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Open The Book Of Your Story

Open The Book Of Your Story

Humanity on Earth is writing the final chapter of experience in a World of Trials and Atonement. Every soul incarnated on this Planet has its individual story that travels back over millennia. There is not the slightest possibility of two similar stories, for they were not written in words, but by the feeling of each soul.

Each soul felt differently each experience, no matter how similar it is in its unfolding. The lessons were the same for everyone, however, the emotions experienced are unique, individual and personalized. For hundreds and even over a thousand incarnations, each soul has been in different places; at different times, and with different people.

At this planetary school all possibilities are possible. Natural Laws govern the norms within duality, and cause and effect. The polarities in each action are experienced by all, but each soul feels in a very personal way, because each situation is seen, understood and experienced according to individual consciousness.

In this third dimensional world, there is no absolute truth in any situation. Meanwhile, there are parts of her in everything. Therefore, each one feels and understands according to the current frequency of their consciousness.

A long time has passed since you decided to experience 3D. The Great Book of Life that records your journey here is ready. Every written page corresponds to an incarnation. It represents a season; a setting; a time; a place; a different family; different relationships and professions.

Meanwhile, writing each page, you couldn't remember what was written on the previous pages. This has always been the secret of the Book of Life. You knew that when you got it, before you wrote the front page. And I also knew that the Book of Life contains all its blank pages. You would be the author of the story that would be written in it.

As you were writing, another Book copy of this was also played there at the Library of Alcyone, the Central Sun of the Pleiades. Also, every letter and every phrase, was sent to your higher soul versions. Through them, your story was also accompanied by all Monadas existing in the infinite Cosmos, as the SOURCE receives and makes everything available to all.

We are now at the End of the Trials and Atonement Cycle of humanity on the 3D Earth. Times of Ascension and Planetary Transition. A New Earth is rising, and a New Humanity will inherit it. Just the one formed by the souls who have learned to put into practice the teachings offered here. The meek and pure in heart are ready to take another step on the ladder of life.

You are writing the last lines of the last page of your own book. When you put a full stop on the last sentence, you will receive the password that allows you to read your story contained in it. The frequency of your consciousness will be the key that will unlock the door, allowing you access to content. In the absence of such a frequency, your consciousness will not yet be able to access your own experiences in this School of Souls.

In this case, a New Book will be offered to you, however, it must be written in another School, that is, in another Planet of Trials and Atonements. In a distant future, when the New Book is complete, then having the frequency of ascension, you will be able to read that and also this one which you were not allowed now. You will know it took two to complete learning in Worlds of duality, Third Dimension.

But I know you're able to finish this long walk. By writing the last page of this Book of yours, your whole story in this 3D world will be revealed. You can open the book and taste every experience. Everything will be remembered and relived, however, without the pain and suffering of lived experiences.

Your story will be the most beautiful of all, because it contains every emotion felt; every feeling lived and every victory conquered by you, on each page, that is, in each incarnation. You will be proud of every test, every learning, every experience. You are much more than you can imagine! You are not limited as you have always felt; you are a free conscience, a divine being; you are a child of the Source, a child of God, the Creator of all things.

Open the Book of your history and you may prove it all. At the end of this walk, you will have this permission, because you will be taking the step forward, the one that will take you to a New School, a World of Regeneration, a New Earth, a New Time. Clean out drawers and carry your belongings. Sit back comfortably because the real show is about to begin. Prepare your heart for the emotions will be incredible! Your history on this Planet will be remembered as it's written on each page in your own Book of Life!

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


Translation by CrystalWind.ca


Vital Frosi 
Vital is a cultured man. He speak sPortuguese, Italian, Spanish, Veneto dialect and is studying English and French. He knows a lot about History and Geography. He is always up to date and follows everything that happens in the world. He doesnt't like parties. A man who believes in love. Who believes that life is only worthwhile when shared. A man who claims that the woman is the reason for everything, as she is the generative source of life. It all depends on how we conduct our actions. But most of all, we need to fulfill our mission in this lifetime. Find the path of Light, which will lead us to our ascension.

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