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January Ascension Energies - Connection

January Ascension Energies - Connection


Areon was calling 2019 the year of Freedom. It was fast-paced with a lot of change. Change is constant in the physical realm, so part of our natural evolution of Ascension is to be well with change. Since our inner realm is where true Freedom resides, the work is to sustain an openness to life while holding healthy boundaries as we move through change.

For the compassionate and sensitive ones, it can take some effort to hold those boundaries, but that strength of healthy boundaries is what creates the inner Freedom to stay open to life. Openness of the heart to life is a vulnerability. It is a willingness to let life in, to risk connection, to be open to change. It is vital to the evolution and continuance of life.

Vulnerability is merely a strength that is seeding and growing.

The year of Freedom (click HERE for a more detailed video review of the energies) was about strengthening within. In 2019 we built our patience to release the binds of time, and released our past identity that kept us unconsciously circling the same worn path.

We built an inner structure that was more nurturing and even more malleable to change so that the push and pull of change wasn’t so destructive. We were experiencing and choosing within in order to transcend the polarizing chaos of duality, expanding the middle road of balance.


Here 2019 expands right into 2020, as we build upon the inner sanctum we’ve created in 2019. Areon is calling 2020 the Year of Following Your Heart.

To Follow Your Heart boldly, you have the empowered sovereignty (Freedom) to hear the soft whisper of love when fear (which is often loud) tries to keep things the same. You have the clarity to discern potentials when the old and formed is obvious and screaming for survival. You have the patience to allow life to show you the path of least resistance and flow at the pace that gravity creates.

2020 will call you to balance your mental and emotional flow such that your strength and vulnerability—your Freedom—to interact with life supports your creative joy. Life lives through you. Your impassioned living sustains life. That’s heart living—joyous life continuing. While it isn’t always exuberant joy, the challenges are the opportunity to realign with our courage to create anew.

The first part of the year (about the first half) has a sense of awareness around the mental structure supporting your heart flow. Heart/mind connection is important for Ascension because we are evolving into a conscious (mental) connection with the subtle realm (infinite/nonlinear=heart). This shifts our focus from just the physical senses and learning to navigate physical form, into also balancing the non-physical potentials into our creative actions.

The first quarter of 2020 has a strong push/pull of expansion, especially as we learn to focus our mental structure in healthier ways. The opposites of duality are truly connected. Through you. Which leads us to the energy of January.


For January I was shown strong lines of energy coming from the heart and throat, which then created a “firing of neurons” in the head. These lines of energy shot out in twos, two opposite directions—the equal but opposite flow of energy. Equal but opposite. Equal is the neutrality that creates connection between opposites. That connection is in you.

This flow of energy from the heart and throat created a connection of the two brain hemispheres, supporting you to connect the vast, conceptual right-brain with the detailed logical left-brain.

Connection is the main focus in January. The transcending of duality, while still living and operating within it, continues. January feels like a little more stillness, especially if you can access detached awareness and observance of the information swirling and forming around you.

In essence, we are calming the mind in order to connect with the heart, our infinite sacred pulse that then ripples into life—connecting life, creating life, continuing life. That detached awareness of a calm mind softens and neutralizes your energy so it’s not polarizing away from a Connection.

The neutral stillness allows you to tune into the quiet whisper of Love calling you to choose connection.

As we begin 2020, January is asking you to observe, spend a little more time listening to life and to the self in order to enhance your Connection. This will inform you of the desires of the heart—your connection with life, the connecting of life.

Areon has been saying for years, get YOUR energy into your life. January may seem a little less like the action of that and a little more like clarifying your desires and then your resonance within. It is a great time to place your hands on your heart and ask yourself, what does my heart want? And just listen. Observe with detachment. And listen some more.

After you’ve listened to your heart, ask yourself, how can I connect with this desire? Connect with my courage, my patience, my joy, etc.” As you’re doing this, you are initiating a flow of energy from the heart (and more) that fires the neurons of the brain into action. The cascading hormones create a readjustment of the totality of your information.

If it seems like it triggers some negative response (usually the how/when or a lack response), then use the recent focus Areon has repeated for the past few months and love yourself unconditionally. Nurture your heart so it has the replenished strength to lead you. This will be repeating throughout 2020.


January feels a little calmer energetically, yet it also feels like there is an excited energy (not necessarily all happy excitement depending on someone’s resonance). This will be helping you to Connect the equal but opposite energies within you and within life. Look for opportunity (tuning opposites into unity—harmonizing) to Connect with that which seems separate from you. This is the practical integration of your infinite heart and finite mind energetic flow.

Connect to a potential that you want to manifest through you; first in your inner realm, then in your interactions with life. You are the immense power of Love that builds worlds. Let that flow into this realm of form. Happy 2020!

by Jamye Price 
Jamye Price is an energy healer, channel, and teacher. Her unique energy healing modality, Crystalline Soul Healing, along with Light Language—are a powerful transformational experience. She also channels Areon, the Lyran Council of Time, with information focused on the mental and emotional balance of Ascension. Jamye’s work is practical and profound; she mixes highly esoteric subjects into applicable usage for empowered living. Source Here

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