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Humility Leads To Evolution

Humility Leads To Evolution


There is a quote that says, "Humility leads to evolution, and evolution brings humility."

It sounds so confusing but it's actually a logical sentence. The evolution of the soul embodied in a World of Test and Espionage, where the Law of Cause and Effect is the ruler of divine norms, is not achieved until humility becomes a habit.

The passions of the Third Dimension are the great impediment to ascension. Vanity, ego, the burning desire for power and uncontrolled pride are always on the side of humility. Upon detaching oneself from these passions, the incarnate soul begins to walk its way ascending.

Once reaching the highest steps of the evolutionary ladder, the soul then becomes even more humble, and in this condition, it understands the other souls incarnate, being able to assist in a more efficient way. In this state of consciousness, it communicates with others incarnate, in the true language of the soul.

Therapists, plumbers, and counselors spread around Planet Earth are beginning to realize that it is not so much the content of their messages, nor the techniques used that bring comfort and healing to others. What actually promotes good results is the frequency you put into that work.

The love, joy and compassion contained in this work, creates healing energy automatically, as it enters the frequency of the Creator, and the Universal Laws of the ONE. The best-known example in this process is that of Jesus Christ Himself. The high frequency of his words, the love with which he spoke and compassion for those who followed him, were the ingredients that produce the said miracles.

When Jesus spoke about the Kingdoms of Heaven, people went into special states of consciousness, and achieved a vibration almost identical to the Master himself. This vibration created the frequency that produced the miraculous effects and self-healing narrated in scriptures. When the soul goes into ecstasy, it reaches nirvana, and there everything is Light.

Reaching the frequencies of liquid light, the tachyons, which is the first form of light transformed into matter. This frequency corrects creation in such a way, to the point of changing a disease picture, into a healthy state of the material body. The same technique serves for replication, which is nothing but transforming Light into material things, such as the miracle of the multiplication of breads and fish, and also of the transformation of water into wine.

You can understand His words today when He said we could all do that and much more. Two thousand years before our conscience could understand the power it has. We are creators by essence, because we are part of the divine consciousness, that is, the Source that creates everything. Limited by veils and fractalization, however, as we know, the part is in the whole and everything is in the part.

We are in fact a mini-universe in the form of consciousness embodied. All the divine wisdom that creates the worlds and everything in them, is somehow within each of us. Forgetting that was the rule, in order to experience creation in the illusion of the absence of Light. Now, this time is ending, as the deadline set by the Greatest Creator quickly runs out.

What seemed to be a World of Darkness, is gradually illuminating and the Earth will go through a quantum leap energetically speaking, and from the Third Dimension, it will go to the Fifth Dimension. All forms of consciences on this Planet will undergo a fantastic upgrade, and it's called Planetary Transition. Nothing and no one can stop that which is governed by divine laws.

Whoever reads or listens to this message, you can be certain that this higher frequency, the one that provides healings and miracles, is within your reach right now. It is not a matter of knowledge but of loving frequency. See, hear and speak with mercy. With these harmonious senses, man is able to recreate the World and his humanity. You will be able to produce all that Christ Jesus has shown and taught us.

The Worker of Light, humbled by evolution and convinced by what he preaches or does, enters the frequency of the Eternal Source Essence, providing his followers, to make the energetically link to that which is in focus. This symbiosis creates the energy of healing, understanding and understanding that everyone needs, both individually and collectively.

The Lightworker must be Pure in Heart, which will facilitate for him brotherhood and the unifying power. The contact of people with this type of worker promotes a fusion of auras, between the one who listens and the one who speaks. This awakens in each of us the voice in the frequency of stillness; the constructive feeling in speaking, writing and guiding; the exercise of humility; the transparency and the sanctity of life.

It is the individual task of the Lightworker, to constantly improve the vibrational frequency. This exercise provides the necessary protection in order to maintain positive energies, by always providing the practices of goodness and love, through good thoughts, good intentions, charity, unconditional love, compassion, gratitude and respect.

Detach yourself from selfish passions because in New Earth there will be no competition or attachment, as we have known so far. Cooperation and respect are fundamental verses in elevated consciences, for the understanding of life will not be even a shadow, of what was in the Old Earth. Humility is therefore the key that unlocks many doors for upliftment. Humility leads to evolution and evolution brings humility.

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


Translation by CrystalWind.ca


Vital Frosi 
Vital is a cultured man. He speak sPortuguese, Italian, Spanish, Veneto dialect and is studying English and French. He knows a lot about History and Geography. He is always up to date and follows everything that happens in the world. He doesnt't like parties. A man who believes in love. Who believes that life is only worthwhile when shared. A man who claims that the woman is the reason for everything, as she is the generative source of life. It all depends on how we conduct our actions. But most of all, we need to fulfill our mission in this lifetime. Find the path of Light, which will lead us to our ascension.

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