August 2024's Energy Shift Revealed
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- Written by Natalia Alba

Beloved Ones,
The acceleration in our ascension path that many of you are experiencing during this year will intensify with August's energies.
We are heading into a three-month window of constant integration, releasing, and stabilization, for the three of them, are vital to remaining within divine balance. During this month many issues related to fear, insecurities, lack of self-love, empowerment, and discernment can resurface for us to heal them, as this is what these energies are bringing to the surface, all that lives in separation within us.
Fear creates many blockages in our bodies, they can impede the flow of love, and abundance, in our heart centers, or get attached to our solar plexus, even causing stomach problems. Fear can manifest in the form of anxiety, panic attacks, soul disconnection, and severe fatigue, for our bodies, and immense systems, are constantly fighting the imaginary intruders we are waiting for, as this is how our bodies feel when we fear, preparing themselves to fight any outer agent.
And yet all fears are showing you where you have fallen out of love with yourself. When you have - unconsciously - created separation between you and your God Self, allowing illusions and other agents to infiltrate your being. All is showing you that you need to come back to reunite with who you are, for this is ultimately the cause of all the imbalances we experience - soul disconnection.
As our planet, as we too continue healing disconnection and merging our female and masculine energies/pillars, personal integrity is one of the most important things during this time not to fall into energetic and spiritual traps. How we talk to ourselves, and others, where we put our energy, intention, and focus, and above all, where we allow in our consciousness.
This is a time when the desperate intents to govern our consciousness is being clear. The tactics to continue controlling our attention, and consciousness is more evident than ever before. Be aware of the 3D manipulations, especially through blasphemy of what is pure and sacred, for it is how it all starts.
To embody all the energies that are assisting us to move into our Higher Hearts, and reconnect to our soul and monad, first, we need to support the body release old energies, habits, and memories, which constantly continue reprogramming our bodies to experience the same old situations, patterns and actions.
August is a month to show you where you are. It will help you see if you have the courage to stand up for yourself, and your truth or if you are still choosing to foment the old and the many 3D distractions. As I always say, it is our choice as free beings to choose what forces we wish to align with. Depending on the forces you choose to align with, so will be your reality.
August's energies are potent but so it is our will to continue becoming illumined beings, remaining in our Illumined Self to know what is authentic from what is not. In this year of complete reconnection for many of you, it is vital to focus only on your personal journey. What others say, or do, where they are or not, will only drain your life force.
When we see all with neutrality, and focus on self-growth and evolution, we do not have time or the will to focus on complaints, what others are doing, or anything that foments gossip, for this too puts us back into a lower state of being.
When we respect all choices within Creation, and how others choose to grow in their own journey, we do not criticize or diminish them, for we compassionately and lovingly witness that where they are, is where they need to be, and we respect their choices above anything else.
This is a time for you to see where you are, not what others are. If you still engage in drama, which does not make you good, then it is a message for you to learn how to disengage from these egoic tactics to disconnect you. All is valid and all serves us to retrieve divine alignment.
August is a seventh universal month - 16 reduced. We have again the combination of numbers 7 and 8 reflecting where we are at this time, embodying and clearing our galactic monad, achieving galactivation, a process we have been working with at the beginning of this powerful and unforgettable year.
Seventh is the number of wisdom we have been descending for a while and that will continue during the following months, for we are now ready to integrate higher truths. We still have September and October as the peak of this magnificent year, concluding with the last two months which will be more soothing and harmonic.
Seven is the number of initiations that we must pass before we can step into ascension. It is a time of soul-realization when we begin to discern our creations, by moving inwards, observing if there is anything we still need to transform/unify, to be able to proceed with our journey, knowing that where we are heading is where we need to be next, for the betterment of All involved.
We have ahead a month to focus on our personal transformative path, on what we have yet to heal, dissolve, and integrate, and on how we can achieve a better understanding of ourselves and reality. It is a time to expand in wisdom, love, and power, not a time to allow distractions to cloud our authentic path and mission.
Astrological Events
We start August with the fiery energies that will reign during the entire month and that we have been already feeling since the third week of July. Energies that help us expand our heart centers, for this is the purpose of the Emerald frequencies that are being retrieved in our planet, in many new locations, to help us reconnect to our Higher Hearts, and hence soul dimensions.
