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Recalculating Life

Recalculating Life

A month has passed since I had a near-death experience (NDE) in the middle of the night.

In that surreal moment of observing my body from the ceiling, profound realizations washed over me. Suddenly, I was thrust back into my body, and the return to breathing took agonizing hours as the chest pain slowly subsided.

This post isn’t seeking medical advice, as I’ve already attended to that aspect. Instead, it’s about reflecting on life’s fragility and the subtle or thunderous signs we encounter. Within a week of this incredible episode, my life underwent a dramatic transformation—flipping both upside down and right side up. I relinquished control, embraced surrender, and allowed for the enchantment of existence.

I delved into the why’s, how’s, when’s, and where’s that I had evaded for years. This isn’t a plea for sympathy; I’m genuinely in a better place than I’ve been in years. The wake-up call prompted me to view my life from a new perspective—outside of my body. It gave me a tremendous opportunity to recognize that I have been on a severely damaged hamster wheel while living under pressure.

I believe in authenticity and being transparent with my readers. If I have learned anything, whilst being on social media, is that we share from the heart and learn from one another. These platforms are gifts for connection!

Life is meant to be lived beyond these digital walls. The moment I surrendered and stop going against the massive storms/currents, things began to unravel and change. Extremely quickly! I am bathing in gratitude. It’s been years of trying to fit a peg into a square. As we know: the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result.

Change has to happen. We must step outside of the comfort zone.

I am filled with excitement as I anticipate the transformative changes that lie ahead in the next few months. This near-death experience (NDE) became a profound catalyst, offering me a unique perspective on the stagnation that had enveloped my life. It’s perplexing why it often takes the severity of health issues to propel us toward necessary changes. The journey of healing has been both intense and liberating, unveiling layers of emotional stress I was previously unaware of. In the process, I’ve discovered the power of release, shedding not just physical ailments but also emotional burdens that had long been dormant within me. As I navigate this path of recovery, I am grateful for the opportunity to embrace a newfound sense of well-being and the promise of a brighter future.

We are all in the midst of a spiritual revolution. We are being asked to shift our stories, change the way we have done things exactly the same, over and over, but expecting a different outcome. Personally, I am done with the insanity and refuse to live in the ridiculous old programming.

It’s time!

I respect you.

I admire you.

I know you, even if we haven’t met.

Start to create the life you desire by recalculating and rerouting!

I love you,

I’m still offering one-on-one coaching and intuitive sessions which I deeply cherish. I am still running a special of $55 for a half-hour reading. Witnessing the growth of my clients mirrors my own, and I appreciate and love each one. If you are interested please message me to here. You can also find more information here.


Millie America Parmer 
Every morning I light my candles, say my prayers, and enter into the magic of allowing Spirit to share a little wisdom. These are my words and a safe place for them to land. I write from the mountains of Western North Carolina, 20 miles east of Asheville.  I am an observer of nature, love and life.  Thank you for stopping by and joining me on this passion of words.
I am still doing private sessions. Please text me or email me if you desire one this month. You can go to my website here.

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