Joining Forces As A Collective
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- Written by Vital Frosi

When we remember the message of Jesus Christ that said, “Where two or more are gathered together in my name, I will be in the midst of them,” we may not even have the idea of what that means, size is the power of collective intention.
In fact, this metaphor shows us that by putting two or more together for the same intention, the power of intercession becomes an immensely greater potential. And if we add another third to those two, it doesn't increase just one third, but infinite times, as everything is enhanced.
When we say that the Earth's Timeline changed in 2010, thus passing the Planet through a smoother and quieter Transition, this was only possible because humanity has reached a critical mass of consciences, vibrating at the same frequency. This and so many other examples, even if the vast majority don't even have this knowledge.
The human mass that is awakening their conscience, must begin to value their potential in creation. To create does not only mean to create new things, but primarily to change already existing or still existing reality. We can also change something that is going to happen later.
And it is in this question that today the text reaches, because we are in a time of great changes. We can change what can still bring us pain and discomfort, because the group of humanity, knowing that their time is up, wants to cause as much damage as possible.
Do not get into the vibration of fear, anger and judgement, but only dispel those dark energies, sending loving energies and pure crystal Light. Nothing is more powerful than light, which in fact is pure love. No force, however powerful it seems, can double the power of Light and love.
When there is no longer frequency for the Darkness to create, they will simply disappear, for as we have said, they are nothing but the absence of Light or love.
We have a very worrying climate event, between today and tomorrow in most parts of Brazil. The entire South, part of the Central West and Southeast, is at risk for the formation of an Extra Tropical Cyclone that will enter an uncommon area in climate history.
With great potential for damage, this episode is leaving people skeptical. But as we know, we can join forces to mitigate the fury of this event. Let's unite as many people as possible, and spread light to this part of Brazil, including a band of Argentina and Uruguay, in addition to Paraguay.
At any time of the day or night, between today (12-07) and tomorrow (13-07), we will send for a few minutes, a Crystal Light taking over this large region. It could be purple Light transmitting the negative energies that create the strength of the Cyclone, or a crystal white Light that illuminates all the darkness in its energy.
When imagining this Light, mentally, also send loving vibrations to those who still indulge in the pain and suffering of humanity. Mentalize gratitude for the collective strength and Gaia Spirit, for answering us in this cry with the intention of helping others. Yes, to the next because he is you, it is me too, since we are all ONE with the Creator Source.
Even if you are reading this text after the event has happened, send it in the same way, intending to the collective that made your intentions on the 12th and 13, because in the higher spheres of consciousness, there is no linear time. Everything is always now.
There is always time to practice good. We are transmitters and receivers of energy. Everything is energy, and what we put out, will also be what we will receive in the future. When humanity understands this process of exchange, nothing else can reach whoever it is, because no one receives what does not resonate with its vibration, that is, in its frequency.
We collectively ask the Spirits of Nature and the Spirit of Gaia, to dispel the negative energies that form this Cyclone. That all your children, whether human, animal or vegetable, in addition to property, be, under the mantle of protection of our Mother Gaia, who, like any mother, must protect her children.
I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!
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