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Family in the New Earth

Family in the New Earth


We quote here in previous texts, that the family is a Laboratory of Souls.

Yes, that is true, for in a world of Trial and Redemption, the law of cause and effect is the basic rule for the evolution of the souls who live there. And last week, we also said that this Divine Law, is undoubtedly the master pillar that leads to the ascension or repetition of the lessons in this School of Souls.

Why have we come to this conclusion? It is easy to understand, for once the soul incarnate truly understands the Law of Cause and Effect, it possesses the key that will lead it to a World of Regeneration. If you understand that each act or action performed, will lead to a corresponding reaction, your consciousness begins to show you that there is nothing outside of itself.

You'll understand that you don't depend on others or on external things to achieve your own evolution as a soul. Above all, you have never been and will never be a victim of the unexpected, but you receive everything according to what comes out of you. Others are just characters who cross your path so that you can learn lessons or make the necessary redemptions caused by past bad actions.

The family is the true laboratory of the souls. This is justified by the bonds that are formed around her. Once a dad, always a dad, until the end of each member's existence. That's how it is with mom and siblings and grandparents and grandchildren. It's blood ties, as they say.

The biggest rescues in the majority are always within this familiar picture. Yes because if it was karma with someone outside the family it would be easier to get away from them. But in the family, you can even walk away, but you can't run away definitively, because the feelings are deeply rooted within that group.

The family group consists of souls who have met in the Astral Plan, that is, before they reincarnate. Although everyone has their own individual soul plan, this group elaborates a collective plan, where each situation experienced after reincarnation will directly or indirectly affect the group. No one is a victim there, because the one who thinks he is hurt now, was something from the past.

The Law of Cause and Effect provides the opportunity to adjust what has been out of line in past lives. If it weren't so, the soul would be condemned to eternal martyrdom, and this is not part of the Creator's plans. The good father will always provide his children, conditions for them to be winners in their journey. And the law of action and reaction is the pillar that will sustain the progress of the soul incarnate.

The Family System as we know it, served to polish indebted souls, all the time the Earth was a Planet of Trials and Excuses. But now everything will change because we are at the end of the Transition to a World of Regeneration. We’ve said it here before that we are in the last incarnation of duality on Earth.

For souls that will make their ascension at the end of this corporal life, destiny will be a school where learning will no longer need the stoning of iron and fire, that is, through Trials and Trials. Thus, families will no longer be laboratories of souls, but a group that will be brothers by the purest of affectionate affinity, and without any possibility of atrocities. Polishing will no longer be necessary. And that will be the big difference compared to the old molds.

Certainly there will be no attachment now, since attachment is nothing but a determining factor, so that families can perpetuate each other until the end of each corporal life of their components. There will also be no jealousy, heartache and unconscious resentments that still resurface eventually. There won't be any sense of ownership, and neither will your members feel that their family members should be prioritized over any situation.

Love will be unconditional, and not conditioned to affection through beliefs, attachment and blood ties. There will be no passions of the flesh, for everyone will discover that passion is just a physical attraction, necessary even for procreation in the Old Earth, but unnecessary in the New Earth, for passion has never been synonymous with love.

In New Earth we will not have the family karma, well inserted still today, as having some of its members bearers of insolvable problems, such as incurable diseases; physical, mental or psychological disabilities; various addictions that destabilize the whole group; various family tragedies; lack of basic things for survival; finally, lack of resources for even the most basic family things.

In a World of Regeneration, the learning and evolution of souls, will be through unconditional love, cooperation and respect for everything and everyone. There will be no pain and suffering, old acquaintances of the third dimension that are now ending. There won't be the dismantling of families as we see now in the final stretch of the cycle that ends.

The ending of this old cycle, also shows us how the commanders of the Opposite Timeline of Light, try to destroy family groups, as many can still get lost from the Ascension Line, that's what they desire. The great battle waged today on the Ethereal Planet of the Earth, is the quarrel for souls. The Light offers opportunity and shelter to all, but it does not interfere with the free will of the incarnate.

The Darkness no longer respects as they never did, and they use all fireworks for souls to be led down the opposite precipice of the path of ascension. But we have the solace today, that we depend on ourselves alone. We have freedom of choice The Dark is creepy; however you are a free conscience. Free for each pick It's all up to you. You only need to understand the law of cause and effect. This law isn't imposed; it's the choice of everyone.

And we all still have a few limbs trimming in this final time of the Planetary Transition. We have the family groups that can work with each other. Even in the atrocities, there are always opportunities for rescue from the slopes of past lives. This is why the Darkness desperately tries to destroy the true laboratories of souls, which are families. But nothing and no one can stop God's plan. Only you have the choice. and that's all we have to say today.

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


Translation by CrystalWind.ca


Vital Frosi 
Vital is a cultured man. He speak sPortuguese, Italian, Spanish, Veneto dialect and is studying English and French. He knows a lot about History and Geography. He is always up to date and follows everything that happens in the world. He doesnt't like parties. A man who believes in love. Who believes that life is only worthwhile when shared. A man who claims that the woman is the reason for everything, as she is the generative source of life. It all depends on how we conduct our actions. But most of all, we need to fulfill our mission in this lifetime. Find the path of Light, which will lead us to our ascension.

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