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Integrating Change: What July 2024 Has in Store for You!

Integrating Change: What July 2024 Has in Store for You!

Beloved Ones,

July is another harmonic and loving month, asking us for retrieval, rejuvenation, and stabilization.

This is a month to continue integrating change, after the profound transformation experienced during the previous months. A month to process all the energies and allow our bodies the time to adjust to our new frequency.

Integration occurs when we surrender and allow it. Allow all that needs to surface for us to heal or clear, flowing with change organically, so we allow the new energies in.

We are heading the 77-wisdom passage that will gradually introduce us to the 888 portal, the peak of the Emerald awakening that started months ago, and that now will be emphasized, especially in the Israel gate, Avalon lands, and other important locations retrieving the Emerald Ray.

We are already feeling the presence of our forefathers the White Elohim, as they told me when I received the 888 transmissions, helping and protecting us in this new phase that is like nothing we have ever experienced in previous years.

They are now intervening, benevolently, to assist in the planetary restoration and unification that is happening, expanding the love and healing embedded in the Emerald ray, that will continue supporting us and All living forms in the following months.

July is a loving month represented by a 6 universal number – 15 reduced. A number that represents the love, peace, harmony and compassion that reigns, as well as the importance of our relationships, for there are many divine reunions taking place on the planet at this time, as a result of the monadic twin reconnection that many of you are undergoing, and that is the first step to achieve a balanced and equal relationships.

Number 6 represents love. 6 is the stabilization that is taking place in many of us, and in our planet's organic gates, after the many changes that have been taking place for the last few months.

As it was June, July is too a month for expansion and self-realization, healing, and gridwork, for we all have different missions. A month for us to take care of our bodies, as they suffer the impact of all our daily thoughts, habits, feelings, past wounds, and the many energies that we have consciously chosen to embody.

On a deeper level, July’s energies open a wisdom integration portal in which many of you are already immersed, descending more clarity and guidance to continue with your unique journey and mission. Seven is often the number of years that we need to end a cycle and initiate a new one.

Seven is the time we need to master the human self, for its ascension, into a new level of consciousness. This is where we, personally, and globally, find ourselves at this time. A portal that this year my Guides shared is about clearing ancestral clearing, for when we heal from the present, the healing triggered affects our previous past and future seven bloodlines’ generations, helping them to liberate from years of repression.

It is only then that we can embody both our galactic and ancestral familiar wisdom, liberating them from our DNA, where it resided, repressed by the many non-benevolent tactics and tools to suppress consciousness.

It is a time as well to continue clearing Saturnian manipulations, as this planet has been deeply used to create more delusions and block the seventh-dimensional ray from fully entering our planet. Something that has now finally changed, and we are now able to embody the full seventh-dimensional spectrum, restoring, awakening, and opening again our seventh-dimensional left shoulder portal, embodying the violet ray and, hence retrieving the female energy.

July is a key month to focus on self-care, nourishment and body recalibration. In the following three months, we will be constantly integrating again, and the success of our embodiment will depend on how much we dedicate ourselves to restoring and replenishing ourselves, and our bodies during these two months of June and July.

Astrological Events

We start the month of July with a healing event to help us at this time of rejuvenation and self-care. On the 1st of July, we have Jupiter semi-square Chiron. Jupiter, the planet of expansion defies all retrograde this month, as it will be very active, aligning with healing cosmic forces for us to continue our work of self-reconnection, illumination, and expansion.

Jupiter semi-square Chiron, at a time when our bodies need our attention. This event comes to remind us of the importance of healing the physical, mental, and emotional wounds as we navigate through this plane, and we need to address them rather than bury them.

Wounds that resurface from the depths of our being, when we do our healing work, clearing eons of manipulation, DNA suppression, female and masculine distortions, and above all, unlove and therefore fear, for this has been the most profound wound exerted upon humanity.

July is a month, for those who resonate with retrogrades, that have many planets turning retrograde. We already have Saturn since the end of June retrograde, as well as Neptune, doing the same on July 2nd, and Chiron at the end of the month. Being the only minor planet direct Pallas on July 9.

As you know I do not foment retrogrades, for this illusion has created and enhanced fears in the collective. Fears not to act, or expand on a certain period, fears of outer alignments and events having power over us and personal reality, and fears of limitation.

In my personal reality, all occurs according to both my personal micro cycles, ruled by my soul and God Self and my own creations. It all depends on what beliefs, and forces we choose to align with.

When we choose fear, we experience limitation. When we choose love and freedom, we continue expanding, for it is our true nature.

I leave it to you to take what resonates, leave the rest, and follow only your personal belief system and guidance.

If you follow retrogrades then it will also coincide with July’s energies which are about rejuvenation, moving inward to retrieve wisdom, and above all, harmony and healing.

Retrogrades are very real for those who believe in them, not because they have any power over us, but because they have created this belief as well as the collective, and we are so powerful as a collective that when we create something it becomes real. That is how powerful we are as divine beings.

Imagine if we direct this power to build positively, lovingly, and expansively.

