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The Human Misery

The Human Misery


Given that Earth mankind, has lived since the primaries of its civilization, in the condition of the Third Dimension World, it is natural that it knows only energy in the densest form, that is, matter as it is known to all.

The human body is also made up of this matter, because if it were not so, the soul could not experience duality in the proposed experiments. The eyes of this material body can only see that which is also dense matter, and nothing more.

Because of this, while incarnated, humans have come to believe only in what can be seen, that is, what is palpable. And so, the everyday struggle has always been to obtain material goods. What cannot be seen or touched has become of no importance.

Accumulating resources has always given the false impression of security. And money became the common denominator that drew the line between the powerful who rule and the subordinates who obey. A rule has been created which is used to separate humanity into social castes, rich and poor, and put them all on shelves divided into classes.

Although the souls incarnate here on Earth, they aim to learn to live in duality, experiencing the polarities, in one existence everyone one day experienced abundance, and in another, experienced scarcity. It's part of the lessons of this school of souls.

The big problem is that, over the centuries, incarnate humanity has created a series of beliefs and the insatiable desire for power. The competition has gotten something out of hand From there came the wars, domination, the manipulation of people over people, and all the misfortunes arising from these immoral attitudes, on the part of humanity.

Although Planet Earth is a school of souls, where Natural Law is in fact that of Cause and Effect or Action and Reaction, in order to learn the polarities within each action, there is no need to cross the Ethics and Morality Line. It would be enough to learn what it is like to live in each polarity, without however going beyond the boundaries of the Divine Laws.

Everything became harder for the soul to attain its ascension, when they came here, Satanic races, fleeing the Orion Wars. There were races that, through genetic experiments, created hybrid humans, mainly with reptiles. Such humans possess different genetics in their emotional bodies, such as the absence of emotions.

Humans by nature are loving and caring. Already the hybrids, possess the coolness and desire for power far beyond what would be normal among human beings. And it is these hybrids that have brought the greatest difficulties to all mankind. All known misery is in fact their own creation.

However, with the expansion of consciousness that is more emphasized every day, we begin to realize that everything is but an illusion, as matter will cease to exist in the way we know it. The carbon base will be replaced by a crystal base, and everything will change on this Planet.

By lifting the veils, we will understand that nothing exists beyond consciousness and Light. Light is all that creates, for Light and love form the frequency of the Creator, the same energy from Source that everything emanates into the infinite Cosmos. We begin to understand that we are a soul and not a material body. And that soul, nothing but part of that UNA consciousness with the whole. And so, let's understand that matter is just an optical illusion, seen by the physical eyes, which in turn, is also matter.

We are now in the great opportunity offered to mankind on Earth. Time for elevation of souls. All those who have understood the lessons and practice them within ethics and morals, will leave this illusory school, and enter a higher dimensional realm. In fact, it is the consciousness that expands, and you begin to see and experience the reality of this new Dimension.

We will leave a World of Pain and Suffering, and enter a Dimension where there will be no more Trials and no Atonement. It will end for this group of ascended souls, all kinds of suffering.

It will not be the power over others, nor the power of money or the ownership of material goods, that will determine the passport to the Fifth Dimension. It will be the wealth of moral values that will open the doors of ascension. There is no doubt that many are so poor that all they have is money. And the passage to the higher dimensional bands, cannot be purchased; it will only be achieved through the frequency of each soul.

Many will indeed know HUMAN MISERY! This misery does not mean the absence of material resources, but rather the lack of moral resources. Now there shall be wailing and gagging of teeth Everyone will be notified of their destination. Those who knew how to use all resources and all learning in this school, in a dignified and ethical way, will enter the Portals of the New Earth. The rest of them will know that all the power exercised over others was of no use, in a vile and abused way, because that was exactly what decreed their sentence of exile.

Being exiled from a Planet that reaches the definitive Transition to a Higher Dimension is undoubtedly a harsh punishment for the one who intended the legitimate prosperity of the soul. A deadly blow to a soul that has failed to ascend, precisely by abusing the resources offered to him during his learning. That soul who made his choices in building material goods at the detriment of moral goods. And so, you will know the real human misery, which is not the lack of material goods, but rather the absence of ethical and moral values.

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


Translation by CrystalWind.ca


Vital Frosi 
Vital is a cultured man. He speak sPortuguese, Italian, Spanish, Veneto dialect and is studying English and French. He knows a lot about History and Geography. He is always up to date and follows everything that happens in the world. He doesnt't like parties. A man who believes in love. Who believes that life is only worthwhile when shared. A man who claims that the woman is the reason for everything, as she is the generative source of life. It all depends on how we conduct our actions. But most of all, we need to fulfill our mission in this lifetime. Find the path of Light, which will lead us to our ascension.

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