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March 2025: A Season of Rewards

March 2025: A Season of Rewards

Dear friend,

There’s a lot of passionate energy in the world right now, which is another way of saying there are big changes and movements happening!

It also means that we are now in a heightened energy cycle.

If we have been experiencing stagnancy, or felt like hibernating a bit, the passionate energies accessible to us now will help us get things moving again.

For those who identify with being an empath, who are highly sensitive and aware of others’ energies, passionate energy can feel overwhelming at times.

Spending time in Nature, making sure we are well hydrated, and having a daily spiritual practice that helps to ground us, will help to pacify any sense of overwhelm.

Here are some of the ways that passion (fire) energy can show up in our lives:

  • Motivation
  • Zest and vigor
  • Anger and frustration
  • Excitement
  • Spontaneous joy
  • Heightened sexual desire
  • Moodiness
  • Inspiration
  • Creativity
  • Anxiety

If you have been noticing these energies a bit more than usual, give yourself permission to channel them in a direction that feels healthy and productive for you!

The energies listed above are an indicator that things are stirring now—moving within and all around us.

When given a healthy outlet, they serve as a vehicle that transports us to align with our highest vision, and the kind of reality we desire to experience.

These passionate energies support us with anchoring the embodiment of Divine Action. They can also help us feel more refreshed and alive.

Now is the perfect time to begin new projects, make big decisions, travel, move, start a new relationship, invest, find a new hobby, or take a course to learn something new.

A Season of Rewards

From March 20th to about July 15th, we will enter a season of receiving many new blessings and rewards from all the hard work we’ve put in in recent years towards our personal growth, healing, goals, and highest visions.

The more committed and consistent we have been in doing our inner personal work, the more rewarding this time will be. 

We will experience a jump-start to a “reward” season during the second half of March, when a new wave of excitement, joy, and creativity will be in the air, supporting us in moving forward.

If we are someone who tends to be a procrastinator or lacking in motivation, especially when it comes to being committed to loving and honoring ourselves in every way possible, this will be a time to refine and resolve this coping pattern.

By choosing to recognize procrastination as the mind’s way of creating a distraction (because it doesn’t like change), we can now have compassion for that response, without allowing it to hold us back anymore.

It also helps us realize that we have other choices.

We deserve to thrive, and to receive ALL the blessings the Universe desires to shower upon us.

The only reason we may not fully receive them is because of the limited coping methods we have chosen in the past.

There are many coping methods that are empowering and freeing. The more we love and honor ourselves, the clearer it becomes that this is what will set us free to fly beyond any limitation we allowed in the past.

Our being the most loving and compassionate presence for ourselves and our inner child is the greatest reward we could ever give and receive.

Everything else just becomes the delicious icing on the vegan organic cake!

Now is the time to nurture this kind of unconditionally loving relationship with ourselves.

This is one of the main reasons we have all decided to enter this Earthly experience.

This is what many of the masters and sages who preceded us, such as Buddha, Kwan Yin, Jesus, and many others, were able to tap into.

They were able to love and honor themselves to such a degree that it naturally poured into the experience of all those around them—those who were open and willing to receive love.

This is why so many miracles were documented from those who spent time with these Sages. They elevated the space they entered, and brought others into that space of unconditional love.

Pure, unconditional love is the most powerful energy in all Universes.

Embody it, and one immediately becomes the most powerful energy in all Universes.

What these Sages were showing us, is that each one of us has the exact same capacity to do what they were able to do, and more!

Let’s work with the energetic doorways the Universe often provides, to strengthen our love and affection for ourselves, especially our inner child.

We can then also be that unconditional love for others, in ways that heal, uplift, and inspire others to love themselves and the world in the same way.

Choosing Love Daily

As these fiery energies heat up, they will powerfully support us in choosing love.

Love allows us to see the wholeness in everything. It allows us to see beyond the illusions of separation.

Choosing love as our daily path is a powerful practice. Some days it can be hard to choose love, so let’s remember to be gentle with ourselves along the way.

We were raised in a world dominated by left-brain thought, which tends to look down upon the abilities of the heart. Yet we can experience more love by choosing to think less and feel more.

It’s important to understand that emotions are not the same as intuitive feelings. Emotions are mind-based reactions that judge something as being either good or bad.

Intuitive feelings are not about judgment. They are about your high heart resonating with something as being true for you, or not. In other words, your heart responds by either contracting or expanding.

We have also been taught that action is preferable to feeling and intuition. And yet, love is less about doing, and more about Being.

As we step into that state of Being that is love—living from the heart and suspending all judgment—the Universe is always there for us, supporting us along the way.

Because when we choose to live in love, the Universe arranges everything in our outer world so that we can experience even more love.