On July 2 Mercury enters Leo. The essence of this reunion is to help us communicate lovingly, and passionately, from an empowering and authentic perspective, but always with the truth and respect to all.

All events from this month are teaching us how to become more loving, self-sufficient, compassionate, and caring towards All, for learning how to be and express ourselves more lovingly never ends.

It is a good energy to work on being confident, trusting our guidance and ideas, and learning how to expose them, constructively, to expand and help others with what we build, for our words build, whether more love, fear, or creativity. It is a good transit to make our voice be heard, respected, and listened to.

Sometimes we may have wonderful ideas and projects to manifest. However, we may not have the confidence to take the lead and speak out. This transit is about learning how to express our hearts and minds, constructively, and compassionately.

On July 5 we have two important transits, Uranus semi-square True Node, and a New Moon at 15 degrees Cancer. The first event is about embracing, and integrating change and flow with it. This is what we are mastering this month, the integration of all the changes that by consciously agreeing and aligning with the new earth’s energies, we have created, and we are now embracing and understanding, from a more illumined perspective, for we need to adjust to our new bodies and reality.

Everything we experience, even if the most painful change, is to show us something precious we could not see if we were not passing through this lesson. We may not see it in the moment, we are not meant to. We will see it when we finally move into a more evolved state of being. It is then that we see the precious lessons, the strength, and the expansion that all these challenges brought to us.

This event pushes us to move forward with the change that is just the result of all of our previous work.

It is about moving into future timeliness, creating our new lives, and learning how to live within constant change, leaving the past behind and understanding that this time does not exist any longer, and therefore the only way is forward, keeping only everything, we have mastered, remembered while we traversed the shadows.  

The New Moon in Cancer, on this same day, represents the peak of the female energies, the universal Mother frequencies that are reigning our plane at this time, together with the divine masculine ones, fomenting self-nurturance, integration, and above all synthesis between both of them.

This New Moon is about emotional healing, rejuvenation, and wound clearing. This is pivotal when we are immersed in a transformative phase, as we have been for a while. It is a time to focus on everything that is resurfacing from the depths of our being at this time.

As we transform ourselves, many memories and wounds can emerge, and this is a time to acknowledge them, embracing pain and understanding that only when we embrace our vulnerability, is that we can open our hearts, for we already know the shadows, the pain, and we are no longer afraid of them. We now filter it and continue embracing more to heal ourselves and All.

On July 9 Jupiter sextile True Node. This is another sign of the universal assistance that we are receiving to consciously co-create with All that surrounds us, manifesting more love, abundance, and assistance throughout our creations.

The True Node often is about our destiny, where we are heading, and what our soul wishes to create, expand, or transform next. Many will feel the urge to explore the unknown, searching for new possibilities that help them expand their physical reality. While others will seek this expansion from within, expanding in their personal mission. 

Expansion, wealth, and everything we desire to improve in our physical reality, begin by first loving, respecting, and honoring ourselves. Without this basic principle, we cannot experience the outcome desired, for we cannot continue separating and believing that what we need comes from the outer, as it only creates the illusion of putting responsibility for our needs in others or something else that governs us.

On this same day we also have Pallas Direct in the sign of Scorpio. Pallas is also a very female energy, represents the wisdom of the feminine, and its power, when we are aligned, from within, with the Divine Feminine, and consciously descend its guidance.

This is a month to cultivate the female essence, which is passive but not that less effective or expansive, balancing the masculine, expansive, and fiery energies that are about to come.

A frequency that reminds us of the importance of dwelling in the love, wisdom, and healing power of the feminine, while we continue creating, and manifesting, in the physical, as reconnection, and deep soul communion, are key for us to create with discernment and equality.

Pallas in Scorpio invites us to delve into the unknown, into who we truly are, healing all separation and fears to see the truth, but also the wisdom that resides within it.

Two days later, on July 11, we have Venus enters Leo. Venus in Leo can assist us in two main purposes: clearing our ego, discerning what is truly valuable from what is not an authentic expression of love, as we have been programmed to love from an egoic perspective, rather than from a soul one. 

Furthermore, learning how to give ourselves, passionately, to others, in the way we choose to do so, relationships, our personal mission, or anything we desire to manifest or expand, from a loving space, for when there is love, and will, there is always a way.

It is a wonderful energy to work on commitment, self-confidence, and loyalty, daring to be bold, creative, and stronger in the love that we are, and desire to express to others.

On July 18 Jupiter will quintile Neptune. Jupiter in Gemini together with Neptune in Pisces can be a very confusing energy for many who are experiencing a profound inner shift, as the more we expand into Neptune, the more risk of falling into delusions, escapism, and ungroundedness.

Although it also offers us the opportunity to see the illusions that often confuse us and impede us to see with clarity where we are, and what we need to move forward. This is why we need to be grounded and clear our minds and emotions first, so all we see in the depths of our being, we are strong to face and remove.

When we are grounded and balanced this transit will help us to dive deep into our emotions, into our soul and mental plane, helping us to dissolve delusions, human programs, that still govern, and beyond everything limit our mental body, as well as to expand in healing, spirituality, and in our soul mission, for those who are already working in the previous.

