The Fault Is Bad Company
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- Written by Vital Frosi

All souls currently incarnate, especially those that are fit for their ascension, are now going through a cleansing process on their records.
Cleaning that has already been called the healing of the ancestors, or also cleaning the basements. Ultimately, it's a sweeping process through your memories, especially your emotional body.
Over hundreds of incarnations, the soul has experienced duality on this Planet of Trials and Excavations. Submitted to the veil of oblivion, the conscious memory in each of the existences in matter, does not recall the experiences of past lives, however, the records are never erased. Remain in the subconscious of the human being, as if it were a sleeping volcano, but it could explode at any moment.
All this soul baggage will come to consciousness in real time, when the Ascension is complete. This weather is very close. It has been said here that this is the last incarnation of duality on Earth. Obviously, we are at a decisive moment, which will determine the two Timelines: one that will lead to the Light, and the other that will lead to worlds still of duality, that is, of Trials and Trials.
Ancestral healing is needed now, to condition the soul to leave behind low-frequency energies, such as fear, anger, resentment, guilt, among other living emotions that have caused us pain and suffering, during this long walk in the Third Dimension.
Guilt, along with fear, are the two biggest obstacles facing now, by souls that will get ready for ascension. If fear paralyzes and delays the process, guilt sets an unnecessary punishment. And as a guilty conscience, the human being still incarnate, does not consider himself worthy of liberation.
Guilt is a fictional Judge, created by the soul that feels failed in its experiments. With this, keep hammering in your mind the same sentence: CUP! You are guilty, guilty! You don't deserve to be happy! You can't have certain things because you didn't do it out of deserve it! And so it goes on.
Guilty conscience is trapped in an existential conflict. She boycotted herself. Don't allow anything that can benefit you. She's unhappy in relationships, because the guilt tells her that she's not deserving. She is unsuccessful professionally, also because her conscience tells her the same thing. And she cannot have financial abundance, because when she feels guilty, she understands that she deserves scarcity.
Cutting the edges of details, a guilty conscience lives entirely in scarcity, when in fact, nothing would prevent it from living the natural abundance of things. Many still believe that such a limited condition is their Karma. Isn’t that true. I told here that the greatest cause of suffering that souls ready for ascension go through, is the self-imposed resistance to change.
By resisting making the necessary changes, which are nothing but understanding and changing limiting beliefs, cause the incarnate soul to suffer extra time. That’s a choice so we are also told pain can just be an option. And the guilt holds the conscience into unnecessary pain too.
So many still don't understand how to walk away from guilt. Let's make it clear here that guilt is a synonym for repentance. In fact, imposed beliefs are the most responsible for guilt. Believing in the divine punishment for the mistakes committed, leads to unnecessary suffering, as nothing can change an action that has already been performed.
Becoming aware that we are students of a School of Souls, and therefore we are here to learn, exactly what it is like to experience the same situation in its two polarities, that is, now in the action of good, and now in the opposite action, makes us go through the experience we have intended ourselves before accepting to come here in this Planet school.
Understand that there are no mistakes, but lessons learned in every situation. Even when the soul incarnate, they are aware that such attitude is neither ethical nor moral, it is learning what the consequences will occur as a result of that action, by determined to practice it. She will learn that in these cases Karma. i.e. rescue, will be mandatory.
Understand that there are no mistakes, as everything is always a lesson learned! How many times has it been said that mistakes are the best Teachers, those who contribute the most to the evolution of the soul. Looking at the past, recognizing the failure, and learning the lesson contained therein, bringing to the awareness that such attitude is not legitimate before Divine Justice, will make the soul incarnate feel in fact evolving, without guilt and without remorse.
What really counts is understanding the consequences that will come after each choice. Once the experience is passed, repeating the mistake, then yes it is a bad choice. But guilt won’t change the outcome of the facts. She will, prolong the pain indefinitely.
A guilty conscience just needs to understand that everything is a lesson. You need to understand that she is a student of this School and the lessons are the reason she is here. The faster you learn these lessons, the faster your soul evolves. Remembering that all lessons have been taught in this School, and now we are clearing out drawers, collecting our belongings, as we are moving to a School no longer of Trials and Tells. We need to cleanse the existential basements, letting go of all negative emotions, originating from experiences in the non-Light.
We need to heal this ancestry, that is, to consciously reorganize the records of our own history, for those experiences have qualified us for the New Earth, a World of Regeneration, where pain and suffering will not exist.
Guilt is not good company now It only serves to delay the rest of the walk in these final times of transition. Remember that what makes you feel guilty, was actually the last lessons, that qualified you for the New Soul School. It had to be this way. What caused you pain the most, was also the hardest lesson. And this was necessary, for it was the way your soul chose in order to obtain the safe conduct for ascension.
By actually understanding the why of each action practiced, the soul consciously excludes the blame of its records and its memories naturally. Remembering that pain, in many occasions, is nothing more than the resistance we put on, whether to a necessary change, or even to the understanding of facts and life itself. Pain might be an option. It depends on each and every one.
I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!
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