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The Energies of November 2022 ~ Complete Reset
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- Written by Natalia Alba
![The Energies of November 2022 ~ Complete Reset The Energies of November 2022 ~ Complete Reset](/images/stories/astrology/alba/noven.jpg)
November comes with an opportunity for us to reconstruct our entire reality. We are here on a journey of constant change, and we are the only ones with the creational power to transform anything that is obsolete.
It is in this new energetic month that we begin the conscious creation of a new timeline, although as humans, we have been programmed to believe that this is something that comes in the New Year. However, we are the ones that truly choose when it is time for us to completely shift our reality.
To help us in our mission during these last three months of the year of conscious release and creation, we begin November with the second eclipse, a Lunar one at 16 degrees Taurus. An eclipse that gives us the opportunity to ground all the energies we have previously integrated as if not, the healing and the cleansing will not be properly achieved. An eclipse that helps us integrate higher levels of love, understanding that anything else we wish to manifest in our reality, comes from this Loving Source, within ourselves.
A month that is for us to descend all we have envisioned within the depths of our souls, while we dwelled in Scorpion Waters, into our human plane, where we master ourselves as creators, and where we truly enjoy our soul's creations. Grounding mechanisms are going to be pivotal at this time, for whether we are working on healing, creation, or clearing, we need to ground these energies properly, so they create the necessary change in our body to trigger the required transformation.
This month's universal essence is also a very abundant and loving one. A number that represents what is lasting, and therefore what always remains in balance. This is what we are invited to create within ourselves, so our outer reality reflects the same infinite possibilities that are in our souls.
Number 8 is where endings and new beginnings are intertwined. This Month's frequency represents where we are very accurately, planetary speaking. We just had Venus's star point changing signs, and moving into Libra, after 150 years, which is a rare and once-in-a-lifetime event, as another indicator of the complete reset that we are experiencing at all levels. A shift that is intensified by Pluto, the eclipses, and by many other cosmic influences outside of our universe's confines. A shift that begins by working with the self, before we can create the massive change that we wish outside of ourselves.
This is where we are at the moment, in a void where we commune with our soul to obtain more wisdom, before stepping into the unknown, as in our new harmonic timeline, the only way forward is to follow our own soul's compass.
The message is that all can be done through the power of love, all can be shifted and dissolved when our human self finally surrenders to a Higher Power that is within All things and beings, allowing it to lead the way instead of forcing our reality with our egoic self, who can only envision a small, and limited view, of what is truly happening.
This is also a number that represents expansion, the one that we, as a collective, are having, as we continue stepping into a more evolved dimensional space. The only limitations are the ones created by our human minds, as it is the illusion of lack, coming from being immersed in a lower state of fear and separation.
During this month we have an opportunity for us to move inward and see where we still live in lack, where we still think that human resources are limited, and can only come from the outside. It is there where we begin limiting ourselves, by creating this same old story and by allowing its manifestation, in the physical.
Many will find themselves entering into a new personal cycle, and others ending it, as both in essence are the same. It is our personal interpretation and soul plan the one determining where we are going, and what we need to experience major growth.
Astrological events
We begin this abundant and loving month with two important planetary events: Mars retrograde and a very powerful and grounding Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, at 16 Taurus. After experiencing the purity, cleansing, and restoration of Scorpio Waters with the previous Solar Eclipse, now we move into the element Earth, where we continue purifying ourselves and grounding all we have previously integrated.
An eclipse that helps us now move into the masculine, healing its distortions, but without forgetting the feminine, an essence that is given as well by Taurus’s ruler: Venus. So too have, at this time, feminine energy, inviting us to balance both, our masculine and feminine essences, as well as emotional and mental ones, bringing all we created in the depths of our soul with the previous Scorpio eclipse, into our physical reality now with Taurus.
During the Lunar eclipse, there will be a T-square involving the Sun, mercury, and Venus, which are in the sign of Scorpio, opposing Uranus, the Moon, and the North Node, and on the peak of the T-square, we have Saturn in Aquarius. There are many energies, and many things happening at this time, especially with Taurus inviting us to also enjoy life and its pleasures. Saturn will help us discern what is most important for us to work with, at this time, teaching us to be disciplined and devoted to our evolutionary journey, as well as to our earthly matters.
On November 11, we have the 11/11 portal. This portal is going to be as well a unifier one, bringing all the energies, opposite ones, from Scorpio, and Taurus, that we have been integrating, into One, so we can begin the process of polarity and DNA synthesis, as they both complement each other. Unification codes that will help us decipher our DNA and the many messages that were left there for when we were ready to embrace who we truly are, in nature. DNA healing and rehabilitation is just the first step towards decoding all that we have within our DNA, and that will help us retrieve our authentic essence and personal mission.
These energies that we are receiving in this harmonic sixth universal year, are pivotal to restoring our DNA, and even more with the New Year's ones, a seventh universal one, a year of mastery and wisdom descension, for us to retrieve all that has been distorted or forgotten.
