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Children of the Sun Rising Bright

Children of the Sun Rising Bright

I remember many years ago getting an email inviting me to join a group going to Machu Picchu, Peru.

It was addressed to the Children of the Sun. As soon as I read those words, it was like a bell began ringing in my head! "Oh, yes!" I said, as I ran off to tell my husband we had to take this trip.

We are, indeed, Children of the Sun. Our life on Earth literally revolves around the Sun. Winter Solstice is my favorite day of the year. It is the longest night for those of us in the Northern hemisphere and the deepest and fullest yin energy, that natural energy that draws us inward to deep reflection. Then we move, literally, toward the light. The Earth tilts back toward the Sun.

I love the rhythms of the Earth. When we first moved to Florida, we would jump up every morning and race off to the beach to walk first thing in the morning. Over time, as we did this every day, I began to notice a rhythm, not just the tide coming in and going out, but also what would come in, or appear in the shallow waters. It was like different things had a season. For several weeks there would be a type of shell, and then they would be gone and replaced by starfish, or manta rays. Also, over the years, we noticed the shoreline changed and buildings that used to be far from the shore were closer and some that were originally near the water were farther away.

For about ten years we were snowbirds, moving to our mountain home in the summer. Here, too, I noticed that each summer we would have a different type of bird that was predominant. The first year it was hummingbirds. The second year there were Steller's jays everywhere. Then we had magpies the next year, and then for some unknown reason, the following year we had dandelions all over the yard and no particular bird!

If you have ever lived on a ley line, you will also notice the migration of birds, like robins filling your back yard while there are just two in your neighbor's yard. Again, you will notice the seasons of different things... one summer stick insects, the next summer moths, the next year lady bugs. It is fascinating to behold the wonders of Nature. I'm not even a gardener. I'm just watching out my window.

In March of 2020, (remember March of 2020?) I watched a pair of tiny chickadees build a nest on a beam over my porch. I have big sliding glass doors onto the porch so they were visible when I came around the corner of my stairs in the morning and from my kitchen when I was washing dishes or fixing food at the counter. So I watched them for days. They actually built two nests. I guess they didn't like the first one, so built another one a few inches away. I got to watch them every day. The eggs hatched. The babies were fed. The babies began to explore outside the nest and then finally there was only one little baby left. He would fly off a little distance and then come back and sit on the back of my patio chair and just look out at my acreage out back. The patio is protected on three sides and provided shelter. I watched him doing this for a few days; it was like he was gathering courage to face the world. Then one day he didn't come back. I could hear him, though, when I was upstairs in my office. (And yes, just like a mother, you learn to recognize their sound.) This was a gift to me. While the world thought the sky was falling, I watched as Nature continued. The grass still grew; the birds still nested. The buds still bloomed into leaves on the trees. Spring still arrived.

The rhythm and harmony of Nature. You can close your eyes and feel it.

Take time in the stillness and reflect on your past year of spiritual growth. A word will come to you that describes it. Just let the word come to you. You may be surprised at it. It may be an epiphany you had this year, or it may be a gradual accumulation of a realization.

Then, let a word come to you that describes what spiritual quality you want to develop or focus on for the new year coming. Print or write it out and place it where you will see it every day.

I've been reflecting on the past year for many years and there is always a word that comes to describe what I've learned. But I've only been choosing a word for the New Year to come for about three years now. The interesting thing is that, at the end of the year, the word given to you on reflection is never the word you have chosen at the beginning of the year! However, I find that what I have learned at the end of the year reflects my practice of the word chosen at the beginning.

I hope you enjoy this practice and it gives you new insight on how you have grown in consciousness and brings you inspiration for the New Year.

Dreama Vance

*If you enjoyed today's article, forward it to a friend! They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Courtesy of Owen Waters

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