Simplicity Is The Abode Of The Elevated Soul
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- Written by Vital Frosi

The soul of every human being is expressed by his or her consciousness.
In fact, when we refer to the soul, we are referring to consciousness itself. It is constantly vibrating, producing a frequency, which varies according to that vibration. There are no two souls on the same frequency, just as there cannot be two radio stations overlapping on the same waveband.
Intention determines the frequency of each soul. It determines thoughts and actions. And it is the actions that count and determine the frequency. Actions generate reactions, also called the Law of Cause and Effect. Even an omission can be said to be an action. It is the action of remaining omitted.
The soul has its own life, which is independent of the physical body. However, it needs the body to manifest itself. It is through its manifestation that it evolves. The body provides the opportunity for the soul to express itself through body language. Through physical and emotional symptoms, the soul tells us when and where to pay attention, because any discomfort means that there is a message or a learning process for that incarnated consciousness.
The brain that feeds the human mind is the counterpart of the soul. It is a mechanism of manifestation. It has the polarities that facilitate actions, both in what we know as good, and in the opposite polarity, called evil. Experiencing both polarities is the rule of this school of souls. Therefore, good and evil do not exist as we understand it, because everything is learning.
Humanity has reached the top of this learning process. No incarnated soul today can claim that it is unaware or does not know the difference between an ethical and an unethical action. Of a moral action and an immoral action. To repeat the negative action, is a deficiency of the soul's character. And this deficiency, vibrates at a very low frequency, which makes it impossible for the soul to make its ascension now.
What determines the high frequency or low frequency of a soul is its intention. A soul that is high frequency will never have any intention aimed at the ego, at personal interests, at the desire for power over others, at competition, in short, anything that does not fit into what is in fact ethical and moral.
The soul vibrating at a high frequency, on the other hand, is based on the intention directed to the good in general. It takes into account the result of each action that needs to be done. It always puts itself on the other side to feel if each decision is in fact the best for everyone. She is always cooperative; she never competes for personal advantage. She is loving, compassionate, and respectful. SIMPLICITY IS THE ABODE OF THE ELEVATED SOUL.
It is in simplicity that the good done and the good lived is revealed. It is in simplicity that you can feel true joy and true happiness. Simplicity fills much more than excess. The soul that delights in having, will never feel the pleasure of being. The soul that seeks excess will never have enough. SIMPLICITY IS THE DWELLING PLACE OF THE ELEVATED SOUL.
Life itself is beautiful and easy. Simplicity would be enough for the humanity of Earth to feel full and happy. But ego competition has transformed the collectivity into a battlefield where the strongest have more opportunities for conquest. What a mistake! The ego does not set limits. On the contrary, it is a bottomless pit, where the one who falls will not get out without going through multiple reincarnations of trials. The pain that humans go through is nothing more than the way back, after reaching the bottom of this well.
SIMPLICITY IS THE ABODE OF THE ELEVATED SOUL. Living duality in this school of souls, suffering is not mandatory. On the contrary, pain is an option. When we accept the trials and actually use them for learning, no pain will come as a consequence. However, when the incarnated soul tries to bargain in its favor, causing harm to something or someone, the Law of Return will bring the corresponding Atonements.
The Divine Laws are simply just. That is why SIMPLICITY IS THE HOME OF THE HIGHER SOUL. The consciousness that has already learned the meaning and importance of being incarnated here, has already understood that simplicity is the shortest way to finish the course. Ascension is knocking at the doors of those who are meek and pure of heart. And those doors are the ones that lead to the abode of simple souls because they are elevated.
The clock of the Third Dimension is about to sound the bell for the Old Cycle of this planetary home. A New Earth is being born. Simplicity is the key that will open the door to this new home.
I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!
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