Consciousness Or Programming?
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- Written by Vital Frosi

As we see the latest 3D energies, leaving Planet Earth definitively, we also have the lifting of the last veils covering the consciousness of each incarnate. It's the end of a time of Transition, and also of the fall of the domination of Darkness, not only in this Solar System, but throughout the Galaxy.
We are feeling the rapid expansion of consciousness, to the point of understanding today, a lot of things that couldn't be understood before. Yes, you're not the same as yesterday! And tomorrow will not be the same as today. What incredible times we are living in! What a wonderful opportunity to be incarnated here, exactly in the final times of the Planetary Transition!
Much has been said of the Third Dimension. It has been said that in 3D, nothing is real, for everything is an illusion; everything is holographic. In every situation and in every conscience, there is always some truth. There is no absolute truth in 3D! Even so, the souls incarnate on Earth lived the illusion as if it were in fact real. It was necessary to feel the intensity of each experience lived, because the soul takes with it only its etheric body, and it is in that body that feeling leaves its impressions.
It is also in the ethereal body that all memories, all records, and all the baggage that will form the new physical body in each reincarnation. As if it's a matrix that prints a copy of yourself. Therefore, in each reincarnation, the soul develops a body with tendencies for certain habits, for there will be its tests and its challenges, which will accompany it on the new journey in the physicality.
Incarnated and unincarnated have always been interconnected by the same consciousness, with the only difference, besides the Dimension (Third and Fourth), was the physical constitution of 3D, for the ethereal of 4D. But the frequencies never stopped intertwining.
This explains as much the aid from the incarnated in higher states, as the obsessions with the inhabitants of the Thick Threshold. Thanks to Divine Providence, the eyes of the physical body cannot see the umbra line entities, except in rare opportunities, and only by the incarnate possesses of the medium of clarity.
But you who have knowledge of the Divine Laws that govern this Planet of Trials and Atonement, understand how the wheel of reincarnations works, and also the Laws of Action and Reaction. You know and have experiences of the interconnecting of souls between 3D and 4D. Do you know that Observers have always been present in the lives of the incarnate, much more than you can imagine.
This 3D Great Cycle is closing now. We are going through the end of the Planetary Transition, and a New Earth is emerging. We are leaving behind the World of Trials and Atonement. This means that Darkness will no longer be frequented in the Fifth Dimension and will no longer be able to hang with humans on the New Earth. Your time here is up.
We've been bringing information about this Transition, since 2016. We said it, that the time for the Deconstruction of the Old 3D Matrix was coming. It was an intense 3 years, where many incarnates made this process in their consciences. And 2019 begins a time to rebuild the NEW ME INCARNATE. In other words, a New Consciousness has replaced the old Matrix. An important portion of humanity has made it through.
In 2020 it was revealed to us that the cleansing of the Earth was in full effect. No low frequency energy can pass through 5D dimensional portal As we know, the Earth Astral is a vast area that encompasses the psychosphere of our Planet. Far beyond what we know as the Umbrella regions. I parameter a pyramid of hierarchies. The Cleanup started at the top of the pyramid.
We remember here that at the top of this pyramid, there are no disembarked. These are restricted to the Threshold strips, which can be divided into three parts: High Threshold; Medium Threshold and Low Threshold, also known as Thick Threshold. The entities at the top of the pyramid, did not have permission to incarnate on Earth. Therefore, they used their knowledge to create hybrid races with humans in order to have their representatives within the hierarchical commands on the surface among the incarnations. We've talked about this before.
Such incarnate hybrids received a programming faithful to the commands of these entities. Just like a computer program, it could be constantly updated. This was done while he was sleeping, for the soul leaves the body while sleeping. In the last 350 thousand years, humanity on Earth has been hostage to this program created and executed by the Non-Light.
I suggest that you read some earlier texts, which deal with today's subject. I won't name them all but a few are enough. Do a google search for "The Creator Gave Enough" "The Thresholds are being emptied" "Cleanliness has arrived in our Yard." "The Backup of the Dark" Put my name at the end of each caption to direct search.
Continuing from today's topic, we say that the cleanliness at the top of the pyramid was going down to the thresholds. The Threshold was recently emptied. In 2021, the cleansing began on the Crosta Terrerstre, that is, among the incarnations. All hybrid representatives holding positions of command among the incarnate should be removed. This process is well in advance even if you don't even realize it.
When I transcribed here a channel titled "The Dark Backup", it was a short explanation of how things actually happen. It has been shown that it is not a simple physical removal. There is a whole very complex mental and psychic structure that goes beyond matter. It involves primary implants that act as automatic triggers. Therefore, these hybrids continue to apply their program, even though they no longer receive such information from the top of the pyramid.
But today, I have to pass on to you another part of this process of completing the energy cleansing of the Earth. When we say the Astral Threshold has been swept away, we believe the obsessive entities are no longer active. And that's the logic So why do many of you still feel the presence of observers? That doubt seems to be cleared now.
Such programming implanted in hybrids, has always been done in other human beings as well. When it comes to primary implants, you know it's the work of Clover Science. All incarnations are already born with at least 3 Primary Implants: One is to control the mind; the other is controlled by anger, the third, by fear. They're called primaries, because they're not physical. They are programs implanted in the minds of each one.
Even though there were in fact certain obsessive entities, most of the time, these holographics tormented the incarnate. They looked so real that there was no way to refute such facts. Certainly, the Darkness, knowing that the end time would come, has already prepared everything, in order to continue for at least some time, their dominance over the incarnates.
Now, such implants are no longer stocked, but they are still running their old programming. Becoming aware of this debunks the belief that we are being attacked by spiritual entities. No, you are not being attacked by an Observer anymore! You are being suggested through this program It looks real but its not. You just need to understand this and stop being afraid. How can you be afraid of something that doesn't really exist? Everything is just a projection of your mind, for the program makes you feel something that is already implanted in your belief.
And if everything is just a projection, it's time to let go of the old belief. Remember we are the creators of our reality. U create what u believe "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free". This sentence has never been more important than it is now! I could quote another: "Know thyself, and thou shalt be saved".
Now our consciousness begins to widen as its veils are being removed. But it is up to each one to absorb such truths. As long as you fear knowing the truth, you will be under the command of the programming they imposed on you. Step outside the Matrix! Consciously dissolve such primary implants! You don't have an observer pursuing you The shadow you see, is just a holographic designed to scare you. The sooner you get rid of that implanted program, the sooner you'll arrive at the frequency of the New Earth. You can change this frame Only you can change yourself A free conscience, will never be imprisoned again!
I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!
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