Your Body And Your New DNA
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- Written by Vital Frosi

Never in any time have y’all felt so many symptoms in y’all bodies, not only physically but emotionally.
While there has always been some cause for certain symptoms, what is being observed now is an avalanche of symptoms with no apparent causes. This has intrigued everyone, be it the one who feels it, be the one in the role of curator.
The channeled messages referring to the topic have been telling us since last year that the time for integration has come. Integrate and understand, especially the new energy and frequency concepts of the Earth and all that inhabits this Planet. All of your Realms are going through energy adjustments as Gamma Light is now predominant.
There will be no science that can understand a living organism on this planet if you do not take into account the integration of body, mind and spirit. If everything comes from Light, nothing that exists can function without this energetic appropriation. The Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms make this integration naturally, because although everything is consciousness, their members do not resist resistance to change.
Thus, each dawn, everyone is ready for the adjustment that will come through the Sunlight, which is in fact the receiver of Cosmic Gamma Light for this Planet. The air and water are also updated instantly every day. Everything follows a wave of energy that adjusts equal frequencies, balancing energies of all that is.
The big problem is with human beings. Due to a number of factors, adjusting the human bodies does not follow this wave in a straight line. There are ups and downs, different for every human being. Not only because on the hominal the work needs to be done, in addition to the physical body, also in the emotional body, but because the human being possesses a different consciousness. Besides being in fact a Fractal of Alma in experience of matter, he has the famous free will of choice. Each one can choose every minute, how to build their evolutionary walk.
It is such conscious choices that determine when and how the energetic adjustment and of your DNA will be built. A simple thought can hasten or delay such an adjustment. A belief or lack thereof, also interferes with the process. An action or its omission, likewise, can advance or delay even further. Knowledge and attention given to such changes also have extraordinary importance which can likewise advance or delay the necessary changes.
As we see through this perspective, the process of incorporating new human DNA is different for each soul incarnate. Gamma Light that arrives and serves the Realms of Nature, is the same one that supplies humans; however, it is not integrated naturally as we said. It depends greatly on the action of each conscience.
We’re going to put some information here, in order to help those who are still unsure of how to help themselves.
First of all, you need to be interested in understanding and believing that changes are taking place. Without that, it is better not to continue reading this text. However, where did so many symptoms come from without a cause, and that most are feeling lately? Obviously, there has to be an explanation. And she's right on the information you can't deny: Planet Earth's energy shifts.
Remembering that the symptom is not a disease, since having confirmation that the cause is not physical, it is recommended that the energetic change be taken into account. Understanding this, each one can help themselves in relieving such symptoms. There are many ways to do this.
We’ve often said that breathing is a healing technique. Learn how to use mindful breathing. There are many techniques, mainly within the practices of Pranayama. There are good articles about this on the internet. Do research. Eat natural and fresh foods as they bring daily prana energy updates. Drink lots of water. Rest whenever the body feels tired. Sleep more if needed.
Nature helps a lot with this balance too. Stay in touch with her whenever possible Walk barefoot around the house in case you can’t walk outside. Hug a tree Get your dog or cat on your lap Walk along the beach and get into the sea water, river or lake. Waterfalls transmitters of energy too Stones are healing instruments. Sit in them. Crystals are also powerful energy vortices, continuous changers of energies.
Do short meditations, feel your body. Give the command to your cells, to feed in new frequencies, consciously sending that frequency through your breath. Feel the air running through your entire body, filling it with new energies, and taking away the old energies. Feel the symptom relief, which is seeking to dissolve.
When showering, take the moment to cleanse not only your skin, but also the energies, both external and intricate of your body. Breathe in deeply the Light that reaches the Earth, and make it travel along the bloodstream, clearing all old energies. Release those old energies through your skin’s pores and feel the water flowing away down the drain. Feel the body filling up fast.
When drinking water, remember it has updated energy. Feel how it supplies your body, not only liquid, but prana energy too. When feeding yourself, be aware of the energy that that food is offering you. Eat slow and feel Savor as much time as possible, as it will give you enough time to consciously absorb the energy. This, besides producing the desired effect, will make you eat less, without the fact that the body misses it. Eating less and better, in order to absorb energy, is always good advice in these times of energy upgrades.
And lastly, help yourself more. Keep in mind that updating happens all the time, however, is not equal to everyone, just because of how and awareness each one uses. Remembering also that the Sun is Earth's largest energy plant. Your light is the source of energy that every being on this planet needs. Constantly supply yourself with that light. Sunlight is also the antidote that eliminates most toxins from the human body. Transmutation of these toxins is necessary for DNA exchange to be faster and efficient.
So, we leave here for you today, some considerations about the frequency exchange, and being able to guide those who really want to help themselves. As it has been said so many times: Pain is a choice. Of course, not all the time but most definitely yes. A little effort always goes a long way. Being aware of this helps even more.
I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!
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