A month to stand tall in our personal power, and move into the direction that our souls are guiding us to follow. Empowerment is the ability to recognize that God gave us all the tools required for us to create our personal path. Empowerment comes when we consciously and freely choose to reconnect to our soul and monad, for it is from these authentic Sources that we descend the power, strength, and truth we need to create our journey and follow it heartedly.
Personal power does not come from outer energies, but from the inner work we do to attain a better connection to who we are, and our divine selves, healing and clearing all we find within, and in our bodies, that is fragmented.
We have a month for us to remove everything that is not allowing us to embrace our sovereignty, which is why we precisely begin the month with a New Moon at 12 degrees Leo, as well as Venus in the sign of Virgo, to remind us the power of love, wisdom, and power, for it is all we are starting to retrieve, during this new harmonic timeline we have just moved into.
The New Moon in Leo will harmonize with Mars and Jupiter. It is a time for us to balance the ego, especially with anger issues, learning how to direct our thoughts, feelings, and life force to build not to destroy ourselves, as anger and stress are the most detrimental states of being for humans.
Once we heal and balance our ego, Jupiter can help us expand in the confidence and willpower we have retrieved, as we move inward and discover that all anger was fear in disguise, as well as past untreated traumas that caged our hearts and did not let Love in.
When we open ourselves to experience pain, embrace it, and keep its lessons, we allow love in. When we hide pain for fear of feeling fear, then we cannot receive love, abundance, expansion, and all we wish to create in our reality, and that is our birthright to create.
Only we constrain this divine, loving, and abundant flow. No one else has this power, even though we have been programmed to this they do
Focusing on cleansing is also vital at this time, for as we heal, we too need to release through our chosen cleansing methods, otherwise the accumulation of many different energies in our bodies, will not allow new in.
This is a very transformational year, and even more so this month. Experiencing ups and downs in our energy levels, emotions and thoughts is common. We need to be compassionate and understanding with the long-term process that we are experiencing and that will have many detours, as we continue rediscovering ourselves and evolve.
When we feel emotional, with the urge to quit our healing process, the best is to be patient, and compassionate and stay as neutral as possible, for feelings come and go if we learn how to listen to them and process them, but the truth of who we are, and our mission always prevails.
This Moon will also involve retrograde planets, for those who resonate with retrogrades - Saturn, and Mercury will too move retrograde on the 5th, Chiron went retrograde at the end of July, Pluto, and Neptune. As you know I do not follow traditional astrology or resonate with retrogrades, believing outer planets or forces control our lives or dictate them, is to give power to our human illusions. but if you believe in them, which is as valid as not to, then take your personal guidance about what is best for you to do during this time.
Venus in Virgo is another important cosmic meeting, as the Planet of Love will meet Virgo, which is all about devotion, service, and purity. Venus is the feminine aspect of us who creates from the womb and who gives birth within Divine love and compassion. This is wonderful energy for those who are beginning to make their passion their living as well.
Venus, the Planet of Love and Abundance in Virgo is going to teach us how to anchor all we desire to create, in the tangible, in a way that serves others, not just ourselves. This is about grounding our soul desires and goals in a way that we too nurture ourselves in the physical, at the same time that we are in service. This is what we came here to practice - being ourselves in a way that also contributes All.
Virgo also rules our relationships, allowing us to see, and discover, ourselves through the eyes of others. It is also what shows us where we are, what we need to heal, unify and what we are fomenting and shall be removed from us, and our lives or relationships, as even the toxic ones, have a purpose of showing us who we are not, and what we do not wish to keep experiment in our lives, as the more conscious we become, the more balance and harmony we create in our divine reunions as well.
When we have healed, cleared ourselves, and start moving into a more stable phase in our ascension journey, we distill the idea that all relationships come to teach us, for we no longer need to experience that if we have learned. We need to be empowered to say no when it is the time, before moving further and creating another toxic relationship, standing up for ourselves, and starting to attract the soul reunions we deserve now to experience.
On August 14th, Mercury will move into Leo. This planetary encounter is going to help us be more confident and use our energy, if first, to express ourselves, our beliefs, and what we truly think, passionately, and firmly, but without hurting or disrespecting anyone. The important thing is to go for what we truly desire, express our hearts, and contribute by sharing our ideas, and personal creations, with the world.
