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5 Tools to Become a Warrior Empath
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- Written by AndEl
Empaths have strengths that are wonderful to develop. These include compassion, intuition, depth, and a deep connection to other people and the Earth. The world needs your gifts more than ever. That’s why it’s vital to bring your warrior spirit out.
What is a warrior empath? Here are some characteristics to look for. You know yourself well enough to practice self-care. You have a toolkit of strategies that you USE REGULARLY to stay strong and thrive. You mindfully use these strategies to stop absorbing other people’s stress.
Empaths with strategic, energy saving tools are unstoppable. To support my warrior spirit, I use these five strategies each day from “The Empath’s Survival Guide.“ Give them a try and see how your energy and clarity improves.
5 Warrior Empath Tools
1. Express gratitude. Start each day with a gratefulness affirmation instead of focusing on all the things you have to do. Gratitude increases positive energy and keeps you in the moment rather than wasting energy by catastrophizing about the future.
2. Meditate. Practice the 3 Minute Heart Meditation throughout the day to stay centered in your heart energy, instead of fear. This short meditation works wonders bring you back to your power when you start to feel sensory overload. This meditation strengthens you and makes you in charge of your emotional state.
3. Mindful breathing. Breathe out negative energy and stress, breathe in clarity and power. The breath is your friend. To be a warrior, it’s helpful to keep breathing out negative energy and stress throughout the day. This stops the accumulation of stress in your body.
4. Strengthen your intuition. Trust your intuition to choose positive people in your inner circle. Keep the energy vampires out whenever possible. Intuition will tell you when your energy has increased or decreased around someone. Pay attention to this information. Stick with those people who increase your energy. Learn to set clear boundaries with those who drain you.
5. Love yourself. You are a precious being. Please remember that. Let your daily mantra be “I embrace my sensitivities. I can be vulnerable and strong at the same time.”
The empath journey is an adventure of a lifetime. As a sensitive person, there is much to be grateful for. You are able to experience exquisite passion and joy. You can perceive the big picture on a deeper level. You are attuned to the beauty, poetry, and energy of life. Your compassion gives you the capacity to help others. You are not callous or shut off or coldhearted. Your sensitivities allow you to be a caring, vulnerable, and aware being.
Notice how your own life and relationships improve from embracing your warrior spirit as an empath. Celebrate your progress every time you listen to your intuition or assert your empathic needs or are able to center yourself in the midst of chaos. Celebrate that you are no longer willing to deny your own feelings just to make other people comfortable. Celebrate your ability to love your beautiful self today without conflict or second guessing. Be grateful for all your progress. Baby steps are golden. Don’t worry if you backslide at times. We all do. In every circumstance, treat yourself with compassion.
(Adapted from "The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People by Judith Orloff, MD, which is a guidebook for empaths and all caring people who want to keep their hearts open in an often-insensitive world.)
Judith Orloff MD is author of The Empath's Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People, upon which her articles are based. Dr. Orloff is a psychiatrist, an empath, and is on the UCLA Psychiatric Clinical Faculty. She synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality. Dr. Orloff also specializes in treating empaths and highly sensitive people in her private practice. Dr. Orloff’s work has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, the Oprah Magazine and USA Today. Source Here
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