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See To Believe Or Believe To See?

See To Believe Or Believe To See?


Humanity of Earth is making a multi-dimensional journey. Also called Planetary Transition and Ascension of the Souls, this passage has an estimated duration, according to known linear time, around 3 Centuries.

Started around 1750, this journey is probably completed in the middle of the present century. And here lies the big doubt, which still lingers in most human consciences. Many still question how much time is left. They say things are getting worse and not better as the messages from the High insist.

Some people are so anxious that they sound like children on a journey, when they ask all the time, "Is there a long way to go?" "It's taking time! "And so on. Either way, everything is understandable, as this is an event never seen on this Planet. The Earth and mankind are living a long-awaited time. An event so grand enough to catch the eyes of the entire Galaxy, as has been mentioned here before.

Although the Transition is completed around 2050, the years between 2020 and 2030 will be the most impactful within these 3 Centuries. This is the time where all the existing Systems known so far will be reset. New Systems and new technologies will be brought to the knowledge of mankind. Nothing will ever be the same. Transition without change does not exist. And change only happens when everything is removed. A Planetary Shift is an event too grand, so much that human consciences are still struggling to understand.

With each passing day, more Gamma Light reaches the Earth. Light is information; is life; is transformation. Everything that exists is created through Light. The Divine Source is Light itself. That is why we say that the Cosmic Central Sun is the origin of everything. Everything is created there. Light sows your seed and it sprouts in the infinity of the worlds. We are one of those seeds, and we are here on this Planet Earth to produce the expected fruits of every soul incarnate.

When each soul completes its learning, that is, when it has produced its necessary fruits for the evolution of Planet Earth, it is time for ascension. The soul makes its ascension, when it reaches a higher degree of consciousness, and so it can be integrated into a higher version of itself. Remembering that the soul is a conscience.

The Times Are Up And We Are At The End Of The Crossroads Between Dimensions. If before the veils that covered our consciousness were too thick, now they are being removed, to the point that allows the understanding of what was not possible until now. You can judge for yourself how it changed. You are no longer the same consciousness as a few years ago.

These quick changes may cause some discomfort, but they are highly beneficial to every soul on the rise. It would not be possible to ascend without this expansion of consciousness, because it is consciousness itself that will rise from 3D to 5D. Remembering once again that the soul is nothing but the individual consciousness itself.

While the veils were darkening consciousness, matter was the parameter for evaluating everything. Only believed what was seen. Mankind had a very difficult time believing in what was not visible to the physical eye. SO GOT TO SEE IT IS TO BELIEVE It was a long time learning in what we say now, everything was illusion. Yes, because matter is only a tiny fraction of the energy existing on the same Planet.

As consciousness expands, it can see through the Third Eye, which is the expanded vision of the soul. You can see what was not possible before. So, it gets to the point we call BELIEVE TO SEE.

When the incarnate soul reaches a higher frequency, it can co-create as much as the Light creates. Yes, for she is Light, as it was described in the beginning of the text. So, we come to the understanding that if the Light creates, you who are a soul, can create too. However, you have to believe "All things are possible for him who believes!" "This affirmation is a message from the High, which brings us courage and courage in this transition period.

While the soul was going through the dark night of its experience on Earth, it could not create, for the lack of Light was immense. So, she might believe something different if she could see it. SEE TO BELIEVE. But now, with the increase of Light, the soul, which is also Light, can create by itself. You can create everything the Light creates automatically . But in order to grow, she needs to BELIEVE. You need to BELIEVE TO SEE your own creation realized and materialize. You have been empowered through experiences lived and won along that journey. You are capable of much more than you imagine. BELIEVE! Trust! CREATE AND SEE IT ! The time of darkness of the soul is running behind Turn up your light and create!

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


Translation by CrystalWind.ca


Vital Frosi 
Vital is a cultured man. He speak sPortuguese, Italian, Spanish, Veneto dialect and is studying English and French. He knows a lot about History and Geography. He is always up to date and follows everything that happens in the world. He doesnt't like parties. A man who believes in love. Who believes that life is only worthwhile when shared. A man who claims that the woman is the reason for everything, as she is the generative source of life. It all depends on how we conduct our actions. But most of all, we need to fulfill our mission in this lifetime. Find the path of Light, which will lead us to our ascension.

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