the room, they will perceive the chair object in its new location.

Physical reality is a construct in consciousness. When you, in your idea of having a physical body, walk into the room and see that chair, you are seeing the idea of the chair as its properties declare it to be. Even the room itself is just another set of properties perceived in consciousness in a way that makes sense to a person who sees it as a room in a physical world.

The entire universe is a giant construct in consciousness where each object is in its right place, courtesy of its own set of properties. The universe is a giant repository of consciousness and information in a constant state of change. It is a living source of information where every object knows its place and everyone can build their reality by accessing the shared information.

Life is a projection that reflects back at you, the observer, within your field of consciousness.

The projection is created by your soul or superconscious mind. It is for this reason that some people refer to the soul realm as the causal realm, because it is the root cause of what appears to be your physical environment.

Your soul faithfully provides the scenery and works with the other actors on the theatrical stage of life so that you are free to act in the best way you see fit. It is your conscious mind’s free will that gives you the opportunity to make decisions and learn from the consequent experiences.

We are souls dreaming that we live in a physical world. Once the rules of the dream are understood, life overflows with infinite possibilities. Your soul “walks” through the dream, affecting objects and communicating with other souls while gaining experience.

Every change affecting people and objects is instantly available as information to all concerned. The giant database of universal consciousness refreshes itself at an incredible rate – some billions of times per second.

Object-Oriented Reality in a Conscious Universe

There is a theory going around today that the universe only exists when you are observing it and, therefore, that each person must be creating their entire universe. Yes, you do create your personal version of the universe, but it is readily apparent that the universe goes on doing what it does regardless of whether any particular individual is watching it. For example, you don’t create the stars in the night sky the moment you look up at them. You see them already in existence, in the positions they were in hundreds of light-years ago when their light began its journey from their location to your location.

The key to understanding the construction of the conscious universe is something I call Object-Oriented Reality. The universe consists entirely of consciousness and physical objects are projections of consciousness within the illusions of time and space. Objects maintain their own independent properties defining their nature and location.

Each subatomic particle is an independent object unto itself. Being constructed from consciousness, they also have their own basic sense of conscious awareness. A particle has properties, a whole list of them. It has momentum, a position in space and time, a frequency and density of consciousness that form its very nature, it has an electrical charge, and so on.

Because the choice of Creation is to produce infinite variety, every single subatomic particle in the universe is unique. Every subatomic particle has a distinct signature tone. Like most things in Creation, each unique signature tone has three primary aspects to it – thought, feeling, and frequency.

When the conscious entity that we call a subatomic particle is combined with other particles to form an atom, an object of a higher order is formed. At that point, many particles come together to form a larger object, one with its own consciousness, which is greater than the sum of its parts. It is greater than the sum of its parts because, in addition to its parts, it is also a new, larger entity.

That atom may then become attached to other atoms to form a molecule, which is yet another higher order of functionality, also with its own unique combination of properties. That molecule may become part of a tree growing in nature, which then becomes shaped into one component of a wooden chair. Now, we have an object called a chair, consisting of a hierarchy of conscious components which now share the one, integrated set of properties called a chair.

An object is therefore comprised of a functional hierarchy of smaller components, each of which is composed of consciousness, and each of which has its own sense of awareness.

If someone moves your chair when you are away, its location property will have been changed and you will see it in its new location when you return. The chair was moved independent of your awareness, without you being the one who moved it. As an independent, conscious entity, it retains its own set of properties, including its location. These properties are part of the universal information available to everyone.

Everything in the world is a conscious entity and has awareness, even the things that we have been taught to view as inanimate. Your house feels more like home when you express love toward it. Because the house is a conscious entity, it feels your love and reciprocates your empathetic feeling. Your car works better and becomes more reliable when you love it and appreciate it for the work that it does. Your pets are fully aware of your thoughts, even if they don’t yet entirely understand thought patterns that include logic, like phrases that may contain the words, “if you” and “or else!”

Within the theater of life, each object maintains its own set of properties and exists within what is often called the conscious universe. It is the massive field of fundamental consciousness which is our world’s version of the awareness of Infinite Being, the all-present consciousness behind all things. The idea that objects are “out there” in space, external to us, is just an idea that is achieved by projection of consciousness. It’s a viewpoint, an entertaining illusion, somewhat similar to the illusion of watching a movie on a big screen.

The universe is one huge field of consciousness containing an infinite variety of objects, each of which manages itself according to its design and the set of properties that defines it. As human beings, we are a part of this universal map of consciousness – this Conscious Matrix – and interact with it.

When you see another person, you are seeing a different expression of the same underlying reality of Infinite Being as you. That person is experiencing life from a different viewpoint of the one reality. That is why, even though you maintain the appearance of being different, you and the other person are, deep down, really one.

Now, here is one surprising fact of reality that all dwellers in the illusion of our dense 3D world find just as hard to get our heads around. In quantum physics, scientists prefer to ignore the hard-to-swallow weirdness and just do the math to get the job done. We shall do likewise. Ignoring the weirdness while figuring out how the underlying reality works can help put us in a better position.

This information comes from beings who reside in higher densities and they live in full knowledge of it, even if it may be difficult for us in 3D to digest. Here it is…

We each create our own unique experience of reality, so when another person is standing in a room with you, it isn’t literally that other person. It is your created version of that person!

Your soul or superconscious mind is the part of you doing the main work in creating everything and it is in constant contact with the other person’s soul, filtering their actions and reactions through your created version of them – through that actor on the theater stage in your unique version of life.

We each create our own unique version of reality. Your reality is one of an infinite number of viewpoints of the original One, just as Infinite Being intended. The constantly-updated information in the conscious universe makes this possible, as does the cooperation of other souls at the causal level of our souls.

In Conclusion

Yes, the whole conscious universe matrix concept is mind-blowing, especially the part about versions of other people. It is something that we could just file away in the back of our minds but, before we do that, let’s see what doors of opportunity it opens.

Even though your soul creates the scenery on this theatrical stage of life, it is the actors who ultimately decide on the script. Whenever we are faced with a choice, we use our free will and our souls must then run along with us, updating the scenery to keep the play going as the plot of the next act develops and unfolds.

This means that life is far more plastic and changeable than we ever imagined.

We live within constraints imposed by societal conditioning, by our own fears, and our own self-imposed limitations, all of which are constructs that can be given less importance than we have granted them in the past. We do have soul-level agreements, which are of primary importance, but the underlying truth is that most of us limit ourselves far too much in this life.

We live in a universe which was created by consciousness and, yet, our minds appear to have limited power to affect our environment in daily life. But, ask yourself this…

Could we really be great creators, just waiting to discover our true abilities?

*For more metaphysical mysteries explained, be sure to read Owen Waters’ book, Spiritual Metaphysics: Answers to the Great Mysteries of Life.
*If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend! They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Courtesy of Owen Waters, http://www.spiritualdynamics.net/

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