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If You Are Afraid, Don't Leave Home

If You Are Afraid, Don't Leave Home


As the veils that cover human consciences are lifted, greater is our ability to truly understand who we are and what we came here to do. Don't underestimate your innate power. Do not substitute the greatness of the soul that you indeed are.

Repeating here what has been said so many times, the secret of this School of Souls called Earth, has always been the veil of oblivion. Without forgetting who we really are and without forgetting past incarnations, the learning in duality and polarities would not be possible in this world of Action and Reaction.

The rules of the game, i.e., this School, were set before the Planet was even created. Part of Gods plan for the Worlds. Even with the arrival of the Archons, nothing has changed regarding the Master Plan. Sure, the difficulties have increased, but that also brought an advantage, as it has made this School a landmark within the Galaxy and the local Universe.

Fear, doubt, guilt, anger and so many other low-frequency situations, have been developed through the beliefs imposed by this group who fled the Orion Wars, and has taken shelter on Planet Earth. They've turned the earth into their hiding place and put mankind under their whims.

Through millennials, they created Rules and Systems of control, which stand to this day. However, it has been in these last 26,000 years that has been quartered humanity of the Earth into an absolute quarantine system. With this, the fate of the souls here in this School has been temporarily subjected to the whims of the Archons and their subordinate Oriana races.

Human/reptilian hybrids were created in order to keep the fence even closer to the incarnate. Religions, Systems, and Rules have been created to further condition the already limited human mind under the veils. Through technologies unknown to this day, brought by the invaders, the threat to use them against humans, kept the Galactic Brothers distant from Earth all this time.

Many attempts have also been made to liberate humanity, but caution resulted in a long wait. To say that the Creator did not have the power to resolve the situation in favor of the Light, is an irony, however, there has always been the opportunity for every fallen soul of these Archons, to be able to return to the path of the Light. Humans are loving souls by nature, and through that love, many Reptilians, Draconians and too many Oriana races, returned to the road back to the Father's house.

The truth is that nothing and no one can change the Plans of the Creator. What happens is that every humanity from each Side Sphere, can change the Timelines of their civilization and their destiny as learners in that School. And that's what happened here on earth.

Within the Final Transition of the Planet predicted since its creation, that is, in a period of around 3 Centuries, humanity on Earth also had the opportunity to choose its destiny, at the end of this long Cycle. Started such a process around 1750, we are now at the end of the last Century of the Transition. So, we can say this is also the last generation before the turn of the great Cycle. We are in the final incarnation within duality, subjected to the veil of oblivion.

Now everything speeds up for the final stretch of Transition. The Archons and their supporting races have already been removed from the Planet. Cleanliness is now restricted to the Earth's Crust, that is, among the hybrid incarnations. This is the easiest task within the final cleanup as plasma technologies can no longer be used.

The Creator has determined that the great learning in this School be completed. Nothing else can be learned within this restricted Dimension based on veils. The Gamma Light arriving now will dissolve the mist that covered the human consciousness. All will be revealed. It's the Apocalypse so cherished since the primitive times. It is the truth being revealed, like a pot card, that frees the Planet from the realm of Darkness forever.

Plumbing already brings a lot of information that we could not know before. Among them, we have the confident news that Earth has now been admitted to the Galactic Federation of Light. This is of an importance still incomprehensible to humanity, which is still debated under the lifting of the veils. But it's enough reason to celebrate with joy and enthusiasm. Finally, we are free from the Darkness and also from the veils of the Third Dimension.

Over the next few years, our consciousness will gradually recover the memories of who we actually are, what we came here to do and what the future fate of those who have already completed learning at this School. Yes, there is also the portion of humanity that is not yet ready for the ascension. We've talked about this many times.

Now you have to leave the fear behind. Nothing can stop us, on our way up. The Earth already possesses fifth dimension vibration and frequency. Already earned the right to join the Federation of the High Worlds. The fear that has always accompanied us, needs to be left behind. As the title of this text says: Those who are afraid don't leave home. Staying home is missing the opportunity of the great Planetary Transition party.

There are still those who obey the command implanted by darkness as if they were mental implants. Serve the purpose for which you set out for Unfortunately you cannot see the Light that comes now. And they still insist on the old purpose of disinformation. Some are even saying the Planetary Transition was canceled. As if there is anyone more powerful than the Creator himself.

In 2010 the positive frequency of a portion of humanity reached the critical mass needed in order to change the Earth's Timeline. This determined not only the significant advance of the Transition, but also a smoother and more peaceful Planetary Transition, definitely discarding the Armageddon Timeline.

Nothing and no one can change the Divine Plans which are determined by the Natural Laws of the Worlds. Don't be deceived by the squirrels who still sympathize with the non-Light. Nothing will stop what's coming. Nothing will stop you from rising but yourself Where is your fear ? If you still have it, it's time to release that limiting energy, because fear is the last door to be unlocked at this moment of Planetary Transition. This will also be the door to your freedom.

Trust the Plan ! Trust in YOURSELF!

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


Translation by CrystalWind.ca


Vital Frosi 
Vital is a cultured man. He speak sPortuguese, Italian, Spanish, Veneto dialect and is studying English and French. He knows a lot about History and Geography. He is always up to date and follows everything that happens in the world. He doesnt't like parties. A man who believes in love. Who believes that life is only worthwhile when shared. A man who claims that the woman is the reason for everything, as she is the generative source of life. It all depends on how we conduct our actions. But most of all, we need to fulfill our mission in this lifetime. Find the path of Light, which will lead us to our ascension.

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