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Prosperity Is A Frequency

Prosperity Is A Frequency


When we talk about prosperity, many only associate the financial part. Isn't it true, for prosperity is a set of factors, that provide the satisfaction of the longings of the soul incarnate. It is also the mechanism that satisfactorily meets all needs, providing a better quality of life, for the one who seeks honestly.

The soul that incarnates on Earth, has its goal, to experience duality, prays in one polarity, prays in another. This provides opportunities to live in some incarnations, both abundance and scarcity.

The current moment of Planet Earth as a school of souls, has offered every possibility and every experience, to all those who are here incarnate. There is no new experience being ministered in this School. There isn't a lesson left that hasn't been learned.

You've all lived in practice along the successive incarnations, the polarities of prosperity and failure. And it is the memories of past difficulties that still linger within the records of the soul. It is natural for humans to remember the bad times a lot more than the good times lived. This also justifies the tendency for victimism that many carry in their subconscious baggage.

PROSPERITY IS A FREQUENCY. a frequency that vibrates within each one. There is no use wanting to live prosperity if within yourself, vibrates the frequency of scarcity. It is necessary to adjust this negative energy, and make it positive, making it a powerful ally, in order to aim and conquer prosperity.

I've seen kind, loving and very correct people in their actions, and yet, nothing seems to flow in their life. And they always ask me what's left to prosper "In these cases I need to answer that it's still time to reach the energetic frequency that you attract, because everything follows the Law of Attraction.

In 2016 a message coming from the Spiritual Team that covers us, said that most of the incarnates that will make their ascension have already removed their karma. What remains are minor adjustments, and a few lessons. It's the last evidence of this old School that will cease to exist.

I would say here to you who are with me, that we need to reach the frequency that will attract prosperity, because suffering is no longer necessary. Apart from these small adjustments and lessons cited, it would be enough to reach a higher frequency for all bad and unpleasant symptoms to leave us once and for all.

Within our soul logs, there are many memories of the pains and suffering we experienced when we go through trials of abundance and scarcity. Yes, it seems like a paradox but also in abundance, we make grave mistakes. Especially in using such resources dishonestly. And that brought a lot of regret and the guilt we still carry in the subconscious.

Guilty conscience condemns itself; It punishes itself. Don't feel deserving of anything that can bring you prosperity. She is her own Judge and her own sentence: GUILTY! And a guilty conscience cannot achieve prosperity because it is in reverse frequency.

Another determining factor of lack of prosperity is the limiting beliefs, imposed over successive incarnations. Especially religions, which have instilled in people, the belief that the rich will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. To save yourself, you have to suffer. That's not true, for the Creator doesn't restrict anything. He only gives the chances. Everyone has free will to choose how they will learn each lesson. To coordinate the trajectory of each soul, there is the natural law of cause and effect. Apart from it, it is only limiting beliefs that prevent the incarnate soul from making its walk more joyfully and happier.

These limitations cited here are part of our ancestors, as they accompany us throughout the ages. We need to heal this old age. So many times we have said it here in texts or in audio. We are having this opportunity now in this last incarnation within duality on Earth. Of course, such memories will not be an impediment for the soul to make its ascension, but if it does not heal, suffering and difficulties may accompany until the end of this current existence. So here we go again: PAIN IS A CHOICE

We are heading to the year 2024, and whose numerical value sum up to 8. Eight is a symbol of prosperity Yup every 9 years we have that 8 in sum. That means we have favorable cycles so we can work through the changes as the years are counted through astrological movements. Such movements produce energies that can be either more positive or more negative.

Prepare for this will be the most important year to adjust Prosperity in you, as it is within the time window of major Global Transition changes. Heal from the limitations you still carry from ancestors. You can do this by seeking knowledge, techniques or energy practices. There are endless possibilities. Many holistic therapists are qualified to help you.

I am not in the habit of commenting on the work of other Light Workers, but I can point out Dinara Schio as we have been walking together on this journey for 8 years. I know her work and since I don't do the Quantum Healing Journey, I recommend her work.

Under the guidance of your Spiritual Team, this journey is given to you in detail, as each always has a defined goal. Now will be Match number 8. And this is why it will aim to cure the ancestry that impedes prosperity. Reminder that I am making this referral to help those who need help, since I don't have the technique.

My mission and what I can to help each and everyone of you I do within what I understand and know. Among so many practices, this one from the Eighth Journey of Quantum Healing, can help immensely, those who are still out of the frequency of prosperity.

I'll leave Dinara Schio's contact here for those who wish to participate. Contact and registration must be made via WhatsApp 54 99958 9292. From the outside just add 55

Registration is open and runs until 10/27. The treatment will be from 06 to 26/11, always at 8:30. It will be 21 days of cleanse so that all those memories and records that still obstruct your prosperity, can be dissolved.

I advise you to look for Dinara's contact, because I don't make complaints and I don't have a way to help in this journey.

PROSPERITY IS A FREQUENCY. Look for this frequency and see that there are no limits, because the Universe brings everything according to what we vibrate inside of us. It's the law of attraction, which is also natural and changeable.

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


Translation by CrystalWind.ca


Vital Frosi 
Vital is a cultured man. He speak sPortuguese, Italian, Spanish, Veneto dialect and is studying English and French. He knows a lot about History and Geography. He is always up to date and follows everything that happens in the world. He doesnt't like parties. A man who believes in love. Who believes that life is only worthwhile when shared. A man who claims that the woman is the reason for everything, as she is the generative source of life. It all depends on how we conduct our actions. But most of all, we need to fulfill our mission in this lifetime. Find the path of Light, which will lead us to our ascension.

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