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February 2023 Ascension Energies Update

February 2023 Ascension Energies Update

February 2023’s theme: DNA 1-6 Upgrade
February’s Keywords: Intuition, Psychospiritual Transformation

Greetings Awakened Soul!

During January we upgraded our 3rd chakra via an intense review of how we use our power and the impact this has on our sense of self worth and self truth.

After this intense healing phase we are now collectively ready for the February DNA Upgrade that sees us rebirth, transform and augment the next phase of our Ascension and spiritual identity!  

So much more joy, hope and possibilities are on the horizon!  You may be already sensing it?

The DNA Upgrade Gateway begins Feb 2, peaks Feb 11, and finishes on Feb 22. This will be a period of  accelerated psychospiritual transformation and impact your sixth (brow) chakra and your central nervous system. After that you and your vibrational field are attuning to this new version of yourself - until the next DNA Upgrade in July, during the 777 Gateway.

How does the DNA 1-6 Upgrade work?  

The process of returning to twelve strands of DNA in our earthly human form is a part of the Ascension process.

There are 12 Strands of DNA in the human body. There are two physical strands with another ten inter-dimensional aspects upon them. They hold the knowledge of All That Is and Divine Remembrance.

During this upgrade / ignition process, at the etheric level, strands 1-6 of the ten inter-dimensional strands of DNA are connected and then expressed within the circuitry of the cellular system of the body and the brain.  

DNA Strands 1-6 hold the vibration and embodiment for more: Gratitude, Inner Child, Childlike Wonder, New Beginnings (through erasing old stories about ourselves), Intuitive Insight, Divine Connection, Non-attachment, Deep Faith, and Unabiding Trust

As the embodiment elevates in vibration, and as the new DNA is connected / expressed, fear-based patterns and beliefs are released simultaneously and make room for the experience of more joy, creativity, and self-expression. Each level of upgrade / ignition heightens and embodies YOU in these traits.

This energetic transformation allows YOU to release the Victim archetype (the old paradigm of living) and live in the 5th dimensional, empowered True Self.  

By activation of these dormant gene codes, you are also opened to an infinite source of evolutionary wisdom.  

Why is your Vibrational Frequency so important to your evolution?

Vibrational Frequency is the new sexy, the new normal, the new black (Think: Orange is the new black) - it is exceptionally important going forward to understand this! (see my video for more about this!)

To understand that the frequency you vibrate at is more important now than your material reality and your material / earthly sense of self is crucial going forward, as this is the turning point in evolution from your perception as an earthly being to spiritual being.

Your nervous system and brain are evolving during this process to carry more "light" codes and information. You are now a tuning fork for All That Is, and as such can pull in information as needed via your intuition, your inner know, and then go with the flow of cosmic wisdom and insight. 

This is truly an exceptional transformation that will continue during each DNA upgrade and requires you to stay grounded in your body!

For more, including ways you can work with this DNA Upgrade through anchoring yourself and keeping your vibrational frequency high, please watch my video!

In service and divine liberation,



Samantha Orthlieb
(Registered Herbalist, Certified Iridologist, Flower/Nature Essence Therapist, EAV/ Bioenergetic Medicine Practitioner, Contemporary Medicine Woman, Plant Protector, Land Guardian and Evolutionary Oracle)
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