If we follow our soul compassion, as the only authentic guidance, we will learn how to recognize the shadows, illusions, and false programs, for our feelings never lie, allowing us to see where we are, and where we need to shift trajectory. 

On July 20 Mars enters Gemini. This transit is an invitation to be flexible, transcending limitations and be open to new ways of communicating. Mars’s passionate energy helps us understanding the power of communication.

How do we communicate towards ourselves? Often, we program ourselves unlovingly and negatively through self-negative talk. How do we communicate with others? For words can create, heal, or destroy.

Loving, compassionate, and respectful communication is key here, as Mar’s fierceness does not make it easy to control our impulses. This is precisely the lesson, to learn when the time is to speak our truth, how, and who will value it, as communication is another form of energy of creating in the physical, and we should be mindful of where we share our deepest thoughts and feelings.

On July 21 we have a Full Moon in Capricorn. This is a twin moon, as we had exactly another Capricornian moon on June 21. A double moon whose main mission is to help us achieve self-illumination, grounding the wisdom that we are descending during this time of soul retrieval and conscious expansion, from within.

It is with Capricorn that we have the opportunity to move inward and work on our DNA, on the chromosomes, specifically, in the part known as telomeres, the ones that contain our DNA. Above all, for healing genetically inherited diseases, etc. Capricorn together with the energies that surround it, is a great support if we are working with our DNA, as well as with stabilization and implant clearing. 

Capricorn is essential for us to learn how to manage our body functions, energy, our vital life force, and all we are integrating, for we need to give the energies a clear purpose, as energies in themselves will not come to us and choose for us, it is our Consciousness the one who aligns, determines and manifests. 

Capricorn's essence will too help those who are working with clearing mitochondrial cells, as I previously shared in the first moon, which as you know also contain DNA, and are responsible for our body's energy management.

This lunation will help us be more grounded, take more care of our physical vehicles and learn new ways to integrate and manage energy.

Beyond everything Capricorn is about self-illumination, and we can only achieve that when we shift our bodies and start the process of conscious transfiguration.

On the next day, on July 22, the Sun enters Leo. We pass from loving and intuitive Cancer to fiery Leo season. With the Sun in Leo, we can embody this fierce essence to empower ourselves and express our hearts by standing firm in who we are, sharing our unique Divine Spark, at a time when freedom and the right to express ourselves are essential. 

We will be assisted during this time, as we always are, to open our heart to a higher form of love and healing with the emerald activation that is taking place. An emerald retrieval that will be key to those who are healers, to expand on their healing abilities and universal mission of assistance to the planet.

An excess of this fierce frequency could lead us into arrogance, which is why balance, as always, and mastering the ego is key to being able to discern for ourselves if we are using these energies for self-empowerment or egoically.

On July 25 Mercury enters Virgo. Mercury in Earth signs this year is a very important message that we cannot miss. It is about remembering that purification, as Virgo reminds us, is important, but that this distillation begins in our minds.

Everything that is impure in our physical bodies, and hence, physical reality, began with a thought. If we focus on clearing our mental bodies, of all negative and self-destructive thoughts, our entire life will shift, for we have mastered the most important: the egoic mind and its passive-aggressive methods to disempower ourselves.

Think, feel, and act purely and everything else will reflect the same love, clarity, and honesty in your life. This is the main message from mercury in earth signs (retrograde) this year, for we often move into our physical reality, where we believe we can shift all that is not working, forgetting that it all begins with our thoughts.

We end the month on July 26 by having Chiron Retrograde, for those who resonate with it, although Chiron, the so-called Wounded Healer, is a healing ally whether retrograde or not.

If we choose to align with Chiron in Aries, it will help us to heal the ego, to work with all the victimhood and self-destructive programs that we may have, and that impede us from seeing our magnificence, as divine beings, which together with Leo is wonderful to embrace our authentic self, and its wondrous abilities. 

We have a month filled with loving and wondrous healing energies to start moving from pain and step into a more empowered and illumined state of being.

This passage is to help us retrieve strength, wisdom, and power to be able to immerse ourselves into a wonderful new energetic wave.

I wish you a wonderful July, Beloveds.

May you create more love, harmony, and peace.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

Natalia Alba : Is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Crystal Therapist and Reiki Master, even though, she prefers to heal in her unique and personal way guided by her Unified Self/Guides, using crystals and sound healing therapy, as she considers that studies help us to expand ourselves into our journey of self-mastery and assistance to others but nothing external can give us the wisdom that we already possess within. Her services are based on the Guidance she receives from her Unified Self and Spirit Guides, which comes from the same Fountain of Love and Light of All That Is. Giving you the messages you need to evolve and keep discovering more about your life path as well as your Soul quest/mission. She also helps you to realize where you are at the moment and what can be shifted for the betterment of you own self and human experience, so you can be able to transform your present moment to create the future you are eager to experience as well as giving you some direction to get to where you want to be by solving and transcending the troubles that are impeding your happiness and natural soul evolution.

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