The more we become aware of these opportunities and move into them, the easier it becomes to anchor love into our reality as a way of life.

It is important to realize that though we were taught otherwise, real love does not have any conditions placed around it. It also does not indicate weakness.

It is time to become aware of belief systems that are simply mind-based structures that distract us. They move us away from our true nature, which is based on real love. A love that does not judge, and does not cause us or another pain or hardship. A love that does not require us to give up or hide some part of ourselves.

True love is an unwavering frequency that flows through all of life. Choosing to be and embody love means that we immediately align with this constant flow.

In that moment, all the resistance we have to life fades away, so that everything in our life flows much more easily.

Our Higher Self: The Power of Love

Because we have so many misconceptions about what “power” really is, many of us have hesitated to reclaim our own innate power. We tend to associate it with misused power, the kind that is corrupt or controlling.

An ego-based use of power is usually a sort of misdirected creativity, a false form the mind created after losing connection to its Higher Self.

It’s a form of self-protection that comes from forgetting that we don’t need to be controlling outwardly. We are always safe and provided for, on a higher level.

But in this new and exciting era we are now in, we are collectively remembering the truth of how powerful our Higher Selves really are.

This is a powerful awakening, and one that is allowing us to fully reclaim our true and authentic power, which is interested purely in serving our and everyone’s higher good.

In this time when so many are ascending into the fifth dimension, we are rising out of the lower dimensional energies of duality, judgment, and narrow-mindedness.

This is freeing us to move out of the illusions of the false outer power we have been shown for so long, and into the true power of our real inner nature—and that is based on the power of love.

Untangling Ourselves from Victim Consciousness

If there was ever a time to release the victim archetypes that we as human beings have identified with for so long, it is now!

We can of course honor these archetypes for working to keep us safe and protected for thousands of years. As our minds looked out onto a dangerous world, they concentrated purely on survival.

But we now know that a world built mainly upon the idea of survival is not a world in alignment with whom we are at our core: Divine Beings, carrying Love as our highest purpose.

As Divine Love Beings, we are here to do far more than survive. We now seek to thrive, and to love ourselves and the world around us, affirming that we are constantly safe and protected, even though our survival-based minds may try to tell us otherwise.

So now, as we release the victim role, we can joyfully welcome in our Higher Self!

Releasing victim consciousness means taking on board several empowering ideas, even if they seem to go against the grain at times.

The first step is to accept every person, every experience, and every outer situation that comes to us, without trying to change it.

We don’t have to agree with everything and everyone we meet. We just need to release the need to let outer conditions—and our reactions to them—define who we are. Through acceptance, we also release the need to dwell on the past, and what may have been.

The second powerful step toward releasing victim consciousness is to release the need to blame.

We tend to feel the need to blame when something goes wrong, because we have been taught that there is always something or someone outside of ourselves who is right/wrong or good/bad—someone or something that is responsible for our experiences.

We are at a place now where we know that this cannot be true. And that blaming another always leads us away from the peace of our Higher Self.

“When you think everything is someone else’s fault, you will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy.” ~ Dalai Lama

We know now that we are the Creators of all our experiences.

We can release the need to judge, simply by realizing that as we operate from our Higher Selves, we acknowledge ourselves as Creator of all we are and all we experience.

When we act or feel like our Higher Selves, we do only what feels to be in alignment with our high heart, releasing what doesn’t.

Blaming ourselves or others holds us back from connecting with our Highest, most Divine Self.

The third step to releasing the victim role is to take full responsibility for our lives and well-being.

The victim mindset won’t necessarily approve of this new behavior. It may well resist when it hears that we are responsible for our lives and well-being.

It senses that it is losing its job. And that it can no longer take comfort in separating itself, supported by the illusion that whatever we need has to come to us from outside ourselves.

It is natural to feel that resistance. But as we take responsibility for our lives and our well-being, we actively move out of victim consciousness, and into Creator consciousness.

Living from our Creator consciousness, we can move mountains! At that moment, as we are reclaiming our true inner power, we can manifest from the most authentic and powerful aspect of ourselves.

Taking these three steps actively supports our transition from victim consciousness to Creator consciousness.

As we move forward in Creator Consciousness, we remember that at our core, we have always been Love itself.

This is what’s happening right now.

We’re remembering that we have much more in common than we realize, because we are a human family.

And the illusions of separation through race, gender, roles, job titles, class systems, structures, religions, and sexual orientations, are being highlighted and polarized at this time so as to be healed, addressed, and resolved once and for all.

Love is awakening and healing the consciousness of humanity, no matter how it may appear on the surface.

Love has always been here, and now it’s taking center stage, ushering us into a completely different era.

Until next time,

With gratitude,


©2009-2024 Emmanuel Dagher All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. 

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