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Transcend the Boundaries of Reality

Transcend the Boundaries of Reality

Going beyond the Limits of Our Reality.

When we incarnate on this planet, we must learn the limits of our reality, so that we can use and enjoy our bodies and cooperate in keeping them alive.

We do this by operating them within the parameters defined by our beliefs about ourselves. We have believed that we are subject to certain laws of physics and society. But what would happen if we didn’t believe this? Suppose we believed that we can walk on water and pass through solid walls. Would this belief change anything for us if we held it consciously and subconsciously in absolute confidence? We would need to align our imagination and emotions with water and with the molecular structure of the walls, as well as align with the basis of our realization of what is real.

We do not need to know the physics and math involved in such feats. Our subconscious can take care of that. We need to know what the vibrations feel like in cooperation with our imagination. We also need to know how to receive them, whether to be grateful and joyful, or to be regretful and sad. What we need to pay attention to is what enhances all life. This is the energetic pattern of our conscious life-force arising in the heart of our Being and guiding us in every moment and in every way. If we want to be free and fulfilled, we need to pay attention to this vibratory pattern. By calming and assuring the ego, the consciousness of our heart can carry us beyond ego-consciousness, and into realization of a world of love and joyful fulfillment.

We’ve now developed a possible understanding of what could happen if we resolved and transcended our limiting beliefs, and we began to believe that anything is possible for us. To be successful with this, we need the absolute cooperation of our subconscious. This means learning to communicate with our subconscious and being present in a loving and grateful way. When we can constantly be in gratitude and unconditional acceptance, in confidence and love, as much as possible, the subconscious will give us anything we want and will open its secrets to us. In order to live beyond ego-consciousness, we need to vibrate in resonance with our heart-consciousness.

In order to protect itself from freaking out, and being judged, condemned and shamed by our ego-consciousness, our subconscious has built a barrier to our awareness. Once the subconscious feels safe and supported, the barrier is no longer needed and can be resolved and released. In order to achieve this, we must be able to transcend everything occurring around us, as well as any inner turmoil, so that we may maintain vibratory resonance with our heart-consciousness. This is an exercise of our own free will, resulting in greater freedom of creation and manifestation.


Author of the books, Quantum Energetics and Spirituality Volumes 1 & 2 on Amazon, Apple & B&N Nook

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