A few days later, on November 16, Venus enters Sagittarius at exactly 00'. Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance in Sagittarius is going to help us liberate ourselves from toxic relationships and from anything that is still keeping us from experiencing what true and unconditional love is, ceasing old behaviors that limit us, not just regarding abundance but in all aspects of ourselves and lives. The creation of balance relationships, is the first sign of an evolved being, as it means both personal mastery and unity, and the reflection of this inner mastery into their reality.
Sagittarius, the traveler of the zodiac, is always eager to explore new territories, as it always has an open mind, therefore, if we truly desire to experience love, not the egoic one but the authentic Divine Essence that is within us and in All within Creation, we should leave behind what is comfortable, walk an unknown path, and begin to release all the ideas that keep us from experiencing what love truly means.
There are no frontiers with Venus in Sagittarius, not in love, not in being free, and not in expressing our hearts. This is a path to walk in unity, freedom, and in love with All, and in the moment that we impede ourselves to experience love in that selfless way, is when we finally are able to broaden our horizons, beginning to experience what true liberation feels like.
The next day, we too have Mercury entering Sagittarius at 00' too. We have another blessed encounter in our Heavens that will help us clear our mental body of confusion and begin moving fast into the decision of creating conscious experiences based on authenticity, love, and more respectful and compassionate ways of living. Mercury in Sagittarius is about envisioning, mentally, what we will begin to manifest in a more tangible way in this new phase that is coming.
Mercury is about communication, expression, and working with our mental plane. It is a wonderful planet for us to align with and work with all we need to dissolve, on a mental level. If we have done this inner work, learn how to communicate from a space of clarity and love with ourselves, and the Illumined Realms.
On November 20 Vesta enters Pisces at 00'. Vesta invites us to dive deep into our sacred feminine essence. This is about the sacredness of our feminine essence, the one who creates and who is in perfect communion with the Divine aspect of us. This will too help us be more devoted to our personal mission, focusing on what is sacred for us, and what we believe we should do to assist others, in our unique way.
On November 22, the Sun enters Sagittarius. We pass from going deeper into all matters and bringing to the surface what was hidden with Scorpio, to manifest new opportunities in our lives. A sign that seeks beyond the surface but also enjoys its quest and making things tangible. Sagittarius likes to explore new horizons and as its ruler is Jupiter, it also helps us to expand ourselves even more in our own soul, and mission, search.
Sagittarians are the Truth-seekers of the zodiac, they wander for more wisdom and answers to their inner questions, they do not hesitate if the road gets hard as they know that finding the Truth will be worth it. Sagittarius are persevering in what they truly desire, and they enjoy the journey more than getting to their “final destination” as they are grateful for all the lessons learned in their path and know that it is in the journey in itself where true wisdom resides.
Sagittarian energies will finally give us the necessary rest that we need after this intense and revealing phase - introducing us to the last month of December, a decisive month before entering into a new phase of our human journey.
The next day we have a New Moon in Sagittarius at 1 degree. A moon that will help us discern the next stage of our life experience. As Sagittarius invites us to continue creating that which now resonates with us and pursue that. This is going to be a soothing and light moon in comparison with the intensity of the previous event, which will invite us to embrace joy, as our main state of being.
lastly, on this same day too, we have Jupiter Direct. This will be for many a sign for them to begin working on expansion, although Jupiter is always a force that if we know how to integrate, can serve us to expand into our soul desires, knowing what we truly desire to improve in ourselves and lives and finding a way to make it happen.
This is a month for us to create balance, and with Jupiter, we can extend the many ways in which we can create more harmony and love, something that starts by treating ourselves lovingly, respectfully, and compassionately.
Balance comes from having first integrated our shadows, for we have accepted our dual nature, as well as we revere the light. Balance is what emerges from being unified, acting with integrity, compassion, and a higher understanding.
It is only when we have integrated the aspects of ourselves that we deny facing, mastering our shadow self, that we can truly begin to walk as evolved beings, for we have already experienced all, understood everything from a personal experience, and stopped judging the unconscious choices that others may choose, for we have been there once, and now we know what it feels like to walk into the shadows, as we too know the light.
I wish you a wonderful November, Beloved Ones.
May you choose to remain, always, in the Illumined Essence of your God Self.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Natalia Alba : Is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Crystal Therapist and Reiki Master, even though, she prefers to heal in her unique and personal way guided by her Unified Self/Guides, using crystals and sound healing therapy, as she considers that studies help us to expand ourselves into our journey of self-mastery and assistance to others but nothing external can give us the wisdom that we already possess within. Her services are based on the Guidance she receives from her Unified Self and Spirit Guides, which comes from the same Fountain of Love and Light of All That Is. Giving you the messages you need to evolve and keep discovering more about your life path as well as your Soul quest/mission. She also helps you to realize where you are at the moment and what can be shifted for the betterment of you own self and human experience, so you can be able to transform your present moment to create the future you are eager to experience as well as giving you some direction to get to where you want to be by solving and transcending the troubles that are impeding your happiness and natural soul evolution. Source Here
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