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The Virtuous Are Protected By Angels

The Virtuous Are Protected By Angels


"Blessed are the meek and pure in heart, for they shall inherit the New Earth."

The Divine Plan for Earth will be fulfilled regardless of the actions of men. Humanity is merely a tenant in this Planet home. Every soul incarnate here is just passing through. Your stay here, though it may take place in more than a thousand incarnations, must serve a time limit to what is limited within that Project of the Creator.

As a World of Atonement and Trials, this earthly school ends in present times, all the presentation of the lessons necessary to the learning of these souls. There is no soul incarnate anymore, who has not had every opportunity offered during their successive incarnations. This justifies the End of a Cycle and the Beginning of a New Era.

The Times are near and the Transition is accelerating these days. Each soul is an individual consciousness, yet, in one way or another, each has learned how to live, survive, create and progress in a Third Dimensional World, subjected to the veil of forgetfulness in each bodily life experience. Evolve ethically and morally despite the temptations of life's shortcuts.

Contrary to what we are taught, life goes on. Only the physical body goes through death as you know it. The soul, with its ethereal body, follows beyond the grave, to Earth's astral bands, matching its frequency at the moment of disembarkation. Free from the weight of matter, your consciousness expands enough in order to remember your past lives in the physicality, and also foresees a sufficient future, which can offer you in detail, the upcoming events, in order to draw up a new incarnate plan.

This wheel of reincarnations, has been around since souls were brought here. After the Earth's Planetary Transition, which is already in its final stage, there will no longer be a need for disembark, for the soul will consciously remember, all the time, both of its past in previous lives and worlds, as, it will know the future within a certain time yet to come.

Meanwhile, even subjected to the veil of oblivion, divine Providence never forsaken the souls who decided to experience earthly school. All of them, in sleep, have always been in contact with other souls, other worlds, and their selfless Spirit Guides. Yes, you work, study, learn, are oriented and plan for the future days, while you sleep, much more than you can imagine.

But there is one information that few still know the details of. Where and what will they do in their sleep.

It has been said here in previous texts, that everything is affinity, whether it is by vibration or frequency. Isn't this how people gather in groups during the day or even at night but when awake? It is no different while they sleep, because it is not the body that learns the lessons, but the soul that is in that body.

Those who indulge in evil deeds cannot imagine where their soul goes while it is asleep. If they could know a comma, they would certainly be horrified. Evil is also a science. As much as good, it's simply the other polarity of good. It's there that each incarnate specializes even more in the practices available in their daily lives.

On the other hand, those who engage in practices of good deeds also go to places of learning, in whatever they do during the day. They are guided and protected by the Phalanges of Good Spirits, Angels and Archangels. THE VIRTUOUS ARE PROTECTED BY ANGELS!

Good soul is never lost. So that she can have the courage, faith, determination and firm purpose to follow the path of elevation, it is in these unconscious encounters that she is nourished, guided, comforted and instructed not to give up. THE VIRTUOUS ALWAYS HAVE THE PROTECTION OF ANGELS!

While those who indulge in evil deeds have appropriate instructions in order to enhance their evil, the virtuous seek guidance to stand firm in their ascension.

Only the Ascension will free the soul which is trapped in the world of Atonement and Trials. The way back home, you must pass by having learned all the lessons taught here. This is the rule of this school of souls. And each of them, knew and accepted the curriculum that was presented to them, before accepting the Third Dimension Experience.

Forgetting the past, both of life here on Earth and in other worlds before, gives each soul the opportunity to actually live the experience proposed for each incarnation. This is the secret we have yet to crack. But you have to trust the DIVINE PLAN And above all, understand that everything is offered to us, including learning while we sleep. Understand that each one will listen to their teachers in Astral of the Earth, during sleep. Everyone buys what they buy. But above all realize that the VIRTUOUS HAVE THE PROTECTION OF ANGELS.

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


Translation by CrystalWind.ca


Vital Frosi 
Vital is a cultured man. He speak sPortuguese, Italian, Spanish, Veneto dialect and is studying English and French. He knows a lot about History and Geography. He is always up to date and follows everything that happens in the world. He doesnt't like parties. A man who believes in love. Who believes that life is only worthwhile when shared. A man who claims that the woman is the reason for everything, as she is the generative source of life. It all depends on how we conduct our actions. But most of all, we need to fulfill our mission in this lifetime. Find the path of Light, which will lead us to our ascension.

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