On August 19, we have Jupiter square Saturn. This will trigger our sense of expansion, freedom vs. responsibility, and commitment to our personal healing path and mission. In our dual world, everything is about learning how to master opposites and this is a propitious event to help us balance both.
It is a wonderful transit for us to grow in self-responsibility, owning our wounds and commit to free ourselves from them, for freedom and commitment can perfectly co-create together, if we know how to equilibrate our feelings and personal time, as there is a time for everything always, and being committed does not impede u to be free in our choices and life experience.
A few days later, on August 22nd, the sun will leave Leo and move into Virgo together with Vesta, moving as well into this sign. We are called now to ground ourselves and direct our creative power into our earthly Plane. As an Earth sign, Virgo reminds us we are here to manifest our true desires, ones that are always aligned with being of assistance, for Virgo is quite aware of its mission, which is always to be in service to All.
Virgo will bring purification in our relationships as well, cutting cords and bringing freedom as well for us in this area.
At the end of the month, on August 26, we have Ceres moving direct and Mercury too on August 28, for those of you who would be interested in knowing the dates, even though I must continue to be true to my personal beliefs.
It is a month of self-reflection, illumination, and self-ownership. All the planetary events reflect, independently of how we choose to interpret them, this same energy, for as it is in the micro it is in the macro, and we all are moving into the same divine spiral of creation, evolving at the same rhythm in our unique way, and with our unique experiences.
Finally, on August 29, Venus will move into Libra, bringing balance, which is much needed at this time, into ourselves, and the planet, and continue assisting us in our relationships. Love is the only power that can transform ourselves, our relationships, and everything else.
Venus in Libra is also about compromising ourselves, to our soul's dictamens, to bring more love and balance, and manifest what we wish in the physical world. It is about remembering the importance of getting things done, for we tend to dwell in the ethereal, and often we may forget that where we truly live now is in this physical world.
Issues of self-sacrificing can also emerge at this time, showing us where we still think that giving, until emptying ourselves, is necessary to assist, to perform in our lives, for it is an old program that must be removed, as it is not about giving without self-care, but about self-caring to be able to give.
We are going to be reminded by this planetary encounter to bring equality to all aspects of ourselves and life, seeing the areas we need to stabilize and pay more attention to, so we can create a more harmonic and stable life experience.
As we become aware that everything is a reflection of what is already inside of us, we choose to move inward to remember, receive guidance, and understand our personal microcycles better.
This month's energies are a living reminder for us to discern if we are becoming sovereign free beings, moving into harmonic timelines, or if a part of our consciousness is still trapped in the 3D world and its many diversions.
When we are honest and humble with ourselves, and where we are, we see with clarity what we need to work with, feel grateful for all the revelations we receive, and open our minds and hearts to see the truth we need at this time to continue growing and evolving.
This is a month to continue reconnecting to authentic Sources, which are always within, to see the Truth, align to it, and continue empowering ourselves to be who we are, remaining in our Higher Hearts for us and All.
When we own our energy, thoughts, feelings, wounds, and all of who we are, we become sovereign, but we need to be brave to own our darkness, as we own our light, as only in its synthesis lies enlightenment and spiritual sovereignty.
All is a personal choice, and we make this choice at every single moment of our existence. Every thought, feeling, and act determines who we are and where we are heading.
May you always think, feel, and act within Divine Love towards yourselves and All.
Have a blessed August, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Natalia Alba : Is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Crystal Therapist and Reiki Master, even though, she prefers to heal in her unique and personal way guided by her Unified Self/Guides, using crystals and sound healing therapy, as she considers that studies help us to expand ourselves into our journey of self-mastery and assistance to others but nothing external can give us the wisdom that we already possess within. Her services are based on the Guidance she receives from her Unified Self and Spirit Guides, which comes from the same Fountain of Love and Light of All That Is. Giving you the messages you need to evolve and keep discovering more about your life path as well as your Soul quest/mission. She also helps you to realize where you are at the moment and what can be shifted for the betterment of you own self and human experience, so you can be able to transform your present moment to create the future you are eager to experience as well as giving you some direction to get to where you want to be by solving and transcending the troubles that are impeding your happiness and natural soul evolution. Source Here
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