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September 2024 Ascension: Tune into Your Soul’s Vibration

September 2024 Ascension: Tune into Your Soul’s Vibration

September's theme: Singing the Song of the Soul

September's Archetypes: Prophet, Muse
Chakra Focus: 5th
Key Words: Integrity, Truth, Communication, Co-creative Action, Creative Expression,
Impassioned Purpose, Soulful Co-creation, Spiritual Inspiration, Ignited Imagination
Cosmic Creative Cycle: Fire - PASSION, GROWTH, ACCOUNTABILITY 

Hello Beautiful Soul!

It's time for a new cycle with better relationships, aligned purpose, deep seated transformation and inner freedom breakthroughs! It's eclipse season and the cosmic energies are ramping up!

In September there are powerful cosmic forces and important coded gateways that aid us to expand and rise to new heights. Tapping into this divine direction we can receive motivation, clarity, direction and energetic nudges that support our creative sovereignty, and engage our internal willpower to take inspired action with our talents and gifts.

The key is to move beyond self doubt, as this will activate our 5th chakra to engage in soulful projects, new plans/situations and ideas, while at the same time being more responsible and accountable.

In this new cycle we freely weld our creative expression for the greater good and the soul's growth, not for hedonistic pleasure (more about this in my video!). The New Earth paradigm requires us to create a balanced, peaceful and loving reality within ourselves - whether through thoughts, words or actions.

Our power to express our creativity, co-create our own life experiences (with Spirit), and bridge the inner and outer Self, comes from the energy in the 5th, or throat chakra. A balanced 5th chakra ensures that we are able to skillfully voice and manifest the needs of our soul using our strengths, talents and innate gifts in our daily lives.

If the 5th chakra is blocked and our ability to express this creative energy is impeded, our health in this area is compromised and we may experience apathy, anger, procrastination, and self-loathing. We may become insecure, lack self-discipline, and ultimately self-destruct. We can harm others in the process and stay in the old, lower vibrational paradigm of lack and fear.

The archetypes that support us for healthy creative expression in the 5th chakra are the Prophet and the Muse. As we embody these two archetypes in September we can delight in and recognize the soul's need to express itself creatively as part of our soul's purpose and spiritual journey to wholeness.

As we creatively expand and evolve this month through the Ascension process, we are being asked to build on this universal aspect and shine our light in this way.

All life is a journey, it is a dance with Divine Creation, and we, as part of it, are here to sing the song of the soul!

More in my September video!

In service and divine liberation,



Samantha Orthlieb
(Registered Herbalist, Certified Iridologist, Flower/Nature Essence Therapist, EAV/ Bioenergetic Medicine Practitioner, Contemporary Medicine Woman, Plant Protector, Land Guardian and Evolutionary Oracle)
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